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It is with a heavy heart, but
I'm afraid that I will have to
Go off site for a while.

Some of you may have noted
That I have not been reading
As much as I did previously.
It's not that I don't want to.

I can't.

My father is becoming
More and more absent minded.
I have to keep an eagle eye on him.
He is 89 years old...
90 on February 27th.
So he's entitled.

My mom is not in the best of health.

I live with them. It is my
Duty as a daughter to give
Them care.

I hate the western philosophy of
Putting their elders in homes.
My parents can't afford
"Assisted living".
Therefore us kids need to
Step up to the plate.

Please know that you are all
Agape LOVED.  And respected.

I will continue to read when I can.
I'll do my best. I'll be there to
Give you my ♥.
I will post on occasion.
But this is something that I must do.


Unconditional love to you all,
P.S. please repost this. I don't want poets to think I've fallen off the face of the earth or abandoned them.

Also there are a couple of poets I
Promised to collaborate with.
And a couple of poems I promised to
Post. I must do these. I gave my word

You're not in love,
you just like
Blood boiling,
tense muscles
put your mind
at ease.

You're not kissing,
you just like
the gesture of hope:
the softer the lips
the harder it is
to walk away.

You quote their texts
like you're quoting
The tweets you study
cause your heart
to freeze.

You're like a god
without a people:
You're looking
for anyone
to believe
in you.

I dreamt about
a ****** t.v.
I put myself
in a lover's shoes.
I said, "You're
not that lonely
but you like
the attention.
And I guess
I'd like to
give it
to you."
Foggy perception
Tenebrific moments
A long tunnel of
Makes journey’s askew
So near, yet, so far
Never ending maze
And a blinding haze
 Feb 2015 Adam Childs
Sia Jane
“I’m in love with everyone I’ve ever met in one way or another.
I’m just a crazy, unhinged disaster of a human being.”*

Edie Sedgwick


                                                  ­                               I am the undone woman,
                                                                ­      mistaking myself
                                                          ­                      for the girl,
                                                                ­               others always see,
                                                            ­                  even at the call of my name
I most often, walk away

                                                           ­                       I rise & fall with the tides
                                                           ­                       standing in the abyss
                                                           ­                      shedding tear drops alone
                                                           ­                      gazing at black skies;
a full snow moon

I am a piece of the sky
a jigsaw puzzle
completing this Universe
I too inhabit

I am the cracked mirror
shattered pieces;
seven years bad luck
but as the cat,
I have nine lives
of counter attack

I am all the lovers
who pass through me
caresses that have graced
my inner thigh, the ecstasy
we reach simultaneously
during the love we make

In the absence of another
pieces of myself dilute,
I only know myself
by the ink I bleed
as I write these words
you read.

I am your canvas,
a picture book
coloured outside the lines
you call me your art

&, when,
the coffin door
closes shut,
you will know
I am nothing more,
than a Factory Girl,
misidentified as;
a thousand forms of fear.

© Sia Jane
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