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am i ee Apr 2022

Lantern light

Star light
Moon light

These are the lights I love!

Soothing light,
warm light,

peaceful light,
Natural light.

Mother Nature
Designed by her,

Her grand plan
Utter perfection!
am i ee Sep 2015
back at the ranch,
.....or hacienda or suburban condo,

the young suburban ma'am
was weeping, 'n cryingn  'n sobbing,
having thrown herself down on her
soft, velvet covered chaise lounge.

"where are you Manly Cowboy?"
she wept
"wherefore did thou go?"
"whyfore have you doth forsaken me so?"
"in my hour of need?"

Boo hoo hoo hoo

the wailing was reaching a rather
intense volume,
so much so,

there was a knock at the door.

wiping her tears from her
bright red swollen eyes and cheeks,
with her delicately embroidered
her long white gosling robed gown
trailing her as,
she went to the door.

opening it,
what did she see?

but standing there,
there stood,
handsome, tall,
muscular man
of a manly plumber
she had ever seen.

said he,
"i couldn't but help to be
your pitiful wails.

and i thought you might
need some help.

anything i can do to
assist you ma'am?"

thought she,
this is the best iimprovement
in many a long day,
since the Manly Cowboy
had gone away.

"yes, you can" replied she
"would you like to come in
and take a cup of tea
with me?"

......not so fast,  
we're not done
with this one.

"certainly, i would" replied he,
"and, well, ma'am, if it isn't any
trouble for you,
i'd really prefer something
a little stronger,
per chance, do you have
any beer?"

"why yes i do." says she

"cold?" asks he

"as a snowball in hell." she replied

the manly plumber strode in,
his tools jangling about
his firm hips and strong legs.

excusing herself,
she went to the kitchen and
opened up two beers.

pouring one in a tall glass,
over ice,
she poured an eighth of the other
into another
and finished filling it up
by adding warm water
from the tap.

she did this to prevent herself
from getting too tipsy
as she was dehydrated from
all of her crying.

out she walked,
two tall glasses
in hand,
she handed one to him
and looked over the other.

the first shy smile
her sweet face
had seen in a while,
began creeping up.


now? who had gone???

the manly cowboy
lying on his back
of some foriegn land,
looked up and
saw a star twinkling
high in the sky,
and he smiled.
as is readily apparent the suburban ma'am has no clue about forth and fort and doths, but she was finding out that simply by adding a 'th' to her travails, it sounded SO much better.

Oh and ....if you have a hankerin' to read from the beginning... see the Collections,  The Manly Cowboy & Chronicles of a Big Fat Yellow Bootay
am i ee Sep 2015
The manly cowboy
continued his travels
across the land,
of merry ole England,
drinking a little mead,
riding his steed.

Walking along one day
beside his horse,
says to his horse,
a question this way,
says he.

"What's your name?"

"Randall." she replied.
for his steed was a she.

"WHAT did you say?
What the hell kinda name is that?"

"And please pardon me for my language,
your answer took me by surprise."

"For your information kind sir,
i am highly educated
and well brought up.

what did you expect?
some silly name
like Bay
or Susie?
or ,
if i hailed from
your part of the world,
or Blaze
or Cimmaron?

Oh no, i know,
you might
have very well
named me

Scratching his head,
the manly cowboy
just looked askew,
completely anew,
at this fine steed.


Off they trode,
adventures to be made,
fast becoming fine friends,
as they were
running the roads to the ends.

Many a new sight did they see,
then one day they happened upon
Queen E.

"That's one fine looking six shooter
you have there."
said the great ruler with
the neatly coiffed gray hair.

"May I?"  asked she,
her royal hand outstretched.

Happy to oblige,
this woman who
has ruled so long,
seen so much.

Handing her his gun,
so carefully,
he inquired,

"Do you know how one of these things works Ma'm?"
asked he
"Don't be so silly
you manly cowboy.
Of course! "
said she,

With that,
she turned
and shot
every chamber bare,
six apples from
the tops of six heads
of her many heirs.

"Here, come join us."
said she,
"We're out for a ride
to look at the tide."

So the manly cowboy
threw in with the royal
mob for the day.

Riding far and wide
treated to vast
expanses and views,
and the eternal tide.

