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It’s sad
      how the people
             you were once
                 so close with
                        can become
                       just another
you don’t know

Inspired song
1) You’ve got a friend by Carole King
Written 7-21-24 posted 8-16-24
I have been friends with Peggy for over 40 years.
I have been friends with Cindy since third grade she married my older, brother(, it didn’t work out.) But still we remain friends. The thing that changed the relationships with both of these people  is
Trump derangement. syndrome.
Even when I suggested let’s not talk Politics, it didn’t matter. I was no longer their friend. Because I voted for Trump.
I wonder now if I ever truly  had a friendship with them.
 Aug 19 Anais Vionet
 Aug 19 Anais Vionet
The weight of words unsaid
lies heavy in the air between us,
each breath a burden
laden with silence,
a thousand things left unspoken,
and in that stillness,
I know
we're breaking.
To hold on or to let go
 Aug 19 Anais Vionet
You accompanied me on my walk
You stayed with me for quite awhile flying by my side
Thought you wouldn't leave but eventually you did.
You,the Squirrel,and the Dove were welcone company
Hope we cross paths again

I have come through
the wildfires and
abject poverty.
The sardine days filled
with ghoulish women and
cowardly men.
Now, I have four
walls, and a table to
write at.
I've decorated my castle:
pictures and tapestries,
a raven figurine sitting
on a stump by the aloe vera.
I have a bookshelf from
the curb; all my
favorites are on it.
I turned my brother onto,
A Confederacy of Dunces
I hear him laugh from his
4 walls.
He escaped the
parasitical nights and the
neon souled undead.

It's a great life if
you don't succumb to
the crowd and the slugs that
just slide on through.
Now, it's the simple
things that bring me pleasure:
house plants, coffee brewing,
and the sound of my
neighbor watering his grass.
I think I will get a goldfish.
All perfect and orange.
And on the fringe, I hear
that feral cat, howling in
the night, without his
4 walls.

amazon link to new book
We are quick to complain when
the dreaded 502 Bad Gateway
appears and we cannot read or
post our creative thoughts on HP.
Some even unfairly criticize its
creator. May I remind you all,
this is a FREE Website.

If we desire better site flow,
why don't we all donate say $25
$50 or more to keep the servers
up to tip top function. I have no
idea how many of we Poets are
on this site, must be thousands.
Eloit has been footing the bill alone
from day one, it seems impossible
that it is FREE.

We pay for cable, TV, movies, our
phones, we need all that, how about
the pleasure of writing and reading
poetry on HP? What if HP went away
taking all our posts with it? Gone!

I donated $125 some time ago but
since then, I have been remiss, I will
correct this "take it for granted" oversight.
As perhaps we all should.

This has been sort of a public service
There is a way to contribute noted
on this site you must just seek it out
and follow the instructions. What are
all these hours even years of your posts
worth to you? What if they disappeared??
the smell of freshly cut grass;
so infamous that companies
have tried to bottle it a mass
but it doesn't include the many
mud, smashed sticks, twigs
insect bits, that accumulate
and get thrown in the trash.
the smell of success!
#freshlycutgrass #grass #smells #nostalgia
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