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Adam Childs Oct 2014
I am the queen of the sea
And when you swim with me
Hightoned is your awareness
As my super senses spill over
And danger catapults you
Into higher states
As I hunger for life
With a ferocious appetite
As my jaws propel me forward
As I bit into life I clamp
Myself into this precious world
loosing teeth as I bit
With a detailed precision
But the power of my hunger
Replaces tooth after tooth
Feeding desire I swim freely

All flee from me as they
Build higher and higher
Towers far above
But no one escapes me
As I will always swim faster
For I am the Queen of death
They only wish to meet me
In a cozy bed space ,a sleepy place
Unaware that they are even alive
But they miss the marriage
Of life and death
As I am both black and white
And offer Life and death

My eyes black holes of nothingness
Swallow the world of life
So dare you stare into me
Eyes , a bottomless abyss
As I am the black sphinx
So I hope you have done
Your homework like
Jesus and budha before you
As I am the ultimate test
The perfect mirror
And most honest voice
As only the biggest souls can
Look and find the bottom of me
As they transcend all
Because in their death
I offer them life

Great are those who stare at me
Greater are those who look and took
For death is my very nature
As my being will feed  
On  your ego with
Every day you stay near
Often hunting alone as the
World see's  me as a devil
But I truly only follow my nature
For if i am not supposed
To be this way
Then why did GOD make me
The world tries to shoulder me
With expectation
But I swiftly pass through
As I have no shoulders
For I am totally free
As I glide and float
Never hurried but always fast
As I Go for it and Go for it
No shackles on me
I am just free

No where is the marriage
And spiraling dance
between Life and death
Seen so clearly than in the
Black eye of the GREAT WHITE
Exploring life and death with the great white
Adam Childs Oct 2014
Caught in the snares
of beauty
I am a willing victim

As I lie next to Tate
Naked in many ways

As I am lost in every
Curve and lock of hair

             As she proclaims
               " YOU ARE ****
                  YOU ARE **** "

I paint over my nerves
with directionless words
of work and horses

Returning  to me a bright smile
with  sparkling eyes
she climbs onto me  giggling

          And says  
           "YOU LOVE HORSES
             YOU ARE A GOOD PERSON
              AND YOU ARE **** "

Dumbfounded by her words
But i feel no need to question  
For i am wiery soul that seeks rest
So gather your lies around me
So I may shelter in your branches    

Tell me your
       Sweet lies
Take my money
  I will close my eyes

As I bury my sight like
A mole in his hole
A dark insecurity
Eyes shut like a baby mouse
Not ready for the world

But on opening my eyes
I see her unmoved
Striking eyes fixed on me
Wide open like nets
As though collecting
All my past mistakes
Grinding them into two shiny pearls
As she looks back into me            

And with a russian accent she says
              " I  NO LIE
                  I  NO LIE"
she shakes her head
                "  YOU ARE **** "
Fumbling hands reach out of my heart
Wishing to catch such words
But they are spilled
As my disbelieveing soul
Is already full with  rejection
Mine or the worlds
It has all become blurred

But I care not for my heart rests easy
As I am filled with  gratitude
Letting  my Love just flow and flow
Adam Childs Sep 2014
As Golden Eagle soar
  Elegantly I do glide
Within a weightless pass
As I hold no heavy heart
Burdened by this world
chest leaning towards the sky
As my heart seeks heaven
For why would I worry
About my standing
when I
own  the sky
For I seek the highest perception
  As I float on my expansive vision

Earth bound legs
With jealous eyes may
Hold me in their sight
Seeking to entangle me
In their ego nets
But I see all curves and corners
With my laser sharp vision
With my hooked beak
I penetrate
Into hidden places
And why
when I
Divorced the earths pain
As my silky soft underside
Feathers breath a harmonious
Silence which they can not hear
And my white under coat
Disappears high up above
As my ego vanishes
For they can not see me
But I can
still see them

I removed the temptation
To work to hard
By being born without arms
As I sail through life
With an effortless embrace
But do not think because
I speak to angels
I can not survive
For when the time is right
To feed on this earth
My focus falls like a stone from the sky
As I let gravity do my work
Remaining conscious that
My shadow does not disturb

Even when I feel the
Winds of the world
Blow against me
I never say NO
To this world
Digging myself into dark
Unforgiving narrow caves
Where I bury myself in an early
Grave as I turn my back on life
For the more ferocious
The turbulent winds of change
The higher I fly
As I can not be defeated
By the fiery breath of wolves
So huff and puff
And blow my sails some more

As I remain open and open
So very OPEN
As I stretch myself freely
I say YES
To any chaotic winds
That blow my way
As I collect and proclaim
Yes Yes Yes
As I am lifted HIGHER
With every breath
Of my open heart
As I sail far and beyond
As though strings lifted me
By angels in heaven
As I avoid emotional perils
As I blaze freely
My feathers Glaze in the sun
And I soar higher and higher
As I sail over every storm

When listening to an Eagle
golden wings , floating freely
We become a witness
As we rise in waves of natural bliss
Adam Childs Sep 2014
A honored knight  
Reporting  for duty
But caught in the
Nets of insecurity
For I am a wordless wreak
As my eyes varnish
Already polished floors
And I walk with
An imaginary limp
As I nervously wait

