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May 2016 · 2.0k
Poisonous Fairytales
Gidgette May 2016
Poisonous fairytales
Princesses sleeping
True loves first kiss
Secrets not worth keeping
All lies
Mere madness
Cruel truths
Surrounding sadness
Give your heart
Get tears in return
Give love a match
It'll watch you burn
Poisoned by fairytales
Raised on lies
No happily ever afters
It all ends with goodbye
The princesses in towers
Will never be free
And frogs stay frogs
Just kiss one, you'll see
There are no knights
Shining in white
Wishes on falling stars
Don't make things right
Sleeping Beauty and Snow White
Were never kissed and awoke
Prince Charming was a liar
He wasn't rich, he was broke
Poisonous fairytales
Cruel lies
Don't drink the cool-ade
It all ends with goodbye
May 2016 · 559
Gidgette May 2016
You're dying, you know
Your memory
The way you smell
Almost gone
The flecks of colour in your eyes
Are fading
The callouses on your hands against my bare skin
Did that ever happen?
Your voice,
Could've been the wind,
Or a crows call
You're dying
If not for the sound of your heart,
Still beating in my ear,
You'd be dead already
The memory of you will fade,
And fade
A memory of a memory
I will forget your smile,
The sound of your voice,
I'll forget the way you always smell like freshly cut grass
The way you look in orange
But the sound of your heart beating,
When I laid my head on your chest. . . . .
May 2016 · 1.6k
Poet Chicks
Gidgette May 2016
Poet chicks
Odd, indeed
Every race, every colour
Every creed
Some of us daughters
Some mothers
Emotions intense
Especially when we're lovers
It takes great courage you know
To do what poet chicks do
Serving our feelings up
On this screen for You
Heroines of words
World's in which we live
Poet chicks are rarely greedy
With all the emotions we give
I raise my glass to you
Poet chicks around the world
Never drop your pens
Or forget, that you ROCK girls
For all the poetesses here at hp who've been so kind to me and taken me on the most beautiful, sad, dark, happy, lustful, romantic journeys. Thank you for letting me wander through your dreams;)
May 2016 · 489
I Fall
Gidgette May 2016
My lips are stained with your lies
My heart is ash,
blowing wildly in the winds you created
My soul is as black as you've painted the days
I'm void
An empty glass
And you,
You are the cunning devil
Laughing as I fall graceless
Into the flaming darkness of hell
May 2016 · 484
The Lies We Tell
Gidgette May 2016
Oh I love you
I love you too
We shall be together
Till the sky is no longer blue
We never hate
And life is great
All is well
There is no hell
Things will get better
We are all perfect
Down to the letter
Peace will reign
The poor will gain
Wounds will heal
Thieves won't steal
I'll never break your heart
Or tear your world apart