Having so much fun
shooting and riding,
out in the fresh air,
out in the sun.

At last evening approached
too fast and suddenly.
"What a day i have had,
one to always remember,
to recount over fires
many a coming night."

With that,
he took his leave,
tipped his hat,
and bowed to Queen E
so gentlemanly.
A collection, The Manly Cowboy, exists now for your reading ease. : )
am i ee Sep 2015
the manly cowboy
settled in for the night,
after a long day of
pure athletic delight.

delivered the mail
did they,
deliciously slow
as any snail
on the go.

he opened
and read,
that a young brave was
a looking for his head.

so he got to thinking,
i'd better still wander,
way over yonder,
way over here,
so 'n he can a ponder,
ifn'  he is still awantin'
to be,
scalpin' me?

never one to hurry,
why ever  scurry?
the brave young lad,
or young lad brave,
couldn't possibly be that bad!

i'll give him some time,
and not start to whine.
(and most certainly not in rhyme)
we can find,
i  am sure,
just the right cure.
thought the manly cowboy,
think did he.

many a mate,
but never as a date,
he did spend
with many a good friend.

not that he minded,
nor cared, where love was a finded.
nor with who,
nor whom,
that's entirely up to you,
before you are laid to rest in your tomb.

out in the wild,
did he spend,
many a night and day
and not a one,
did go astray.

always polite.
nary a fight.
i'll give this good brave guy
a little time to go by,
just a little to fly.

he will be a findin'
i don't be a mindin'
differences in thoughts
differences in gots.

i might be having a few
but i shall say to you,
'Hey buddy
what do you say?
think we can be friends
one day?'

with that optimistic thought
in mind
he turned to his bed roll,
rolling out in a straight line,
lookin' to find,
a peaceful night's sleep
never hearing a peep.

and a brand new day,
coming up his way.
always curious to see,
ever unfolding,
however they been molded,
life's great mysteries.

with that,
he tipped his hat
over his eyes,
so very gentlemanly.
if you have a hankerin' to read from the beginning... see the Collections,  The Manly Cowboy & Chronicles of a Big Fat Yellow Bootay
am i ee Oct 2015
cool rain falls,
Randall and the
manly cowboy

frolick about
in the rain
am i ee May 2022
the moon started
calling to me
from out
of my deep slumber.

whispering silently,

'come on out,
visit with me
just for a bit,
sit with me for a spell.'

she said.

had to get up,
out from under my warm covers,
out from my warm bed,

to step outside ,
to commune with her again.  

in this quiet,still
this silent, part of this night.  

Just me,
and the moon,
this glorious cold night!
Such relief from the inane activity
of ‘civilized’ suburbia)
am i ee Sep 2015
the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

i miss you my sweet love,
my dear sweet friend
and our long soft moonlight chats

the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

why have you forsaken me?
where fore did thou go?

the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

i kept her waiting,
waiting through many a night
so long, so lonely for she

just one more moment
then i will be out, be out to join you
my dear sweet and loyal moon, my moon light friend

the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering

patiently as ever, for eons and more
she kept whispering to me
but i wasn’t answering......

as she slid quietly away
the moon kept on calling me
but i wasn’t answering…...

would i ever answer her,
ever again?
written on this magical & deliciously cool night of September,
after this kind Pope has now departed & the crickets keep singing...
i shall return soon, for i miss them too.

kind readers, any education you can give on how to use the languge attempted in the 4th pair of lines, would be graciously accepted with utmost thanks.

and i would have formatted the entire poem in italics, but i don't know how to do that in one swell swift move or two clicks, so i leave her this way... for i am too lazy to go in line by line... dear sweet Elliot, perhaps you will send an angel to whisper to me how to do this in my ear?

