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Feb 2017 · 368
I Won't Think Of You
Gidgette Feb 2017
I'll watch the sky bleed, once again this morning
At the behest of the sun's blade
And I won't think of you
I'll see the frost sparkle on the grass like pixie dust
Listen to the cardinals chirp
And I won't think of you
I'll sit on those old tree roots up at the top of the hill,
Watch the mist rise off the lake
And I won't think of you
I'll watch the squirrels chase each other
Scare the graceful deer with my steps
And I promise,
I won't think of you
Feb 2017 · 258
Our Truths
Gidgette Feb 2017
I may see yellow,
Where you see red
Am I less than you?
Are you alive
Whilst I'm dead?
My thruth is my own,
As is yours
We all see it differently
When we look through other doors
Truth can never Be singular
We all see as we will
Would you lay it upon me
To pay your truths Bill?
While the sky moves for you
Perhaps for me, it's still
And maybe my "never land"
For you, is real
For Light House. My friend. :) with all "my truth" I would NEVER wish to offend. I simply offer a thought.
Feb 2017 · 1.4k
Closed Book
Gidgette Feb 2017
I hang on his every word
Like a wriggling worm From the beak of lovely bird

He's the safe I'll never crack
The elusive dancer covered in black

He terrifies and confounds me
And I don't even think he see's

He is the closed book that I can never open
All the words I wish to say but can't be spoken

He's the poem, that I can never write
For me, he's the moon glowing at night

My closed book, who's stories I'll never know
Because I'm the desert, and he's the snow
So maybe, just maybe, it does snow in the desert;) He said it does. Sometimes.
Feb 2017 · 733
Daffodils In February
Gidgette Feb 2017
Bright yellow, sweet smelling flowers
Surrounded by leaveless trees under grey winter skies
I want to cut them, keep them for my own
Dazzle my eyes and my eyes alone
With their brightness
Their yellow colour of hope
Hope that spring will come again
That leaves will sprout green and whisper secrets with the breezes
Too cold even for the grass to be green
But the daffodils, burst forth baring the colour of the sun
Promising hope.....
The daffodils here are in full bloom. It's beautiful.
Feb 2017 · 279
Wearing You....
Gidgette Feb 2017
Would that I may,
I'd wear you
Wrap myself in you,
Like the softness of silken sheets
The velvet of a winter sky,
Kisses of a heavy snow
Because you,
Look so good on me....
It's the Scorpio moon. I swear it....
Feb 2017 · 437
Slipping On Moon Beams
Gidgette Feb 2017
I slipped last night
On a moon beam,
Shining through the window glass
Onto my bedroom floor
And I fell into the night
With you
The stars chattered in Twinkles
At the two of us, laying on their velvet night sky
So beautiful, that the very shadow of the earth
Decided to join us, and the moon
For an eclipsing view
Of me and you
Gidgette Feb 2017
Write with me

I want to hurt you
Mark your skin
My territory
My personal sin

Lock me up
Put me away
I'll let you order me
Like room service, as you say

I want to inject you
Directly into my vein
My new drug
Beautiful pain

Be my straight jacket
Hold me down
Be the addiction
To which I'm bound

Please finish, Sir,

"You asked me to finish it
Dare I say, I cannot
I'd need you beside me,
Screaming when to stop

I'm not sure where I begin
Or when or if, you ever end
Time is but an icicle,
After reading what you send

So grab those silver bracelets
And lock me into place
You can throw away the key
So long as I see your face

I'd crush the states between us
Set fire to all the land
If it meant bringing you closer
To my trembling, Cold hands

Warm me up?
Not a question
But my demand"

And thus, I quiver
Far beyond shake
Just the thought of your skin
Causes the earth to quake

Cold hands?
Please, let me heat them up
And when I'm filled with you
Over fill my "cup"

