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  Jun 2016 Amanda Francis
Scum bag
maybe it was your laugh
or maybe it was the way you always knew what to say
but maybe it was your deep brown eyes that made me melt.
or it could of been your soft hands always on me
maybe it was how you touched my mind before touching my body
and maybe it was the way you held me that made me know everything would be ok.
I really don't know what it is about you.
but I know one thing
I am completley in love with you and everything about you.
Amanda Francis Jun 2016
I've been trying to write a poem about you,
because even sad poetry is beautiful.
But, you've got my tongue tied as well my hands.
So now I'm just sad.
Her lips are red
Her eyes are blue
You see her falling
But not for you.

Amanda Francis Jun 2016
I want to fall in love with you!
Not because I love you,
I love the idea of you,

I want to fall in love with you.
Loving you distracts me from not loving myself.
I want to fall in love with you, to send this writers block to hell...
Amanda Francis Jun 2016
My fingers itch, pacing, they dream of controlling the pen.
My tongue flicks impatiently, waiting for the words to roll off.
My heart beats to give my soul music to dance too.

...But somehow, I can't write you...

Your eyes, mirrors that reflect my every flaw in perfect light.
Your hands, a glue to hold me together when my shattered shards shiver
Your arms, a majestic Oak, to hold me close and cover me with a childhood hope and wonderment.

...But somehow, I can't write you...

Your heart, an unattainable magic not to be held by porous people like me.
Your legs, tall towers which block the sun from ever kissing my skin
Your stomach, a graveyard of hope from all the lovers that went before me

...But somehow, I can't write you...
you're impossible.
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