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alex Nov 2018
you said that i manipulate
but i've been in those in the past
i didn't even know that they were doing it
so tell me what i did, tell me why you think i did that
i trusted you and you threw it away and i can't trust anyone anymore
you said you loved me was it all a lie you wanted it to last forever
you wanted to get married and i had it all planned out  
you had the ring coming and then you listened to everyone
who was against me and hated me for a stupid thing i said
i wanted to marry you, i still do but you don't believe in me
even if you hate me now i still care for your health
i still love you and everything you do
but i want you to life and not die
you are still my friend even if i'm not your's
alex Aug 2018
I fell in love in love with a person i known all my life,
and a person i met at the beginning of the school year,
i told to one i've known forever i loved him when i had a panic attack,
and i just started dating the one i just met,
the person i've known is in PPH a suicide hospital,
the other is on the way to his class in Wabash,
the person in PPH is there because of me i think because i told him,
  the other is waiting to get on the bus to sit with me on the way home,
the person gone, has a girlfriend and he said"if things don't work out than i'm asking you out because i love you"
and i told him that i had a boyfriend yesterday,
Now, he has 100 new scars and i think its my fault,
i didn't want to be sad watching him and his girl,
At my table being happy while i was sad,
i love two people one here, one gone
but i still love them both
but i love the one whose gone more......
alex Aug 2018
This was the day i dislike the most ……
the day to leave such a beautiful place
with a friend that would see the beauty in it too
but for the first time, and my second…
Like a day we say sorry to the woods
Wishing we could stay but we had
A bigger plan, we might just come back
one day just to say hello again whether
With a new family, or each other, only the future will now
alex Mar 2018
Sometimes I feel like I'm in the clouds
I see you there with me way up there
We sing we laugh, we may kiss once or twice
But we are always there and everything feels like air
I want you to know that I really do care
I want a life that has no end
To spend with you forever
And really care.
  Feb 2018 alex
Jacob Matthew Wegner
See me for who I am,
not who I was
not what I've done,
not where I've been

See me as the man god created me to be
See my heart, not my body
See me for who I am and who I will become
See me for what I will do
not my mistakes in the past

Everyone has left a trail
some clean, some battered with footsteps
but let the trail you leave be beautiful
alex Feb 2018
Hey you,
yeah, you,
you are important
don't let anyone say
otherwise, you are a beautiful
human bean you need to know
that you are worth it
I want you to know
you matter
~~~ Brooke Falcone ~~~ homeroom
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