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amuba Aug 2019
I lay in peace
I stay in silence
I am next to you
I keep you company

I am remembered
And sometimes I am forgotten
But still I take nothing against you
I wait eyes, ears open for your stories

I feel your face
I understand each one
I sense your smile and tears
I take them both in with blinded eyes

I am remembered
And sometimes I am forgotten
But still I take nothing against you
I wait eyes, ears open for your stories

I am soft, I am hard
I have my own personality
I do not change after you leave
I give you warmth and comfort

I am remembered
And sometimes I am forgotten
But still I take nothing against you
I wait eyes, ears open for your stories

My life fulfilled
My purpose of existence
My answers to your tears
My inner urge of satisfaction

I am whole with your presence
And sometimes empty when you are away far
I lay here patiently listening and empathizing
With eyes and ears wide open for your stories.
If only we have the non-judgmental and forever giving attitude towards others we would understand and help each other more.
amuba Aug 2019
1st verse:
Dancing kings and queens,
Living angels and shiny sheens
They, the beauty and the show
Even under the skin, I know

Dancing kings and queens,
Living angels and shiny sheens
The dancing queen in me
Shiny velvet on my body

Even without if I go
Am I beautiful to you, I doubt
Even without if I go
I am still beautiful as me I know

2nd Verse:
The sound, the rhythm
Endless melody and freedom
Mingles with my heart as I go
This piece of life as I know

The sound, the rhythm
Endless melody and freedom
The songs full or empty
From the voices in me

Even without if I go
Am I beautiful to you, I doubt
Even without if I go
I am still beautiful as me I know

In times with rusted thoughts
When I am small and nobody

I still go out and loud I scream
The world is still under my feet
My dreams are big, I still have lots to show
In my palm lies all the beauty there is, I know

Today when I go out
I hear this clear and loud
You are beautiful, we know
You were always beautiful, we know.
A song
amuba Jul 2019
The songs we used to sing
Till winter from dawn of spring
To the empty skies we flew with our wings
All these memories I put it in this wooden ring.
the wooden ring
amuba May 2019
I feel the ease,
Like wind blowing freely in the ocean.
My fingers and these words
Belonging as the words to the mouth.
Time stops as I sit here with you
That you always show me the taste of my own being.
And if I would have to go through once more the ride of life train,
I would go through you like I did again and again.

Grazing at you while you walk in front me;
Staring at your green eyes when filled with the aroma of fondness;
Falling deeper at your wittiness and burst of laughter;
Dragging me down again to the pits of your sweetness and warmth,
You are here and you are there,
I will always remember you wherever you are.

I felt the ease,
Like wind blowing freely in the ocean.
My fingers uninterrupted with these words,
Time storms like hurricanes, fast and destructive
Leaving a scar deep,
That you just showed up
That you already had messed me up then
And here you are leaving me like you always do again and again.
To you, to that person who makes me the most chatty and comfortable, the only problem you need to stay close to me.
amuba May 2019
Why do we keep putting ourselves down
Believing in our own lies?
How creative are we to fool ourselves with our own words
Trusting them as realities.

Following my own set of rules to destruction,
Craving for validation and people to our own happiness,
When happiness is just a state of mind not a result.
The culprit, the brainchild, the source, "thoughts".

Barriers and walls are broken
Beliefs are bent,
The mind goes to the hole of confusion,
When we realize there were no walls to begin with.
All and all being created,
Imaginatively, concretely,
Each measure of the brick
So true and so false.

Tricks and games
Manipulation and lies
All has a reason
And all with an end.
But embedded in it,
Lies a piece of wisdom
A wise reaction to the actions
An answer to our very "thoughts".

This short span of creation called "life"
Why do we tend to lead it with worry?
To inadequacy and lack of trust,
While all we have to do was just to love ourselves.

Love ourselves so much till we love every single being.
Appreciate each incapabilities as our unique traits,
Each failures as our own personalities,
Every mistakes as our biggest prizes won.

As in these lies our biggest trust to ourselves,
To the construction of our own personalities,
To the acceptance we so crave for
And also, to love and be loved.
We live in constant doubt of ourselves in every possible field, leading us to worry every moment we are in those thoughts.
Lets relax take a deep breathe in, take time to observe ourselves, learn about ourselves and hence naturally love and appreciation will follow when we see the reality, when the fairy tale has ended.
amuba May 2019
My skin soft
My bones weak
My age immature
My broken spirit

A circus of possibilities
To every problem and remedies
Yet questioning my insanity and abilities
"Am I even possible?"

My skills deficient
My imagination corrupt
My vision bent
My self-image disgust

A dream meaningful and big
Once was now downhill
Questioning my insanity and abilities
"Am I even possible?"

A spill of my own prison
A path to my own oblivion
A thirst of inner expression
A sudden spark to my salvation

Am I even possible
Tell me Lord, is it worth the tears?
Are we born with wonders?
Or die wondering - "If ever I was possible?".
I wanted to write this piece for a long time. It had been inside my head for quite a while but never really able to express it somehow. I keep asking this - "Are we born Mozart in some ways or will die not trying and knowing?"
amuba Apr 2019
In this world of turmoil and despair
How do we survive and the faults we repair?
This world of superficial extent of my depth
My own denial and promises unkept.
This world inside that I am talking about,
The **** dark and shallow turns inside out.
Even this very thing that I do
Won't help much I knew.
I sound pathetic,
Angelically demonic,
Well willingly manipulative,
Passively aggressive.
Unsound version of this internal world
Shreds the skins and silent cold
This **** world that we live in
First we die externally till we try to fit in.
no notes
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