Spill yourself
Deep inside
What's left of me

Do with me
As you please,
Because for you,
I'd stay on bent knees
A collaboration with Sir WCA. His words are in quotation. Mine are not. Isn't he great?
Feb 2017 · 296
The Empty Sky Pays The Bill
Gidgette Feb 2017
My reality is fake
Stuff my mouth with bittersweet cake
Come here you, and take
All of me that's left
Pick me like crows
Because only God knows
You put out, my flames that glow
In silence
At the violence
You bestowe
Upon me
And God knows
The godless heavens see
What you don't
Things that you won't
Make of me what you will
The empty sky will pay the bill
Feb 2017 · 274
Gidgette Feb 2017
My soul is smashed
And I sold it in a back room
To the tune,
Of a generic remake of Johnny Cash
I choke, on the blood I bleed
From staying on my knees,
Sending God pleas
No heart, in me to beat
I should've kept the receipt
For the soul, I sold, in deceit
For spoken words, I've never had a use
Conversation abuse
So they deem me obtuse
I should wash my mouth out with soap
For the few words escaping my throat
Keeping my thoughts protected by a mental moat
And I'll continue to choke
On this blood I bleed
Staying on my knees
Sending God pleas
My soul, will never return
But I don't have to wait, for hell, to burn

Can you hear me SCREAM?
Feb 2017 · 761
And You,
Gidgette Feb 2017
You, you broke me
Swallowed the sea
Lied to me
Can't you see
And you, You sin
You win
Drank the devils gin
Play your game again
You, youre gold
Shiny lies told
Beautiful origami fold
Love stories of old
And you, your great
200 dollar plate
My karmic fate
All that I love
And hate
And you, youre something
While I'm nothing
In your hand
Blown away....
Feb 2017 · 531
And I,
Gidgette Feb 2017
I stay drunk these days
Drink it away
The pain
In vain
Never leaves
And I, I grieve
Can't get up
Out of bed
The words you said
Echo in my head
At ease
And I, I can't
Just Please
My skin burns
My soul yearns
The years
These tears
And I, I die
I cry
Ask God why
He won't answer
And I, I'm just
A silly ballet dancer
You, youre the sky
The sun
And I, I'm done
Feb 2017 · 984
Mr. Cash's Line
Gidgette Feb 2017
Would you walk with me?
Just For a while
That "line" Mr. Cash
Brought into style
Will you keep the ends up
For the ties that bind?
For me,
Will you walk the "the line"?
For you,
I keep my eyes wide open
All the time
But for me,
Would you walk,"The Line"?
Is it easy
For your heart to be true?
Because I walk,"The Line"
Just For you
If you've not listened to Johny Cash sing "Walk The Line". You've never been in love. Period.
Feb 2017 · 336
Gidgette Feb 2017
So I've heard,
As of late
That those of importance
Are considered too great
To be called "crazy"
Money, buys "eccentric"
Well, heavens me, I was unaware
I thought money, paid the electric
I prefer crazy
That, Surely I am
Loony as they come
I bare no scam
The things I do
The things I think
I'm well aware
I'm on the brink
My funny hats
The bluntness I speak
I've reached the peak
The pentacle
If you will
And I care not,
Who foots the bill
I'll sing, dance
And loudly cry
I'll change moods in a snap
Not give a **** why
I'm not crazy
Just eccentric
And **** all your money
That pays the electric
I'm sticking my tongue out. You can't see, but I am. Right now
Feb 2017 · 241
Tee Shirt
Gidgette Feb 2017
I'm jealous
Of that tee shirt
The way it so carelessly lays
Against his ink covered skin
I wish I were that
Tee shirt
Silly unrequited love. To wish to be a shirt. How very silly. But silly I am.
Feb 2017 · 807
Of All, And Anything......
Gidgette Feb 2017
And this,
Is of all and anything...

