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alex Feb 2018
Mia, Max

     I know that you wanted to wait because of the girl scout thing  I'm fine with that I'm not fine with the fact you might not like me after 3 years of waiting for me to graduate if I even maybe  it that long I'm not saying ill **** myself but most likely it was an accident. I hate the fact that you will find someone new and I'm in the background waiting for you because I want to be happy, you make me happy I know this poem sounds bad but I'm willing to wait

I want you happy if it's not with me then ill support you ill even go to the wedding if it's not ours I will be happy but a little broken but happy you make my days feel like my life is going to be okay and I will be happy for you for whatever you choose with me or someone else
alex Dec 2017
L is for life that just started
O is for overjoy to see thy spouse
V  is for value to see thy heart
E is for everything that happens

Now that is love for the broken hearted
Though there is more loved than broken than we still have bigger hearts

When we decide to show them what we hate about ourselves
And they end up telling us that's what they love about us
L is for the Listeners in the world
O is for trying not to Oversight your looks
V is for being Valiant for your protection
E is for this moment being Everlasting in someone's eyes
Now that's what the lovers think of their spouse
They want to protect them in any way
Their favorite person that's falling apart is not what they want
They want them to sit with them on the couch under the blankets
Looking like sushi rolls with popcorn in their laps laughing with each other
Watching a comedian of their spouses choose and end up sleeping on the couch.
And will understand what they say because they need someone to speak to.
L that's what it means
O that's what it feels
V that's what it senses
E that's what it supposed to be
alex Nov 2017
the day is done
the sun has set
and this rope feels
good around my neck
as the chair falls
my life flashed before my eyes
now I wished I didn't die
I want my sister to know
she meant well but I could
break this spell
I want my brother to see
that this is not the end for me
tell mom and Jeff
that they were swell
but they made my life a living hell
I tried to be happy
but nothing worked now
I'm in a back of a hearse
tell my dad I love him so
I tried to let him know
but I really wanted to go
this is the end for me but
this cannot be the end for them

— The End —