as a writer, i would like to be able to do this and just now i thought of trying to move it out, then back from another program, but i am not sure if that will work here and i'd rather keep on writing than get into a fight between software.
am i ee Aug 2015
six bees
and a butterfly

a daddy long legs

...the neighborhood is improving.
am i ee Dec 2022
the new boyfriend
now the gone boyfriend

such fun we did have
that first morning

what is your name?
I can't remember yours either

how much fun is that
after a crazy night

barking dog
wandering paws

such delight

hotels, bars, roads
in common

lives lived in parallel
at the same time

movies, songs

laughter, yoking
such great fun

chasms of differences
matriarchy patriarchy

making someone into
what you like

i've been there too
how funny to have you

do that to me too

endless days
and nights

of talking

voraciously consuming
one another's forms

ah the adventure
ah the divine touch

seeing yourself in
the other

duality at its
very very best

duality at its
very very worst

you can't save another
nor fix them

the road
is a solitary one

the work is hard
and it plumbs the depth of your soul

of who you are

don't waste your time
in this life

recognize who
and what you are

we are ALL
the ONE

see yourself in
each and every creature

each and every being
every tree

every star
every celestial object

each and every drop of rain
and every body of water

laugh like a child
cry like a child

love like there is no tomorrow

nothing is ever lost
only changing form

om mani padme hung
may all live lives of ease, of health, of happiness, of infinite love
am i ee May 2022

'makes a dune of sandy wasted time'...

feeling that line settle in.  

Eliciting a tingle,
up my spine,
through my circuits,
in my organism.  

Words well worth pondering.  

But wait
there is more...

thanks for the new word
fellow poet here,


who knew?

that one so good,
out there,
for me,
for you?

*thanks Richard Barnes!
Thank you Richard Barnes 16h.   for the inspiration your poem gave this morning.

...a dune of sandy wasted time.
Old age,
feel the strength
not from height or thew, but
By a heart profoundly stirred
by prophetic eyes through and through,
the fullness of the past,
But were we ever young?
Now a prison of weary pain
Dull remembrance of what has changed.
Thrown off the cliff of time with
mists that clogs a future pantomime
when it all ends as  the hour glass sands
makes a dune of sandy wasted time.
am i ee Mar 2016
hawk greets
trees bare
empty paths

water flowing
goose ***** into river
heron takes flight

red headed woodpecker
flits from tree to tree
a happy morning sight

footsteps crunching dry leaves
deer dash off in a rush
white tails high

first morning of the new third month
this in year of the Fire Monkey....
am i ee Dec 2022
got myself a new boyfriend
turned out to be my twin


never laughed so hard
cried so much

danced so long

moaned in ecstasy so many times
well there goes that vow of celibacy

re-entering this manifested existence
a little quiz from the absolute

7 years of silence and stillness and solitude
turned on its head

Oh the joy
the delicious pain of

isn't it a hoot?

and now he is gone

where will this roller coaster end
this time?

will he ever reappear again?
am i ee Aug 2015
little toad
no larger than
a fingernail.

perfectly camouflaged,
until you jump!
am i ee Feb 2016
out to get the paper
in bare feet…

so sweet

… the dusting of snow
cools my toes
am i ee Oct 2015
too much motion unsettles the chi
6 words
am i ee Sep 2015
if we are ALL the  ONE,
which part of the ONE are you?
am i ee Jan 2016
Om came in on the dog's nose
am i ee Jan 2016
blizzard passes
fluffy snow left
deep footprints

sun comes out
melting mountains of snow
night falls

cold descends
ice freezes hard
top layer of snow

now hard
feet don't
fall deep

owing the universe
a mountain of shoveling
shovel in hand

off i go.....
am i ee Jan 2016
the delicious silence
forms tucked away
in beds
dreaming sleeping dreams

the town silent
only the night
shift toils away

and even they

the sky hidden
by a blanket of clouds
rain paused

a peaceful heart
breathes in

thoughts abated
warm messages

an army of wonderful
reaching out to
one another

bringing love and joy
into a little corner of another
part of this little

she spins
out in space
green and blue and white

dear dear Mother Earth
so small when seen from above
so huge when seen from below

peals of laughter ring across her
sobs of sorrow water her

ever there
ever here

we are all one
here on this little
spinning rock

wake up and
be the love
be the light
be the compassion

simply be
in peace
in stillness
in silence
in solitude

am i ee Nov 2024
sitting in my house
windows and doors closed

the sound of blowers
seeps in

incessantly, unending
all year, every day

traffic, beepers
voices on phones in the woods

when did the world become so loud?
when did we stop savoring silence?

am i ee Feb 2016
the songs have

silence in the car
silence in my heart

the songs of others
fill my ears

the songs of others
fill my throat

but mine
have gone silent

the silly ones
the sad ones

all have flown

off somewhere
off all alone

a song almost
began today

my little furry
friend at play

these precious
fuzzy creatures

lighten my heart
such love pours out....
i miss my sweet buddies... my muses for my silly songs... about them... about our love... about our times together... Big Fat Yellow Bootay was created from time spent driving with this latest love of my life....  the songs will begin again... when the time is right.... time for each season in its turn....
am i ee Jul 2015
Star light, star bright
where is my puppy tonight?

dancing across the stars,
joyful and free.

