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 May 2014 A
Angel torruella
 May 2014 A
Angel torruella
Trying to balance life and make sure my family that balanced me these 27 years is rough trying to give them wisdom just adding my 27 cents in this recessive economy. Just a quarter the age of a great portion of my family I'm gonna have to grieve over soon enough knowing they love me so much they will roll over in there grave as I go through life's uncertain escapades you just can't escape faith the saying soul mate should be plural one person couldn't get me through life's stale mates
 May 2014 A
Angel torruella
 May 2014 A
Angel torruella
Love. Every time you seem to be up for a promotion demotion sets in. Wasted emotions I call this love in motion. A singular sphere not the shapes it's portrayed to be. Love. you always seem to come full circle just with different vessels to take captive for some time. Love. You never really die as the saying goes you just move along to the next loving soul. Soulless of a man I talk to you love you striped me of your grip and left me wondering if this is it. love.
-Angel Torruella.
 May 2014 A
 May 2014 A
sometimes i still have
to take a deep breath
and remind myself
that not everyone will break me
like you did.
 May 2014 A
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
I never got to say
 May 2014 A
 May 2014 A
I'd like to lose myself
in something like you.
l'd like to get out of here
and forget to wonder
where I might be.

I'd like to lose myself,
only you can't lose what you never had.
I never expected much of myself,
but, in vain, I did expect something.
 May 2014 A
It's been raining a lot lately.
I still think about you
more than I probably should.

I guess some things don't change.
I guess some things do.
 May 2014 A
Pleased to Meet You
You ever floating truth,
Stuck in my throat.
I can't get you out,
Nor do I want to.
That's my truth.

A great liar is a true artist.
His teeth are totem poles that have been
Toppled over.
He has left his mark,
Just like his lies.

Ask the truth of a liar and he gives you
What you need.
All the liar to lie,
There you have your miracle.
He is a God laying on the ocean shore.
 May 2014 A
11:26 pm
 May 2014 A
i have yet to learn my lesson about playing with fire.
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