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Adam Childs Aug 2014
The beautiful majestic mammals walk
Warmly with the perfection of family
As mother  and father walk  glowing  
With a melting pride as their little one's
Gather around their feet
As they possess the greatest and
Largest hearts that float across this land
Grand parents follow close behind as they all
Live within the strength of a united family

The parents and grand parents 
Great forests within themselves as their babies
Nestle against their solid legs like tree trunks
And shelter under huge protective bodies
Tuck under huge attentive ears
Blankets of listening love

All elephants know their priorities
As the well groomed predators
Who would desire to split are    
Powerless against the energy of family
As great lions can only watch them
Softly pass through  
Each elephant resembling a castle
As predators slam against  
Huge thick grey walls of giant
Structures as there is no way in
Each castle bonded to each other
With the strongest and greatest gravitational love
As they create an impenetrable Kingdom

They are wild but can be obliging as they
Sometimes assist humans who like to carry
Their little kings and queens on their back
The little ones which need to be loved and looked after
They move together like a mobile mountain
As they pass through the savanna but each
Member knows the importance of getting
Out there to find food and water for
Ones they all  love so very much
As they travel far and wide
Doing whatever it takes

Great paralyzing problems shrink
Within the force of family
As they lift large logs above their
Head to demonstrate to the world
Its obstacles are nothing against
Strength of family love in forward motion
Like money problems that scare those
Outside , are just smashed
Down like pathetic little twigs .

There is so much we can learn
From these giant family kingdoms
As they travel through from one generation to
The next
Softly and lovingly passing through
Adam Childs Aug 2014
As the glorious LION
Stands strong in stature
Radiating with a presence
Of Absolute rule
The air washed with
A bristly respect
A natural pride
Beams with  beauty
He guards the gateway to truth
and only the brave may enter
He is the king that needs no crown
as he holds a royal presence as he
sits in his golden coat and main
Lies spark combust just bounce off
dissolve in all his shine.  

As broken men become renewed
Their fractured parts
Collect in the melting ***
Of the Lion's  stare
As they are engulfed and swallowed
In the reservoirs of his strength
As the many wounded souls
Find themselves restored
In his majestic presence
As he rattles the very fabric
Of this world

There is no procrastinating belly
Exposed by a lackluster display
No one insults his strength
By creating a make believe world
Or covers him with scaffolding so
That they may alter him
For he is the finished article
And he is never held up or supported
With anyone's emotional ropes or strings
For he no ones puppet
He is never silenced
By the Strangle hold of this world
Tightened with a multitude of gestures
For I hear his ROAR!!!!!!!!
His explosive self expression
As his throat bursts and beams like the sun
Breaking all collars, and his tongue is freed
As a thousand trap doors Open up in him  
And boulders are lifted and rocks are shattered
within the sound of his voice.
His Soft pads of silent stealth
Gather for all his wealth
As the power of his pounce
Is governed by both his strength
Of spirit and the honesty
With which he meets the earth
For he owns all of his own pain
And paces and growls to warn
Away any who seek to steal his fresh ****
And diminish him with pretty lies
For he owns all his space
As it feeds his strength
As somewhere in the fury of feasting
Lionesses and Lions  
We find our freedom
For his power explodes like a volcano
When his soul meets the earth  
As he shakes off all avoidance
To seek only truth
As streaks of white light
And pure Gold glisten in the SUN
As the world's projections
Reflect and bounce off him

There is so much to learn
From a beautiful LION
just decided to take my two poems about a LION and remove all the dead wood and see what I came up with . not sure but I love some of the lines individually
Adam Childs Aug 2014
My appetite for life
And all its pain I have
Often felt has shrunk
Under all its challenge
As I have even sort to
Unconsciously share some
Of my precious pain
But that was as a young cub
Not a fully grown male Lion

But here I stand in the chaos
Of one of my fresh Kills
I have let to many voices in
Who are all these animals
Trying to devour my
My **** , my pain

ROAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND ROAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get away from my ****
For you deny me my strength
My beautiful Lionesses and Lions
Return to ferociously feed
For they are all ravished
This is my pain so keep
Your distance little ones

Please do not diminish
My power by hiding my
Truth within your sweet lies
Or guesses , guesses and guesses
Please do not insult my strength
By creating a make believe world
And do not cover me with
Scaffolding so that you
may work on me , for I am
The finished article

I do not need to be
Held up or supported
With your ropes and strings
For I am no ones puppet
I pace and growl to warn many of
Who have eye's for my **** for they
See the strength it gives me
As my pride feasts
I stand tall with a dignity

As I own my space I grow
In statcher and my wobbly
legs feel like pillars of strength
My soft pads meet the earth
With a deep silence and alertness
As I stand strongly because
My feet always touch the earth
As the power of my leap is
Governed not only by the strength
Of my spirit but also with the
Firmness it meets the earth
For my power explodes when
The strength of my soul hits the earth
So I growl at all avoidance
And hunger for the truth

My Lions seem so alive
As they ravage and feast
While I stand and shine brightly
In my yellow sandy coat
Which glistens in the sun
As streaks of pure Gold
Start flashing and flashing
As the worlds projections
Reflect and bounce of me
Dare they look into my eyes
And see the ownership of my being

