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 May 2014 A
A Real Woman
 May 2014 A
There’s a certain beauty in a woman who assures her beauty, who believes in herself and contains her assurance. A woman who doesn’t want to be someone else, yet who wants to do better not be better. A woman who invites you in - helps you surpass your fears of uncertainties. She sings along in delight and joy; living, loving, running along the rivers of natures gift. Plainly a woman with a past, an unknown future who she is not afraid of, but looking forward to reach it. A woman who isn’t afraid of getting old, who is gaining knowledge and strength daily. The past is something she learns from, the present is her best friend and the future yearns for her substance.
This -  Is a Real woman.
 May 2014 A
I love books
 May 2014 A
I love digging into them
I love drowning myself
with their stories
I love the way they let me
live different lives
I love how they let me
slip into another world
I love how they let me
escape reality
I love books

– billiondays
 May 2014 A
Falling in love is weird
Because at first you don't expect
Anything except for passion
And romance
And story book perfection
But when you fall head over heels for someone
Someday things are going to move
Beyond kissing, and hot touches
Sometime things are going to move
To laughing openly
And fighting
Using hard words you never thought you would
Farting during the most
Intimate moments
Falling in love is weird
Because when I was younger
I pictured
White weddings, and chapels
I pictured hand holding, and snuggling in bed
I pictured kissing, and romantic candle lit dinners
But when I fell in love
I didn't think of
***** laundry, or morning breath
I never pictured the messy wax residue left from candles
Or the dishes
But I guess there are things
You don't expect
When you fall in love
But when you find them
It's a little bit better
Because I'd rather wash your ***** underwear
Than anyone else's
And that's love
 May 2014 A
Are my words not sweet, and
my sentiments not worthy?
Is my smile too dull, or
my thoughts too many?
Is my hair too knotted, or
my eyes too vacant?
Is my smile too worn, or
my heart too withered?
Are my lips too thin, or
my affection too languish?
Is my mind too troubled, or
my personality too difficult?
Am I not lovely enough?

– billiondays
 May 2014 A
Dallas Allen
"don't let your heart
guide your head in a fight
or you will lose to the dark
before you even embark"
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