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  Oct 2018 Airisgone
All too clear,
All too clear,
Right from the beginning,
It was all too clear,
That this was going nowhere.

All these colours,
Blinding neon lights,
My head hurts,
Oh how it throbbed,
It hurts, It hurts,
Why am I still here?
Why does the lights attract me so?

I do not belong here,
I can’t breathe,
I can’t breathe,
Tell me again,
No, no more,
I can’t take it anymore,
I’ll be taking my leave now.
Airisgone Feb 2018
If love came in a box
Is it real?
If love was right in front of you
Please say goodbye.
I surrender
Airisgone Feb 2018
A memory you choose not to write
A memory that you yearn to forget

A fragment that everyone posses
A fragment that's different in everyone

If I pray to God
Will I forget?

This stabbing pain.
This unending sorrow

Will it be the end?
I'm sorry, I should have never left.
Airisgone Feb 2018
Isn't this feature amazing?
I said ever beaming.

Figure out the clues.

Time is ticking
As the blood is dripping

It's almost midnight
Goodbye, Cinderella.
Air is gone
Airisgone Jan 2018
"Stop." My thoughts reprimanded me.
"You will break even more."
"Broken you will become."
"So, please don't do it."
But I will go through with it.
For you my love,
I will concede
Airisgone Jan 2018
If drugs elate these feelings temporarily
Then I'd see why people go crazy for it
I thought I was strong
I thought I had control
I too am tired

"You will find rest..."
The scriptures said

But I want to sleep
An eternal sleep

But I want to live
And so, I continue
An Illusion
Airisgone Jan 2018
If I smile will you see it?
If I compliment you will you understand it?
If I look down on you will you notice it?

If my love fades away
Will you ignore it?

Will you please listen to me?
Will you please stop me?
My love

If my love were to die tonight
Will you forgive me?
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