Our truths have all become lies

In our imaginations, we seem to dwell
Pity us,
Oh, the lies we tell
May 2016 · 1.1k
Remember The Honeysuckle
Gidgette May 2016
Do you remember the honeysuckle?
The way it smelled then, So sweet
The scent permeated the summer air
Down by the lake where we would meet
The sound of waves on the lake
Was the music we made love to
Sneaking away, you and I
To be together for a few
I can't help but to smile
When I see those yellow and white blooms
Do you remember the honeysuckle?
It reminds me of you
Once again, my appologies for the lack of comments lately. Some one very close to me had a massive heart attack and I've been helping out. And I work a full time job. I don't like to "like" a poem unless I actually read it, and like it, and with life being so hectic, I haven't had much time. Thank you all so very much for taking the time to read my words. Time is one of the few things we can never get back. Thank you for giving me some of yours. <3
May 2016 · 763
Gidgette May 2016
You were a surprise
You entered my life like a tidal wave
A ray of sun at midnight
A spotlight in a deep cave
I didn't see you coming
You took me by storm
Turning my life upside down
Totally against the norm
I put up my barriers
Then I built walls
But you broke them down
Consuming me, my all
Your tidal wave has receded
Your light, gone to stay
No golden rays of sun,
Even in mid day
The whole world seems heartbroken
Even the birds have lost thier song
And I'm left in tears
Not understanding what went wrong
You left my life quietly
Like the end of a hurricane
Leaving a trail behind you
Of destruction, tears, and pain
May 2016 · 532
The Scent Of A Daisy
Gidgette May 2016
Everybody loves a daisy
Yellow centered, white petaled daisies
We do the "they love me, they love me not" thing with them
We draw them
Give them as gifts to people we love
But have you ever smelled one?
They stink
As a matter of fact,
They smell, to me, like dog ****
But we love the stinking things anyway
We pick them off the side of the roads where I'm from
They grow everywhere here
In great, beautiful, dog **** smelling, droves
They remind me of people
Because we love things
Even though they may stink
May 2016 · 454
This Wish
Gidgette May 2016
I've always been told not to say my wishes out loud
So I live in a secret wish
It can never come true
Nor can it be told
Every day, I live in this wish
It drowns me
This dream, this wish
I can touch it
See it, hear it
But it can never be mine
I'm consumed by a wish
A fantasy, a thought
I've shed tears and begged the heavens,
My fist have beat the very earth
I wish
May 2016 · 1.7k
The Gloaming
Gidgette May 2016
Between sunset,
And the fall of night
That's where my thoughts of you are kept
Buried deep within the twilight
Too bright for dark
Too dark for day
They're in the gloaming
That's where they'll stay
I think of you
When the sun hides its face
Before the moon
Finds its place
The sense of days end
Lingers in the colours
Memories of you
More vivid than any other
You were the moons glow
The sun, shining bright
So I hid you in the gloaming
Now, you're only twilight
May 2016 · 1.1k
The Preacher
Gidgette May 2016
I was raised up a Southern Baptist,
Never missed a Sunday
There I'd be, fourth row back
To hear what the preacher would say
He preached of pearly gates,
Streets paved with gold
He said we'd see our passed loved ones
And treasures we would behold
He spoke of damnation should we stray
In the lake of fire there to dwell
But honestly, I always thought,
I'd have to die to go to hell
I'm not trying to offend or make a religious statement of any kind. Just a sour mood expression;)
May 2016 · 2.2k
I Thought You Were Beautiful
Gidgette May 2016
I thought you were beautiful

Not shallow beauty,
Skin deep
The kind of beautiful like the sun
Shining on a tree leaf
Showing its veins

Beautiful like,
The sound of a creek
After a good storm

Like the feel of a summer breeze
On the back of my neck

I held you in awe

You were the mist,
Rising off the lake on a cool morning
The view from the top of my mountain,
In the fall when the leaves are colored

You were the violin music
Playing softly while I danced
The colors oil makes on the street
Just after it rains and the light hits it

I was nothing
A ghost,
In the darkest corridors of your haunted house
The typo on an old type writer,
Needing white out

I thought you were beautiful
May 2016 · 995
Winter's Falling Star
Gidgette May 2016
I wished for you,
On a winters falling star
I wasn't waiting for it
It just shot
Clear across the sky
Then faded to nothingness
As all things do
It took a second for me to realise
What I'd just seen
I've seen so few
Never bothered to wish on any
I didn't wish for money or fame
I wished for you

My eyes squeezed shut
Then right out loud,
I wished for you
It was so cold that night
The star had come from the dark
Leaping out of the night sky
With your name on it

I kind of got my wish
You see, I didn't wish for your love
Only for you
And with YOU
Came tears, loneliness,

