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  Jul 2016 PJ
From the suburban trap I could never call home,
I speed through the freeway.
I could not possibly be late
for a little rendezvous with a lover —

My lover being the city
With its promises preserved in concrete.
I see the skyline from afar, lined with towers and smog
And I feel alive the way lovers do with one another.

And before I know it, I'm cruising along avenues
Uniform houses of white turn to skyscrapers,
I feel the subway slither beneath, filled with all kinds of stories,
As my heart beats to the footsteps of pedestrians.

And I stop at the main thoroughfare,
What was once the dull light I've always known
Now shines through an urban prism
And muted hues turn to vibrant, living colors.

And I am here in the glorious city,
I am looking at a mirage of light and sound,
In all its color, I hear it speak to me:
You are alive, you are alive.
We were tasked to write poems based on paintings for my creative writing class. This is based on Eternal Love Of Light by Silvia Hartmann.
  Jul 2016 PJ
Sarah Ouhida
We build cathedrals in homage to our pain,
attend masses that speak of never ending suffering
and a promise of an unfulfilled promise land and paradise.
We kneel before an altar to a God who surely is absent
I believe
but my heart is ever so weak.
My muscles are weak,
my soul so cold
and we bathe ourselves in the blood of Christ
in hopes of erasing all that we have done.
Misery loves religion,
religion loves misery.
Angels unreachable leave us to demons of our own,
“heaven” so far out of view.
Can you see and hear the agony beneath our skin?
We are so much more than our sins.
My body is a tomb
and my heart is a vessel.
Take me as yours,
baptize me in the rivers of Heaven,
and bathe me in the rivers of Hell.
I am human
I am dead.
I worship to find who I am.
  Jul 2016 PJ
i love you in your glory
i love you in your silly pajamas
i love you when you're happy
i love you when you hurt
i love you when you talk about the things you love
i love you when you are angry
i love you when you are lost
i love you in your morning drowsiness
i love you in your evening verve
i love you in your beauty
i love you in your mess
i love you, i love you, i love you.
PJ Jul 2016
we are made of colors
absorbed by light
scattered all around

we become the loveliest illusions
breathtaking, yet non-existent
  Jul 2016 PJ
times like these
i find myself short of words
to express how i feel for the wonder that you are
there's nothing else to say, but in the simplest of terms:

i miss you
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