Cupid the Roman god of love,
flew down like a dove.
Striking arrows to bring people together,
hoping the love lasts forever.
Son of Venus and Mars,
pictures portray him surrounded by hearts.
His name means desire,
he likes to set hearts on fire.
His mother was the jealous kind,
I women better than her, she did find.
She ordered cupid to find her a man,
but evil was her plan.
She told cupid to choose the vilest man,
to take this women's hand.
As cupid sat on the edge of the girl's bed,
he scratched himself with his arrow head.
He couldn't help but fall for the girl,
his mother was set on sending to hell.
He would visit her each and every night,
telling she could never catch a sight.
Two evil sisters she had,
who told her this guy was bad,
so one night she couldn't help but look,
cupid didn't take this well, and off he took.
She searched the world for him,
and didn't stop til Jupitar stepped in.
He gave her immortality,
so she could make her love for cupid reality.
Now they live happy together,
with their daughter voluptas forever.
Cupid and his wife Psyche,
flew off into the night.