Little girls wear too much makeup
Pre-teens, children
Everyone shaves or waxes their genitals
**** and **** "jobs"
Are commonalities
The fridge repair man came today
Cash, or *******?
I'm not sure,
***** stamped,
on makeup
My five year old worries about her hair,
Style and colour
She asks questions
I can't answer
My therapist
Charges too much,
Feeling too much
Six figure income,
And paying only less,
Than five dollars a day,
In child support
Husbands, locking up wives
And getting by,
Mothers, stripping
To make ends meet
No judgement here
Not that I could,
Nor, that I ever would
Thinking about,
In trash cans
Where real souls dwell
Infections of the uninsured,
All's well
I swear.....
This is
Please do forgive, if I've upset anyone. I've had far too much to drink. And I'm insane. As you all know. But, I think. I feel. Too much, I suppose. Love and Light for you all. And God help you poets out there. For, we all feel and see far more than anyone ever should have to. I love you all.-agb
Feb 2017 · 342
We Two Corpses
Gidgette Feb 2017
We two, ignorantly speaking
Of how fate and time brought us together
Whispering of words like eternity
And forever
Until the smell took over
Forcing us to see what fate really gave
We were merely two corpses thrown together
To save space in this mass grave
Feb 2017 · 321
That Woman In The Basement
Gidgette Feb 2017
There's a woman, in the basement, still
Her screams, they wake me at night
She eternally beats on the walls
Yet, no freedom, none in her sight
33 days, kept in the damp,
The dark
Those 33 days of night,
Have forever left their mark
Her finger nails gone,
From scratching at concrete
I hear her praying
To the creator, she wishes to meet
Her voice loud, though hoarse and cracked
Ringing forever in my ears
And somehow, I know I'll hear her screams
Every night and day, All the rest of my years
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
The Whippoorwill
Gidgette Feb 2017
On her bed, she lay so still,
Listening to the singing,
Of the whippoorwill
I took her hand,
Put it in mine
Combed her dark hair,
So long and fine
Then I dried,
Deaths sweat, from her brow
Knowing she didn't have,
Too much longer now
She opened her eyes,
Gave me a smile
She said,"Dear friend,
I'll see you,
In a little while."
The tears in my eyes,
Oh, how they stung
And on, and on,
The whippoorwill sung.....
For my Carly. May she rest in peace. Were it, I could share with you all her dark beauty, I would. She had waist length black, wavy hair and a naturally perfect smile that would take the devils breath. She died of brain cancer. She was pregnant with Madiline Rose. Little Maddy, died one day before my Carly. They were the very meaning of beautiful. I named my Stella for her. Stella Carly Byers.
Feb 2017 · 409
Happy Valentine's Day
Gidgette Feb 2017
Well hell,
Its nearly that day again
Ain't it swell?
All the pretend happy couples
Holding hands and lying to one another
Spending ridiculous amounts of money on candy in fancy boxes
Diabetes wraped beautifully,
Fat *** at no extra charge
Ah and the flowers,
That will sit in a vase and die in four days tops
Then be thrown in trash
And all the given faux or real jewelry
Shiny ****, to deflect from the dullness of the lies spread about like fertilizer, manure
Stinking, much in the same way

Happy Valentine's Day
Feb 2017 · 1.0k
Death, A She
Gidgette Feb 2017
No one told me,
Death, was a she
She stopped by my house,
We had tea
She spread her black wings
In my sitting room,
She was beautiful
But smelled of doom,
I called her a *****,
She said to me,
"Sorry, my dear,
I'm necessity."
Feb 2017 · 398
Were We?
Gidgette Feb 2017
Were we ever
Anything more than slurred
Whispered through liquor stained lips
Were we merely the
That formed by night
On the window glass
Only to melt away
With the rising sun
A passing
In an ocean of thoughts
Washed away,
With the tide
Were we only a
A product of a drug induced sleep?