Surfing the milky way
galaxy through galaxy.

turning the heavens upside down,
Cassiopeia now upturned into an M.

lapping from the dippers,
drops splashing all around.
settling here on the earth as fresh dew each morn,
or the gentle rain falling down.

pulling Orion's belt,
Orion with his sword held high,
chasing you around.

Laughing and leaping,
Ah to be so free and light.

racing the moon across the sky,
catching it each month with delight.

a new moon appears,
the chase begins anew.
chewing the old moon
until it disappears.

star light,
star bright ,
will you perhaps bring me another puppy when it is light?

*penned with much love for all those friends who so dear,
have left us here. ~ 29 December 2012
am i ee Feb 2016
i forget

deep at night
no one
no thing

deep bliss

i wake
in lila

who am i?
what am i?

i lose everything

they are me

are they afraid?

so violent?

i am ready to
give this
false life
for the
knowledge of
the ONE


please don't
crucify me

if you do
it matters not

the way of
the manifestation

who are YOU?

who am I???

or i  ???
no ego... i sure hope not.....
am i ee Sep 2015
Living deep in the mountains
I've grown fond
of the soughing pines -
on days when the wind is still
how lonely it becomes!

~  Otagaki Rengetsu
am i ee Jan 2016
why am i so ******* weird?

your guess is as good as mine
but let us not ponder this too too much

who the **** cares...
celebrate the differences
celebrate those that forge a different path
celebrate the diversity in Mother Nature

who wants to be like the rest of the pack?
who wants to be a sheep?
an asleep sheep?

not me i say!
if there was any i to say....

perhaps the Taoists have something
to do with it
well ... just this last bit.....

they accept all
all practices
unique and varied

why must the masses
cast such hate and derision
upon those who are
free spirits?

you free spirits out there...
**** em

don't ever change....
be you
you are me
and i love you
and i love me

see what fun we

so go on now
be really ******* weird
let's make it one big
fun contest
and drive the rest
for all the suffering free spirits out there... this is one ******* whild world... embrace it ... just don't take it seriously & as a wise man once said to me "what do you care what anyone thinks of you?  ... in great gratitude to you my sweet guru and dearest love ...our time together was too too short... but you taught me well & i will always do it MY WAY
am i ee Feb 2016



am i ee Feb 2016
years pass

things that
bothered me

songs that
pierced my heart

songs that
brought only
sad memories

how i kick my
for getting rid of you

vinyl and CD
but especially
****... why did i let you go
steeping in the memories

how fast
they take
right back

to those moments
bittersweet memories
with ones we loved
so seemingly deep
or not
such great passion
such great wisdom

don't hurry through
your pain
but don't ever
think you cannot
get through it
if you so choose

sometimes it is time
to check out
who am i
to say

another day.....
another moment...
will change how
you feel
what you think.....

i say...
plan it out
be very detailed
but do not be impetuous

take your time

for you have all
the time in the world
all the time in the

for there is no where to go
nothing to do
all the time to
get there

if you might
ever ask for my advice
and i caution you
you may not want to
do that

procrastination in
some things
is the very best

now what the ****
am i talking about...

i know.
do you????
am i ee Feb 2016
the poet

we are

each other

your words
strike my heart

i never knew
the words
you share

i love you
in all your
all your

what a curious time
we spend on this plane

odd &&&&

well odd

we are one

times lost
times forgoten

my family....
i love you so

i miss you so

hard words
my heart is soft

i love you SO

the little furry

they are me
they are you

please don't hide
please don't
be so scared

please don't
so boxed

open up
to the ALL

and you
who might be
the familiy


for we are ALL


embrace ALL

for we are the ONE

blah  blah blah
will it ever end?

— The End —