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Anecandu Sep 2016
Fragmented pieces of scarlet memories,
trees of stout arms reaching.... affection the fruit it carries,
Mauvey plumes sprout this golden harvest of my imagination.
I'm drawn to taste commitment's nectar

Hear now the sitars melody, notes in Arial Black on Milky White,
I climbed the apple tree in this garden of light,
The colorful wind melodiously blowing a heretic hero's demise,
Though shaken my grasp prevailed the prize.

Alas through and through my vantage point reveals a view,
The floating dislocated memories on a river of silky love,
That rise and brush the teardrops from my cheeks,
Then spirit away like frightened doves.
Anecandu Sep 2016
My heart was wrapped in satin paper,
My treasure on a platinum platter.

My sacrifice, on your altar displayed,
My life as a reed fife played.

My only gift to give I made,
My invitation to love.. to live,  unfrayed.

My gift misunderstood for a shiv of ivory.
My bonnie escaped  a paradise free.

My little bird come back to me.
My nights and days I prayed for thee.

My bonnie was not in sight,
My heart reset each midnight

My dislocated heart on a path found,
My mouth rejoiced but nary a sound,
  Sep 2016 Anecandu
My heart has taken a leave of absence.
meaningless ***
empty conversations
cold days
This is who I have become,
because my heart has taken a leave of absence.
She told me when she was leaving,
that all she wanted was a break from the breaking.
She told me in a whisper,
that she was losing herself.
She wrote to me,
on a tear-stained sheet,
all the things that would happen if she stayed.

But she didn't tell me
Who I would become
*Without my heart
  Sep 2016 Anecandu
Emily Dickinson

If I should die,
And you should live—
And time should gurgle on—
And morn should beam—
And noon should burn—
As it has usual done—
If Birds should build as early
And Bees as bustling go—
One might depart at option
From enterprise below!
’Tis sweet to know that stocks will stand
When we with Daisies lie—
That Commerce will continue—
And Trades as briskly fly—
It makes the parting tranquil
And keeps the soul serene—
That gentlemen so sprightly
Conduct the pleasing scene!
Anecandu Aug 2016
The girl who I love, she's made of all the good things,
Her words nibbles my ears so soft like lips on Cotton Candy rings.

The girl who I love, her eyes are sparkling polished jade,
Like deep pools of emerald in the mystical caves.

The girl who I love because of her puppy heart,
that melts my eyes to pools of crystal art.

The girl who I love that encourages me to reach for the stars,
and holds my ladder when it rattles like railroad cars.

The girl who I love who smothers me with kisses.
who spoon feeds my ego, and grants all my wishes.

Thank you for loving me.
Anecandu Aug 2016
They come to me, the words,
some on crutches, but happy like children,
they (the words) rub on my lowest ego like a wagging puppy,
no mercy, I feed them by hand to my vicious poetry.
Anecandu Aug 2016
Love in its pursuit,
its battles and wretched forms,
Has left my scarred heart so deformed.
Back then each decision so clear each episode so dear.
I dove into the deep like a Pelican without fear.
With each withdrawal that my desperate soul has spent.
My spiritual accounts are all the poorer from the net of my emotional investment.

For I bartered away a piece of me,
paying for what I knew was free,
Serendipity was my stupidity.
****** affection my neurotic affliction.
My sense, cents and senses eroded by my addiction.
Gaining affection but lost my mind at the cellular level in its creation.
My compass strayed the ties so frayed each footstep of the climb.
Somewhere along the path I was blind,
"slippery when wet" hmmm ignored that sign.

Tripping in trepidation on my way down to hell.
I sped so fast I ignored the warning bell.
Now remains all the marvelous bounty of the beauty in this history.
How I found them still a mystery.
Those moments my only victories.
They hang about my neck like aging trophies.
As I lay tripped from my trepidation
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