She is standing on the brink of sanity
looking for something to hold on
She is twenty-six years old, watching a world go by
and wondering whether she belonged
An artist’s child she is, playing with fire;
uncertain if the rug would be pulled from beneath her feet
or if it would just burn in magnificent flames
scratching into her eyes calling forth her tears
She is everyone and no one
She is an idea, a rumor, an imagination
and the last piece of a puzzle that no one tried to solve
She is the pain in pleasure and the pleasure in pain
She is the terrifying beauty of life
She is addiction with a veil of innocence
clinging on to her like a possessive lover
She is curiosity with wide beckoning eyes
She is sin, a devil’s temptation
with delicate grace as enchanting as a lost nymph
She is the woman lying in his bed cocooned in sheets
stained with her blood
with a red so bright that it threatens to claw his eyes out
She is poetry with lyrical verses of wild hair
matted with dirt and blood,
ends curling down the edge of his pillow
She is music with symphonies of chattering teeth
and rustling clothes against smooth ivory skin,
borne of a night as cold as the heart she accused him of bearing
She is forgiveness with serene smiles on lips
as soft as a butterfly’s wings and a small hand outstretched
to clasp his and paint it with red pigments of defeat and strength
She is death with haunting eyes the color of warm honey
that his mum used to feed him
on rainy afternoons he spent curled up in her lap
But he has never been so peaceful
in his entire pathetic existence,
For if death is as exquisite as her
then perhaps death was what he had been searching for all along
-പ്രിയാന്ഷി ദാസ്
14 October 2014