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amuba Oct 2019
The tip of your nails on my skin
Slowly grazing back and forth;
The little dances of your hair
Above my face with each breath in and out;
A dreamlike vision,
A charming creation.

Your scent and your aroma all over
Lingering behind each meeting;
Whenever you close your eyes
Lies miles of beauty only observer tastes
And when I pull you next to me
Is when I realized it’s actually a reality.
let's stay close and near always
amuba Oct 2019
The lies of nature
The nature of the beings
The unruly flow
The flow of the beings
The easily given words
The words of the beings
The meanings behind intentions
The intentions of the beings
The beings with beings
The real value and contradictions
The day of realization
The realizations of the beings
The like and unliked fits
The fittings of the beings
The only important of all
The trust of beings
The only trust that ever needed
The beings’ own trust in his being
the beings, human beings
amuba Oct 2019
The state of smoothness and rhythmic flow
The vibe of calmness and dimly glow
The sight of pleasantness and majestic show
The terrifying sound and unfinished piece
Is what it is, the feeling, the unsatisfaction
Even in poetry without no understanding of rhyme and flow
Is when I realized
It is life and how it is
That I will never be fully understood
That I have to live, me and my own mood
Trying to make some senses
From my own little lenses
Where I try to create paradise
Making the unfinished terrifying piece
A melodic heavenly harmony
Soothing to my only ear for my own understanding
That I live this life without any compromises.
We should live life in our own terms. It is impossible to make people understand us entirely. There are no such people in this world. Stop looking start living.
amuba Oct 2019
The sunset and the last light
The flower and the last bloom
A man and his last fight
To withering and doom

A compass without a needle
A fish without taste to swim
Iron weak and feeble
A man without a dream

Falling down the gutter
Dark and meaningless
Where everything seems to wither
Lives the man soulless
yes soulless is equivalent to dying while still living, similar to a man without any dreams just passing by life
amuba Oct 2019
I eat I sleep
I see the moon in the sky

I laugh I cry
Hard to understand sometimes why

You wish and me too
If only we do the same to get well by

I live and you too
Two lives don't make one but one day we do die

Part or whole in this world
We don't come and go together, no lies

Hence, as human
The best of this living in harmony let us try

I improve me and others
I live and give and we all see the moon in the sky
We live as one and as together, the right balance between individuals and the group is the perfect harmony.
amuba Oct 2019
Each day I live
An extraction of life

Each day to die
Addition to each moment

Hence, each breath in and out
An experience of life and death
each moment of life is a celebration
amuba Sep 2019
Living just under the surface
A thin cover of an imaginary skin
Sometimes rough or blessed by holy grace
A state of possible lose or win

Deeper the journey happens
Greener the grass and stronger the smell of pine
And deeper the wound opens
The more vulnerable it is and the effect of wine

When struck by the fate of reality
The realization of the world seems empty
For living in the realms of dreams
Let her drown even though she can swim

Tears become fountains of youth
Smiles transform to the place of freedom
Something bad to something good
Everything transforms no boredom

A slight notch of worry
As a girl living in this world of her imagination
That if forever she is sleepy
Never waking up from this sanity of her own creation
just about a girl who lives more in her dreams
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