Next time I wish,
I wont wish on a falling star
Because they are dying
Leaping from eternity
My next wish
Will be on a living,
Twinkling star
Staying firmly in place,
Shining brightly
May 2016 · 1.2k
Wind's Whistle Song
Gidgette May 2016
I danced in the rain last night
While the storm raged, violent
And I laughed out loud
That finally, my heart was silent
It cries no longer for you
The thunder set me free
The lightning flashed in celebration
With the striking of a tree
The rain kept pouring
While I danced along
To the beautiful tune
Of the wind's whistle song
May 2016 · 628
The Flame
Gidgette May 2016
Everyone is watching
Waiting for me to fall
I'll give them what they want
But for help, I'll never call
I need to climb a little higher
Further out, on this stone ledge
They won't have to wait much longer
I'm getting closer to the edge
I won't wait for them to push me
I'll simply glance back, smile and dive
They can see I'm dead already
Just another shame that I'll survive
They want to burn me at the stake
I know I carry this blame
But fire just won't do it
Because my soul, is the flame
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Our Hearts
Gidgette Apr 2016
Our hearts,
So much like trees
The heart dies a slow death
Each hope,
A leaf
They all blow away,
One by one
Till nothing is left
My appologies for not reading and commenting nearly as much recently. I have alot going on right now. <3
Apr 2016 · 2.5k
Poem Thugs
Gidgette Apr 2016
So I haven't had time
To read many prose and rhymes
Sneaking pretty words like drugs
From all the **** poem writing thugs
Hide up under the bar
I've only read two so far
Work is cutting in to my addiction
Reading and writing, my affliction
Maybe I can hide in the storage closet
That gives me time to write one comment
Jotting rhymes on my arm
Who said poetry didn't cause harm
Its my obsession
This is my confession
I cannot hide it anymore
I recognise I'm a poem *****
I go from one poem to another
"Feeling" them up like a lover
Then on to the next
For more word ***
Yep, I'm a ******-poemac
Addicted to poetry crack
Your pretty words are my drugs
And you **** poets are the poem writing thugs
Apr 2016 · 849
The Nights Call
Gidgette Apr 2016
I stood in the dew kissed grass
Barefoot at midnight
Lilac, carried by the breeze
Filled my mind with you
The darkened sky looked down in shame
The whippoorwill song,
Echoes my sins
Repeated, through out the night
The question the owl asks,
Long since past "who"
It asks where my scarlet letter is
Even as I wear it on my face
The crickets laugh aloud
And the frogs croak at my disgrace
But I dare not hang my head
Nor will I feel shame
For louder than any night can call
My heartbeat speaks your name
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Snorting Poetry
Gidgette Apr 2016
I snort poetry
Just give me a rhyme
I'll breathe it in deep
Like a******* line
I love words
Poetry and prose
I'll snort 'em right up
Like I'm sniffin a rose
They give me a buzz
Get me high
Give me wings
And then I fly
Way more addictive
Than any drug I've tried
Write me a poem
I'll read it and get fried
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
He Isn't
Gidgette Apr 2016
He isn't the moon,
But its sultry glow

He isn't the sun,
But its shine

He isn't the clock,
But its time

He isn't the hands,
But the holding

He isn't the poem,
But its rhyme

He isn't love,
But my heart
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
With You
Gidgette Apr 2016
I drown,
In the depths of your eyes
I should feel shame
But to say it is a lie
I'm lost in your touch,
The smell of your skin
With you,
Hell is worth our sin
To taste your lips,
Breathe your breath
I would die
A thousand deaths
I will stand at Hells gates
And smile passing through
Just to know
I'll burn with you
Apr 2016 · 1.3k
Gidgette Apr 2016
When the sun and the moon
Collide in the sky
When blood drops,
Are the only tears I cry
When snow flakes
Fall in the middle of June
When the sound of silence
Remains the only tune
When the fish sprout wings
And fly from the sea
When the only thing standing
Are petrified trees
When the sky loses its color
And is no longer blue
That, my sweet, is when
I'll stop loving you
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
Lovely Lady Death
Gidgette Apr 2016
We know each other very well
Though we've never spoken
You've brought upon me all this hell
And often left me broken
But now I welcome you with open arms
I shall greet you with a kiss
Bestowe upon me your dark charms
You've left me nothing here to miss
So now I beckon you
Lovely Lady Death,
For all the things you've taken too
Here is my last breath
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
If I Was Wonder Woman
Gidgette Apr 2016
I wish I was Wonder Woman
Protecting the innocent from lies
I'd look hot as hell in a cape
And man would it rock to fly
I'd put an end to injustice
Make all the wrong things right
I'd kick evils ***
And flex my muscles to show my might
When ever a child cried
Right there I would be
To put an end to unhappiness
Any abuse and misery
In my spare time I'd ****** Batman
I mean lets face it, cat woman can't fly
**** she may be
But Batman would be mine
And whenever I'd fly overhead
People would say, Look! Its she!
There goes Wonder Woman
And her name is Amanda B!
I'm aware wonder woman doesnt wear a cape. But if I was her, I would. ;)
Apr 2016 · 834
My Moon
Gidgette Apr 2016
When the earth has turned to ash
Growing dark and cold
Know, my love, it was you
Who had my heart to hold
You, were my moon
On the darkest of nights
And I danced in your glow
Dwelt in your light
Apr 2016 · 931
Gidgette Apr 2016
Mirror of my soul
Love, for whom the bells of my heart toll
How can I make you understand,
I'd swim the widest ocean, just to hold your hand
Though we were together for such a short while
My heart still shines remembering your smile
The sound of you saying my name so sweet
The way you touched me when we would meet
The feel of your body against mine
In great love we would intwine
But like a thief in the night you slipped away
Leaving only sweet memories to fill my days
Gidgette Apr 2016
We are all sinners
We all have shame
Some just hide it better
But it's all the same
Its easy to be
In a nice sheltered life
And judge other people
For misunderstood strife
The fact of the matter is
You dont know what you'd do
If an awful, life changing
Decision confronted you
Is not passing judgement
A wrong in its self?
What gives anyone the right
To judge someone else?
No one wrong
Is worse than another
So perhaps we should all shut up
And not preach at each other
Come tell me about it
When your kid's starving and you have to steal
Or you're twelve, knocked up
And now life's real
Tell me about it when you've grown up
Dirt poor and lost hope
So in order to keep sanity
You get hooked on some dope
Tell me about it when you get *****
And you have to make a choice
But the people keep trying
To shut you up and take your voice
That's right folks,
No one is more wrong or sinful than the other
We were all created equal
Sisters and brothers
We are ALL sinners
We ALL have shame
Some just hide it better
But it's all the same
I realise these are touchy subjects. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. This is just the way I see things.
Apr 2016 · 764
Fated Lover
Gidgette Apr 2016
What a steep price I pay,
Just to touch your skin
Risking Hells damnation,
For our adulterous sin