Were We?
Feb 2017 · 480
When Poetry Is Gone......
Gidgette Feb 2017
So I tried to share,
Something beautiful
With even my mother
She's a zombie
Like the rest
Few words at a time,
At her best
What will happen?
When we're all illiterate?
When poetry is gone
I believe,
That'll be it
No more humanity,
No more beauty
And that's all I have to say of that.......
It makes me sick. The zombies of today. I'm sorry mom. That you can't see. That no one can see. And I'm sorry poets of tomorrow....May all The Great poets of yesterday, spin in their graves.
Feb 2017 · 981
Pieces, And Parts
Gidgette Feb 2017
Teeth, and gums
A beat
Tearing of flesh
With "LOVE"
Bleeding hearts
And parts
Gidgette Jan 2017
I was never a rose,
But green
Not a chrysanthemum,
Nor an orchid
Something cut,
Walked upon
And yet,
You were the dew
And kissed me,
With a thousand moist kisses
Making me sparkle
In the sunrise
Well, I didnt even know this was chosen as the daily till just a second ago. Thank you all so very much!
Jan 2017 · 375
More Or Less?
Gidgette Jan 2017
We're we ever,
But grains
Of sand,
Less, us
We? But ideas
Of tomorrow's
Gidgette Jan 2017
I was making dinner
Just the other night
My little girl, my all
Asked me,"Momma, am I ugly?"
I stopped,
Dead in my tracks
****, grilled onions and peppers
To hell with fried okra
Let them burn in butter
I say,"What on earth, would make you think such a thing?"
My Stella, my all,
Replies," My friend, said I am ugly.
She said my scars are funny."
My heart, STOPPED
What does a mother say?
I was at a loss,
My face, drained of blood
My Stella?
She was sick,
At birth
Yes, she has her scars,
Yes, she's abnormally small
But I think,
She's the most beautiful
I knelt,
Got on my knees
I looked in her beautiful,
Sky coloured eyes
And I said,
"Stella, you, are beautiful.
In all my life, never, have I seen a more beautiful little girl. Your scars, well, those are Gods love marks. Like lipstick kisses. And they make you special."
I had no Idea how to respond to such a thing. I think, it would serve us all well, to be Blind for a short period of our lives. I never called the mother of stell's friend. Maybe a mistake on my part. But my Stella, smiles. And that's all that matters.;)
Jan 2017 · 579
A Memorial For Common Sense
Gidgette Jan 2017
I'm afraid common sense,
Sadly, has died
Invitations were sent,
But very few replied
It was even announced,
In the papers, on the news
I guess everyone was too busy,
With Donald Trump interviews
Mysterious, I think
That the day of the inauguration,
Common sense met,
Its final destination
Well, I really do wish I cared whom this offends. Sadly, I do not.
Gidgette Jan 2017
People, they don't wish to see, or hear
They like only what they see, that is pleasant,
Their reality,
Consists only of *******
Parties, skin,
Thats it
Skin, and bone
No more,
No less
Silly creatures
Feeling nothing,
Thats people