All turned out swell
In the ritz glitz
Disco drive
One way ticket to freedom
And check out the
Check out lady
She is pretty hot
And what a beautiful spot
That  check out lady
She is red hot
Must catch her smile
Collect and file

Spirits gliding
ON smiles colliding
Gifted and gifted
High sea's are so enticing
So inviting
Water starts knocking
And knocking
Leave your chores
Come out doors

Who are the biters
Those little blitters
Guess I am lunch
Or even brunch
Minds start dropping
Hearts rising
With spirits kissing
So many friends
As no one pretends
Milky ice cream
Topped with full moon
Gentle whispering waves
Wishful for our future
So altogether delightful
The time I spent in Greece
just some simple writing about a holiday I have recently returned from :-)
Adam Childs Sep 2014
The loving , work horse
Strong heart , over flow
Loving the earth so deeply
Loving the earth so completely
He is driven daily
To plow his Love
furrow after furrow
Day after day
As he pushes heart into soil
In his daily toil
Generously carried softly
A surrendered humility

Our conflicting desires
Causing internal fires
Minds torn apart
Twisted and contorted
But like wild horses
We set all free
Flying high like a bird
Relaxing , letting be
As all will inspire
So just watch
This explosive aspire

A horses purity
A crystal clear clarity
As desires from
Their master drift
Blissfully , shine brightly
As connections run deeply
And he loves his
Fathers earth to
As he share his masters grief
For all his poor harvests
So ears placed on his crown
The horse listens intently
For directions from above
And ridden horses feel
For nudges in the gut
As all horses enjoy
The blissful atmosphere
Created when their fathers
Wishes are fulfilled
As they both melt
Into a gentle repour

Boundlessly trusting
Giving themselves
Softening , striding
Physically carrying
Emotionally supporting
Integrity and honesty
As many trumpets play
Flashing lights dance a ray
As accidents happen
They listen and listen
Reestablishing connections
As they are always

People and horses
Boxed in by life
Enclosed in tight arena's
Great pressures to jump
Deep urges to escape
But all jumping horses know
Freedom is not a
Horizontal choice
An option to run out
But a vertical belief
To jump what ever is front
As freedom is found
In the expression
Of unlimited self

The horse beauty
Is in its ability
To give generously
Surrender and listen
As he finds freedom
By working with and
Not Against higher forces
Horses are very evolved they possess they have a generosity that allows us to work with them
Adam Childs Aug 2014
Me and my dreams
Super hero's we are
Sailing on surf boards
Gliding high up in the sky
How we dare to fly
With all our beautiful caps
Rippling in different shapes
Hanging still in the air
Outside time and space
We float up in outer space
As we all gain pace
As the super hero's we are

Detached from reality
Broken away form the world
As I am completely free
To dream , what ever maybe
Anything rich and creamy
Perfect job , Beautiful wife
A lovely house what ever
For I  totally fly free
As Super hero' we be
In this limitless world of dream
I sew a master piece in my heart

Living in this blissful
Landscape of dreams
I feel a lively growth of greens
As I drift and trickle
Lightly down a stream
So far away where
Boundaries melt away
In a dream like joy
I delve into dreamy juice

Flying freely in the streams
Of all our dreams
Where anything is possible
We find that we just never
Know what might come true
Especially when we fly
high up in the sky
As the super hero's
We really are
No idea what this is like , I am to close at the moment interested in feed back
Adam Childs Aug 2014
Precious moments , precious moments
Where all the curves in our time lead
As ancient promises are fulfilled
And the air speaks with a delicate whisper
As I hold my breath
As the moment did all my breathing
Like it contained a heart beat

But here comes the megalomaniac
Explosive words of dynamite
Climatic , craters in the air
I despair , For I am nothing more
Than another field for harvest
As uncontrollable envy erupts
The megalomaniac can not stop
Like president Putin all armies
Push on with out him

Voices scream and holla
Ears drowned out by jealousy
He can not hear , as his armies
Trample , all over precious moments
Many tanks Many bombs
I am left shell shocked , as the obsessed
Megalomaniac pushes on blindly
Hypnotized by his insecure arrogance

My broken heart weeps
With its insufficient soul
having no ability to
Recover precious moments
As he wakes with a stretch , a yarn
A mind clear and without consequence
While years later I am in darkness
Still searching internal forests
Of great wisdom , so that
Some where I may find my forgiveness

You never reach the megalomaniac
They never listen , only to inner voices saying
Never stopping to think
Possessed by power
Sponsored by a world of fears
But I know I must forgive
If only the pain I carry could be seen
My soul would seek its equilibrium
But megalomaniac's never see
In a strange irony they destroy
That witch they envy
And seek to control

I must forgive I see
My heart clenched like a fist
As I fear the sun will never
Again rise within me
I sit , so very still
In hope that my heart
May find its forgiveness
For I have felt glimpses
Of forgiveness shine through
The leaves within this dark forest
As occasional breaks in clouds
Draw me closer to clarity

Although i live in shadows and the
Megalomaniac has long since left the scene
I see his lost ,contorted , twisted mind
A burden of struggling confusion
And I am brought to compassion
As I see he is lost , just like me
I seek to stretch into greater space
And begin to give GIVE
A little before FOR
So that i may be free
Before he can even see
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