Oh the heartbreak!
I know it lies in wait,
But in your eyes, my destiny
I'm bound to you by fate

Perhaps not in this life,
But hopefully, the one hereafter
I'll be the one to lie beside you,
The one to cause your laughter

Though I know that you'll leave me,
And scar me like no other
I give you my heart to carry,
My adulterous, fated lover
Apr 2016 · 635
Gidgette Apr 2016
You were my peer
Out over life's sea
Now the wood is rotten
Sharks below wait to devour me
I can't swim
So I shall be a treat
I do hope these sharks
Enjoy my meat
Even though, they'll tear me to pieces
I know I'll survive
Because you can't ****
What was never alive
Apr 2016 · 482
Multitude Of Drips
Gidgette Apr 2016
In the history of mankind,
Many lies have been told
We have forgotten our purpose,
Thrown away the old
We have forgotten what love is,
We've cloaked our souls with lies
Now the only place our truth exists,
Is in a newborns eyes
We all sit back and say,
There's nothing we can do
We watch the strong feast upon the weak,
Strangle them out, watch them turn blue
Hope, stayed in the bottom of Pandoras box,
For the good of all mankind
'Tis hope that makes the world go round,
And keeps most from being blind
You may think your kindness means nothing
And that good has ceased to be
But consider each kindness a water drip,
Its a multitude of drips, that created the sea
Apr 2016 · 481
My Door
Gidgette Apr 2016
I'd heard, that when one door closes
Another opens
When she closed her door to you,
I opened mine
Still, you looked at that closed door
When it rained
My door stayed open
It snowed
I kept that door opened
You went right on
Eternally watching her closed door
Mine stayed open
The trouble with an open door,
Is that people can come in
And take
They took
Still, you watched her closed door
Now, I have no door left to close
Apr 2016 · 436
Gidgette Apr 2016
Wishes whispered
Tears wept
Words unspoken
Secrets kept
Eyes converge
Bodies meld
Tender kisses
Hands held
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Gidgette Apr 2016
The stars are now sleeping
Mother moon, at rest
Father sun, out with a smile
Shining at his best
The birds are all singing
In the brightness of day
Morning fog starts to clear
Swept with sun rays
No clouds to be seen
Skies are all blue
Father suns sweet rays
Drink the morning dew
Such a sight from the mountain top
A lovely winter tale
Nature's bounty all around
Daylights beauty, unveiled
Apr 2016 · 617
His Name
Gidgette Apr 2016
There was a gas station down the street
From where I used to live
I would go there to people watch
Late at night
Always interesting what with the addicts and drunks
The cashier was a skinny guy
Continually smiling, warm
I never spoke to him,
When he talked, I listened
He never questioned me
I watched
I'd buy one can of Mountain Dew
Sit on the bench outside
Till my mountain dew was gone
Then I'd walk home
The very last night I went there,
Seven years ago
The cashier guy, he was always so gentle,
Smiling, warm
I walked over to him
I kissed him
Long, and with love
I kissed him,
And he kissed me back
I've never seen him again
I think about him,
His brown, side swept hair and kind eyes
I think I loved him
I wish I'd asked his name
Apr 2016 · 2.0k
For You
Gidgette Apr 2016
The sun,
It bleeds for you
You know
Everyday, it puts on
That brilliant show
Just for you
And at the end
Of each beautiful day
The stars come out
And they shine,
Just for you
Only for you
Apr 2016 · 684
Dark Soul
Gidgette Apr 2016
Every once in a while
We lift the veil to the soul
Some are filled with light
Mine is a deep, black hole

