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 Feb 2017 allie
Cassidy Jackson
A puzzle is easy to take apart but hard to put together
The bigger the puzzle the more frustrating it gets
And sometimes we give up on the challenge

I am a puzzle
A one thousand piece puzzle

I gave up on putting myself back together
Too many missing pieces
Too hard of a challenge
 Feb 2017 allie
Sometimes (most of the time),
The title takes more effort than the poem.
If you're inspired, your pen moves your wrist
Faster, almost, than the brain can think of sentences.
And even when you're not inspired, when you've got writer's block,
You manage to think of a topic and away your talented self goes.
Then there's the title.
Do you want it to be simple or eye-catching
To the point of forcing people's eyes to read more?
Will you use a line from the poem,
Perhaps a word that sums up the general mood?
Or are you like me?
Do you want to think up a word combination
That probably doesn't exist anywhere except your poem?
Are you urging your brain like whipping an already-galloping horse
To think up a word far beyond your vocabulary skills?
I can write a poem in ten minutes,
And spend a week waiting for the perfect title.
Sometimes it never comes, but when it does,
I often love the titles more than its content.
Handy tip: If you're reading a poem I've written and the title is only one word, I probably hate it.
 Feb 2017 allie
Poetic T
Humanity is our seed,
but we are not apples that are ripe.

                      We are the maggots inside...
crawling upon the others
                 to feed on the pains we secrete out....
 Feb 2017 allie
 Feb 2017 allie
her hands were ice
his hands were fire
when they connected
they canceled out
and there was no more
like if yours canceled out, too
 Feb 2017 allie
Thank you for making music
Thank you for making me laugh
When I need someone beside me
Your music is there
So I'm going to thank you
One more time
Thank you
To my favorite bands
For making me happy
Thank you
Dedicated to One Direction and Five Seconds Of Summer.
Like this if you have favorite music.
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