Heaven help us all,
And GOD bless
It's all just a wash.
Gidgette Jan 2017
I don't belong,
In this "modern age"
Mom said,"Mandy,
You need a face book page"
I had one, once that I abandoned
I must've forgotten why
It didn't take me long,
To remember, it's all a lie
I prefer the woods,
You can't "filter" the view of an evergreen
No downloads in nature,
Just life, real and clean
The sound of squirrels at play,
The smell of rotten leaves
Watching the breaking of day,
No cleavage shown
Not a ***** in site,
Unless the deer are in rut
Then you just might
No "look at me's"
No "See what I've got"
Social media, I believe,
Causes brain rot
If I'm not in the woods,
My nose is in a book
Give me pretty words,
Then I'll take a second look
I already "friended",
Pen and page
I've nary a need,
For a "fake book" page
I like the dirt,
Things that grow
When it's winter,
I like the snow
I say,"Mom, I have an account,
On a poetry site,
Where people read poems
And all of us write.
Our words and dreams,
Thats what we share
And instead of our possessions or skin,
Its our stories, we bare."
Yea, I think it's safe to say
I don't care for this modern age,
And I've nary a single reason
For "fake book" page
I don't mean to offend. Just an opinion.
Jan 2017 · 726
The Cloaking Darkness
Gidgette Jan 2017
She counted time not,
In hours or even days
But in stollen moments
Glances, caught
From loving eyes
Graceful touches,
Deemed "sins"
The wife of a beast,
Daughter of a merchant
She, the sold wares
Counting not, the hours of absense
But time gauged in wishes,
Her scarlet letter, blackened
Worn over her breast
Scars hidden,
Beneath fine clothes
She wears the jewels given her,
To blind onlookers
To the cloaking darkness,
That covers her soul
Jan 2017 · 768
I watch Them Dance
Gidgette Jan 2017
I watch the sun dance,
Everyday that it cares to shine,
On the lake
Every time the wind bothers to blow a kiss to the earth
That sun sways to dazzle
Though the sun, and the moon
Show off, and dance, for the water they both so love
The water always kisses the shore
And the uncaring land,
Cares no more, than to push the waving lips of the water
Perhaps a bad title.
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Heart Murmur
Gidgette Jan 2017
You said to me,
" Wow, I think my heart beats an extra time when get I too excited."
I thought " Its because my heart beats in there too.
You are my heart disease,
As I've given my heart to you."
Jan 2017 · 1.4k
Crazy Bitch
Gidgette Jan 2017
I saved a candle from my pity party
Just to burn your house down
Yep, crazy ***** here
Spread the word around
I sent you an invitation
I guess it got lost in the mail
There I sat with my cake and streamers
But you decided to bail
You called me a crazy *****
And you were so, very right
When I use this candle to burn down your house
The flames will be high, and bright
When you run out the door to escape the heat
I'll be there, without fail
Because unlike you, when I'm invited
I show, I Promise I won't bail
I sat at my party crying
At the fact that you didnt show
You dont bail on a crazy *****
Boy, didnt you know?
Black mascara running
My eyeliner, an awful mess
I paid far too much money,
For this satin party dress
Where the **** were you?
Laughing at me I guess
You called me a crazy *****
Do I agree? YES
I heard a song and got this rhyme in my head.
Jan 2017 · 424
Violin Strings
Gidgette Jan 2017
No more than a violin string,
Always out of tune
Never, ever first string,
But second, number two
Tuner keys wound tighter,
Trying to make a sweet sound
But this second string won't have it,
Always too loose, and unwound
The hands that play the strings,
So capable, so deft
Adding string two,
To the others that he's left
Jan 2017 · 355
She Waits....
Gidgette Jan 2017
She waits,
Her waiting started in summer
Honey suckle, started to grow around her ankles
Ivey, took root between her toes
Still, she waits
Honeysuckle, Now bare
Ivey, ever growing
Trees, losing their leaves
She waits,
Even as the frost climbs her bare legs
Snow, sticking to her eyelashes
Winter winds, blowing, freezing
Still, she waits
Birds nesting, chirping in her long hair
Honeysuckle, flowers to her knees
Ivey, growing and green
