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 Dec 2015 aebrellim
He's selfish.
The most selfish person I've ever met.
He confuses lust for love.
Everyone has jewels for eyes.

He believes he's selfless.
But he can't see...
How he hurts all of the girls.
Including me.

Selfless...He thinks.
Selfish... He is.

He deserves loneliness.
But he thinks he deserves the world.
He deserves to feel the same burn as his words.

So I tell you this.
These truths about his sad, pathetic soul.
Because I'm craving his attention again.
I'm only feeling alone.

I am selfish.
In the worst kind of way.
To let this boy hurt me.
Every. Single. Day.

I confuse loneliness with caring.
Like the way you look into my eyes and smile.
When you hold my hand.
When you take me somewhere "special".

But the truth is this:

You show us all of the same things.
You tell us our eyes are pretty.
You hold us close as if you care.
You make us laugh and blush.
You reward us with gentle touch.

What kind of person are you?
I can't seem to figure it out.
You're as disgusting as they come.
But... There's something... Something...
 Dec 2015 aebrellim
m i a
 Dec 2015 aebrellim
m i a
I am recycled like a paper bag

who is used over and over again

i tend to carry too much weight

that sometimes I'll begin to break

meaning I can no longer hold all of that weight

and i hope and pray it'll all go away

but it somehow seems to stay.
this is bad, but ehh. <3
 Dec 2015 aebrellim
 Dec 2015 aebrellim
I screamed but you didnt hear me because the silence was too loud

I cried but you have your own tears  now
 Dec 2015 aebrellim
Can't teach a forgiven sinner,
how to repent for their mistakes.
Grace them with my presence
and they'll return to their snakes.
They'll say they're sorry,
and then stay the same.
I'll let them in,
and they'll slander my name.
I am not a god, I hold a standard.
Match it and be equal,
fall short and be abandoned.
We humans are so cruel.
The way we hurt each other,
With out even realizing it.
As if we have never experienced sadness ourselves.
And without even meaning to,
We create this painful cycle.
Where no one wins,
Someone is always hurt,
And happiness is nothing but a memory.
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