I've oft felt pieces missing
Lost in plain sight
Never understanding
The lacking there in of light

If you see the dark behind my veil
Please dont ask me to explain
For I can't understand myself
My answer would be in vain

I hide my darkness behind a smile
Painted red lips, and face
Hoping that in this black
I can finally find my place
Apr 2016 · 944
Do The Stars Conspire?
Gidgette Apr 2016
Why should we suffer
In a lake of eternal flames
For the seconds we steal together
For the whisper of each others names?
Do the very stars conspire
To see my heart broken
By all the words I long to hear
But will never be spoken?
Apr 2016 · 722
Right In The Ass
Gidgette Apr 2016
Loving you is like,
Kissing broken glass
Pain felt,
A swift kick in the ***
You know I'll be right there,
To beg you for more
Please kick me harder,
I haven't yet hit the floor
I need some more,
Of that pain you give
Its an addiction,
I need it to live
Please hit me again,
Right in the heart
I don't want it to end,
Can I press "restart"?
You know I love it
When your shards cut deep
So much so,
I feel it in my sleep
Yes dear,
Your pain, I can't pass
Please, kick me again
Right in the ***
Apr 2016 · 7.2k
Seven Billion
Gidgette Apr 2016
We are none truly alone,
I've written of this before
I shall write of our souls
And the invisible chains, once more

We are all connected,
By these universal chains
From the beggar on the corner,
To the broker squandering gains

We are seven billion shades,
Different shades of the same hue
From me here in my mountains,
Across the earth to you

Whether you're a dancer,
Stepping to a tune
Or a night fisherman,
Gathering food, under the moon

These universal chains,
They bind us each together
That's what the universe wanted,
And so it is forever

Each time you defame,
Your fellow human across the way
You're defaming part of yourself,
So be careful what you say

This is how its been since the beginning
This is how it is until the end
Be kind to each other,
Remember we're all akin
Oh wow! Thank you my fellow poets. Thank you for reading and liking my words.<3
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
Our Storm
Gidgette Apr 2016
You were the storm
Raging in my heart
My soul, a lively tree
That you swiftly blew apart
I am left
Completely undone
Your storm clouds linger
Blacking out the sun
I was your volcano
Spewing fire and death
Ash is now your soul
Smoke, your very breath
And like the storms we are,
We've left destruction in our wake
All this damage,
Simply For passions sake
Apr 2016 · 895
Appalachian Sunrise
Gidgette Apr 2016
As I sit atop this Appalachian mountain
Watching the sun rise
Seeing lights reflection dance on the lake
Nature's bounty dazzles my eyes
The cardinal nests in a tree beside
He too, waits for the morning star
Being so close to the sky above
Making heaven seem not so far
Winters frost makes everything shine
As it has covered the frozen ground
Like an Angel has come straight from above
And thrown glitter all around
The moon says her daily goodbye
Slowly starts to fade away
And behold, the sun peeking over the horizon
Ready to light the day
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
"Book Women"
Gidgette Apr 2016
I always wanted to be a "Bond Woman"
The kind of woman James Bond would want
****, exciting, worldly, mysterious
Bossoms to die for
But no,
I'm a "book woman"
The kind of woman who can recite Emily Dickenson in my sleep
Reading glasses that are eternally falling off my face
Not so much
When the Bond women are wet,
They look like water goddesses
I look like a drowned rat
Plus my glasses fog up
A blind, drowned rat
I think its safe to say,
I'll never be a "Bond Woman"
I'm a "Book Woman"
And I guess that's ok

Here's to all us "Book Women"
Apr 2016 · 629
Gidgette Apr 2016
In the great akashic records
Where mankind's secrets are kept
Is recorded every word spoken
Every tear wept

It is a timeless record
Of every sound uttered
Every love given
Every hateful word muttered

It keeps track of every soul created
All the lives past
Things that are forever
Things that do not last

It is the collective unconsious
Of every living thing
All that is real
And everything dreamed

Some have given name to it
As the great book of life
Where the creators record
Every good deed, and all our strife

Know that in our lives
Everything matters
Every deed is recorded in a book
And the pages, will never tatter
Apr 2016 · 458
Unknown Lover
Gidgette Apr 2016
Every morning at 6 a.m.
I watch you get in the shower
Then you get out, shave and dress
You're at your work within the hour

At noon you leave for lunch
A coke and hotdog down the block
By 1 p.m. you're back at your desk
Doing your job, taking stock