She waits,
Hundreds of sunrises, and sunsets
Countless new, and full moons
Eyes upward,
Arms out stretched
Still, she waits
Again, summer
She is covered now,
A lady of green
Vines of honeysuckle,
And Ivey
She waits.......
I wait. I wait for something that I can never claim. I wait for you. You will never read these words, as poetry isn't "your thing". But still, I wait. For you, I wait........
Jan 2017 · 378
Till He Sank
Gidgette Jan 2017
I spent the night with the man in the moon,
He smiled, and winked at me
I told him my secrets, blew him kisses,
Till he sank, in the milky way sea
Jan 2017 · 327
What Will Be
Gidgette Jan 2017
I got carried away
By the last, orange, Autumn leaf
Away, with November
In a snow laden breeze
We both clung desperately
Me, to my roots, the leaf to its tree
But fate, had its plans
What will be, will be
Jan 2017 · 557
Gidgette Jan 2017
She sat in the attic,
Playing with dolls made of plastic
Pretending, they were real,
Moms bruised up,
Dads drunk from his glass cup
And Pain, is all she can feel,
Her doll house is a perfect place
Doll mom doesn't cry, no bruises on her plastic face,
And doll dad doesn't hit plastic mother
Plastic baby never cries,
Fake mom sings lullabys
And the little girl is loved like no other,
There are no holes in the walls
The doll mom, doesn't lie about falls
And plastic dad is always sober,
But now dark is here
Bed time is near
And play time sadly, is over
Jan 2017 · 483
Gidgette Jan 2017
I'm sorry,
I don't know how, to make amends
I'm far too sensitive, see too much
To have any "friends"
My mistakes,
Ingraved, in stone
I can never be forgiven,
Nor left alone
For these strange sins,
I cannot atone
Like the water,
That so loves the moon
Someone like me,
Can never dance in tune
Beneath all others
I, am well aware,
But please, when I pass by
Could you kindly not stare
Do me this favor, just look away
As I'm well aware of my mistakes
And I know, I can never fit,
In this life of only "takes"
Jan 2017 · 743
Gidgette Jan 2017
As surely as the sea,
Will forever kiss the sand
And the sun,
Chases the moon
As the mountains stand
I'll forever hold your memory,
Though never,
Your hand
Jan 2017 · 391
Gidgette Jan 2017
I looked at her,
That girl, who had grown into,
A woman
Watched her, everyday
Black eyes,
Broken bones
Trying to smile through tears
She always said his heart was
Spanish moss,
Clinging, choking,
Till it kills
She always said that physical death,
Was nothing like the death of the heart
Its worse,
No funeral,
No stone to mark its passing
Just dead
Like the years of her past
Troubled death
I didn't feel sorry for her
There was nothing,
Like the endurance I'd watched,
Her tears,
She was,
What she may have been
Washed down the bath tub sink,
Like soap suds
Jan 2017 · 364
Gidgette Jan 2017
So you don't see your kids,
You have no job
Poor you,
You're a slob
Im a 90lb woman,
Call me snob
While I wait tables,
At two friggin jobs
I support my kid,
And I do it by myself
I don't call my momma,
For a ride to somewhere else
Sorry If I seem dismissive,
Or unsympathetic
But don't expect me,
To pity the pathetic
If you don't care,
Why should I?
Spending money,
On the pills you buy
Pity yourself,
Then ask,"Why"
You have no car,
No life, you don't try
Yea, I do understand,
It's addiction
So get some help,
Dont blame, for your affliction
If an idiot like me can do it,
You can do it too
Raise your own kids,
Get a job, you fool
Yea, I was
But I got off my ***,
And I did it, "cuz"
I had nothing
No family, no friends
And I worked my **** off
For a means to an end
I grow so tired,
Of all the excuses
Some people give
To justify abuses,
I hear my baby cry
Every friggin day
For a dead beat dad
Who just walked away
Forgive me,
If I seem "uptight"
But wrong is wrong,
And right is still right
God help it, I know,
I'm no better than anyone else
But no one can help you,
Till you help yourself
Forgive my harshness. I'm just a silly waitress. But I know loss, addiction, and having nothing. To see a kid cry for a drug addict parent and to have the parent say," poor me" really gets at me. Maybe I'm wrong. If I am, oh well. It isnt the first time, wont be the last.
Jan 2017 · 333
Bag Of Bones
Gidgette Jan 2017