By 5 p.m. you're back at home
Rambling around your lovely house
Grab a snack, watch tv
I stay quiet, like a mouse

At the end of each day
You get ready for bed
Put on your pjs
Tonight they're red

Tonight I'll sneak in
Use the stolen key I keep
Sit at the foot of your bed
Watch you sleep

I watch you
Day and night
Wish you were mine
I'd hold you tight

You dont even know
That I exist
You nearly caught me once
When Your sleeping face, I kissed

You pass me on the street
Without a second glance
Had I the courage,
I'd speak and take a chance

But I never will
So this is what I do
I spend my days and nights
Stalking, watching, loving you
I'm not a stalker to anyone. This is just a poem.
Gidgette Apr 2016
I want to devour him
Eat him up
Lick him all over
Drink from his cup
Feel his hands
Run along my thighs
I wonder if he sees lust
Behind these eyes
I want to lay with him naked
Between his sheets
Feel his body
Make some heat
Climb all over him
Win his prize
Make him sweat
Till we see the sunrise
Before I finish
Playing my game
I need to hear him
Scream my name
I want to hear him say,
"Please, some more"
Give me some rug burns
Fun on the floor
I'm supposed to be a lady
Good little girl
But I can't help it
I wanna rock his world
Shhh, darling,
No need to rush
We have all night
Let me paint with your brush
Apr 2016 · 620
Gidgette Apr 2016
Blue skies
Sunny days
Children's laughter
Heard miles away
Dimpled cheeks
Golden hair
Blue eyes
Sparkle so fair
Scraped knees
Bumble bees
Bird's singing
From tops of trees
Afternoon glasses
Tall with sweet tea
This is what Spring means
Only to me
Apr 2016 · 388
Gidgette Apr 2016
Standing on the lake bank
Feet, in the muddy shore
Praying Gods forgiveness
Useless asking for more
Cold water washing
Over calloused feet
Knowing fate is coming
Demise soon to meet
Prayers go unanswered
No smile from heaven shown
Living in the darkness
Staring out, into unknown
There is no forgiveness
No mercy to be seen
The only pleasure felt,
Sun on water sheen
Life, a lonely road
Well known, and traveled
Standing on the lake bank,
Mind coming
Apr 2016 · 632
My Worn And Tattered Page
Gidgette Apr 2016
On this earth I've wandered
For nearly a thousand years
I'm tired, nothing new
Nothing left to fear
People always ask
Where they've seen my face
Well, a portrait of me does hang
In a museum in Paris place
And another in London,
Beautifully framed with grace
In Paris, my own selfportrait
With my little girl, you see
I was then known as Madame
Elizabeth Vigre Labrun
That was my favorite time, back in 1783
Then again I was painted as "Circe"
By Sir Edward Burne-Jones
That was the year 1880
God rest Sir Edwards bones
By the year 1919
When all the world was at war
I set sail for America
To see what else time had in store
I've changed my name and place
Hundreds of thousands of times
The only things that have stayed the same
Are my loves, art and rhyme
I decided on the name Amanda
To use in this day and age
I try so hard to fit into this modern book
My worn and tattered page
Apr 2016 · 556
Gidgette Apr 2016
The world should've stopped spinning
The day you stopped being mine
The sun should go dark
And the stars should no longer shine
The moon should fall
No longer grace the sky
Every stream, lake, and ocean
Should all go dry
The bird's should lose their wings
And the breeze should no longer blow
Roses, should never again bloom
Fireflies should no longer glow
The trees should've died away
Not a living thing should be found
Children should've stopped their laughing
Silence, should be the only sound
Beauty and all that is good
Should've ceased to be
But it seems only I stopped living
The day you took your heart from me
Apr 2016 · 4.4k
The Legend Of Lilith
Gidgette Apr 2016
My name is Lilith
The first female created
I was cursed by God
Because submission, I abated
I would not heed
To Adam's call
I was his equal
I too, deserved to stand tall
You will not find my story
In the ancient Hebrew book
But I am everywhere
If you take a closer look
The world was new
When I was cursed
I was not Eve,
I would be heard
I too was created
From the earth
Just as Adam was
He thought I should lie beneath him
Simply just because
I whispered Gods secret name
Then I flew away
Mankind has despised me
Ever since that day
I am blamed for everything
By men and women alike
Most consider me a demon
And wish my head on a spike
There are many legends
That have slandered my name
All because I wouldn't submit
I shall forever carry this blame

Different versions of the legend of Lilith can be found all through out history. She is the original feminist.
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