Everyday, I wake,
Powder my face
To hide who I am,
Cover my disgrace
I line my eyes with black,
As a symbol of discontent
And the fact that I mourn,
For things not meant
Blush, on my cheeks,
Adding colour, my soul lacks
Make myself a lie,
Front and back
Put on pretty clothes,
To better fit in
So people don't see me,
Then know of my sins
Every day,
With the same routine
Living my lie,
Not seeing what I've seen
Everyone else,
Seeming just fine
Able to leave,
The past behind
Not me,
I want to be like "The Drones"
Feeling nothing,
Just a bag of bones
Jan 2017 · 843
Crafters Of The Unseen
Gidgette Jan 2017
We pick up words, and love them
Pennies from a wishing fountain, picked up by hobos
Crafted into beauty, like a sun set on a summer day
Words bleed, You know
They leak feelings,
Dripping love, hate, anger
All things real,
Yet not real at all
Dreams, hopes, fears
Crafted from discarded thoughts,
Discarded people
Loved by the "no ones"
By crafters of the unseen
Only felt,
Misunderstood by the masses
Understood by the few who see
Crafters of the unseen
Ringing the feelings out of words,
Like water, out of a rag
Seeing things, unseen
Jan 2017 · 524
Gidgette Jan 2017
Until the sky falls
When we are swallowed by the sea
Until the mountains crumble
And Kingdoms are just debree
When blood pours from Heaven
Until the sun fails to light our days
I'll Love you until then
Simply put, Always
I've not much time as of late to express my appreciation of the words posted here. However, make no mistake, I have read. God has chosen to show me My own mortality. And in experiencing this, expulsion, I've learned. Thank you all for your words. They mean a great deal to me.
Jan 2017 · 392
Sit There
Gidgette Jan 2017
Sit on the shelf
Smile and bat your eyes
Open up wide
So they can better feed you lies
Be sure you're dressed pretty
Not a hair out of place
Put on your eyeliner
Powder your face
Pretend you don't hear them whisper
Things they say as you pass by
Let them see you cry
I've taken alot of time away. I've read things here. In the last months. I'm drowning. I've no other way of expressing this feeling. I do so appologise. For not liking or commenting. However, make no mistake, I have read. And greatly appreciated the words posted here. As they are my only oxygen. Thank you all.
Oct 2016 · 637
Gidgette Oct 2016
Ive licked sin straight from your lips
Tasted your forbidden fruit
****** the lies dry within you
Drained you of your truth
Looked at you right in the eye
As you writhe naked on the floor
And the evil that dwells inside me
Can only whisper "more"
Aug 2016 · 755
Amazing Grace
Gidgette Aug 2016
I fell in love with Satan
He swayed me with his charms
We danced under the moonlight
He held me tender in his arms
The most beautiful thing I'd seen
With his eyes so clear and blue
I believed every wicked word
When he said,"I love you too"
We were on an evening stroll
When the temperature started to rise
Black replaced the blue
That sparkled in his eyes
He shoved me to the ground
Saying,"I just want a taste"
And as he devoured my heart
I whispered,"Amazing Grace"
I've been on a kind of "screen sabbatical" for a while now. I do that once in a while. Summer, nature, ya know. Nice to post and read again. <3
Jun 2016 · 1.8k
Gidgette Jun 2016
Kissed by the wendigo
Driven insane
Stalking death
For release from the pain
Waiting in darkness
For killers of the night
Yet even the moon
Hides from my sight
Scratching at tombstones
Of those long gone
Begging passage
To where I belong
Skin gone grey
Heart, lacking a beat
The wendigo's kiss
Left me in defeat
How I still love it
That wendigo, its pain
Kissed by the wendigo
Driven insane
May 2016 · 809
What Does Your Heart Cost?
Gidgette May 2016
What does your heart cost?
Can it be bought?
Not with money
That's a silly thought
A million kisses,
Maybe two
Gentle carresses
And "I Love You's"
Late night laughter,
Secrets whispered and kept
Promises of smiles
No tears to be wept
"How was your day?"
Asked with care
The complete reasurance
That I'll always be there
What does your heart cost?
I'll pay any price
Just to hold your heart
And see love in your eyes
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