Learning to devour pain in life
Is not easy , but we need not
Look any further than
And some where in their fury
We shall find our freedom
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just exploring myself
Adam Childs Aug 2014

I have been troubled by
Many outside voices

who say "You did not try "

Please do not say I never tried
Because I saw her turmoil
I saw her tortured confusion
As she was pulled and twisted
From here to here by all
For am I to take part
Tie her in the racks
Stretch and contort her
For I could only Love her

Other voices thought me a looser

Said I must not falter
Like its all about
Bricks and mortar
Like how many houses
Do you own
Like how many lady's
Do you own

Other voices said "where is your strength
Where is your passion "

Well I say my inaction
Showed far more affection
And passion for her soul
And the strength to hold her
While not grabbing her
As she passed through
Took the roots from
A Thousand forests
As all my love is free
And I can only make her a nest
And offer her a place to erst

Other voices said " Spill the beans
to reclaim your power "

I see reclaim my power
So I may stand on a tower
While she slips into a whirlpool
Of contorted emotional chaos
I am sorry but I am not infected
With the human disease
And is not inspired
To rip and tear
Even if women secretly declare
They like being dragged by their hair
If that is the way they choose
I guess I really do loose

For my love could only carry her through

But I say to all of this
It is the Love that lets go
Which lives the longest
As I still here her laughter
My LOVE will be felt long after
Adam Childs Aug 2014
There are words that haunt me
Which hide in the shadows
Under the bed
Or in the closet
And even when I bury my head
Sleep at the bottom of the bed

  Such words  

Are you really leaving
I thought we were going
To be together

"you   never     asked

      You never asked      Adam "

Such words rattle like
pebbles in a barrel
within my soul

Such words
Such crumbs

How I adore them
For they offer more light
In this night
Than any day has to offer

Such words

"Do you have feelings for
Me Adam because
I have feelings for you"

Then why must you go

Such words haunt me
Fill me and I long for them back  
For they carry time and space

I Love you
  I really Love you

"I Love you too
       I actually do
         I actually do

And for just one moment
Everything was just perfect

As she smiled
I gazed

How those words still haunt me
Trying a much simpler style , I enjoyed writing
Adam Childs Aug 2014
Living freely in this world
My vulnerability, feels so lost
As it seeks the skies to escape all
Perched high away and hiding
My heart forsaken
For her vulnerability
Has left her

The little bird has flown

My warm retreating heart lives behind
Many layers of frozen ice
A teardrop falls
As I see the loss potential
Where here my heart should sing
Great jungles it should bring

Come back, come back little bird

I stare into my murky depths
My legs are taken by giant jaws
I twist and turn as he swallows me whole
My standing in the world taken
I merge with this crocodile

Far away a bird twitches

I look out into the outside world
And see the disregard and arrogance
Which fuels my anger like oil on a fire
As they disturb the peace on my pond
May their flesh quiver
With my ancient growl

high above a bird leaves her perch

I am the last living dinosaur
Born from a time when, T.rex ruled
And birds with teeth reigned overhead
And I still live in waters
Where Piranhas seek to
Frenzy on living flesh
Am I to be scared of you

A quiet bird flutters closer

Bring me your contempt
For I am hungry and love rotten meat
And your disregard feeds my fury
so please circle my pond
Where my heart rests softly
With rich and green waters
Bursting and growing in love

A little bird tweets overhead

I will lounge and grab
And you will be blind
And lost in my depths
I will turn you over and
Your arrogance will feed me
Yummy yummy
I slip away from the beast

A little bird perches on his head
Still mistrusting him
For he carries a triumphant smile
As though injected with poison
The little bird says
You know I love you crocodile
But I am still not safe

Disgruntled he returns to his depths
On the inner side of the pond
Faraway he finds me again
Staring into dark waters
As though it could speak
Many times has he watched
Arrogant mammals reach and fall
Coming back consumed with
Pain, rejection and failure
Both looking and hiding from the truth

A bird tweets I LOVE YOU

With both a ferocity and compassion
He pulls me down as a tonne of flesh
Slaps itself ******* this earth
I twist and turn as I struggle
With my own truth
As he rips my pride off the bone
Be aware of my tongue for it is
Possessed by a crocodile's lashing tail

I really Love you the bird cries

The beast feasts on my bitter truth
And sour reality, I am not
Strong enough to take
And spits out the sweet lies
That keep me from myself
As he pulls me down into my own depths
Such a beautiful beast
For he feels no need to evolve
Perfect as I am he says
As it fills me with his power
To be exactly who I am
How I love this Crocodile

A bird approaches

My heart free from noise
Inside and out
A silence nestles in me
And all innocence is seen
Beautiful souls float freely
Butterflies dance and play
As all is gentle around me
And especially in me

And my beautiful vulnerability
Now returns in sweet song
As the bird rests softly in my jaw
A strange paradox becomes so very clear
With a little bird we hold so dear
This is my second effort as soon as I wrote the first one I was not happy with it as it was not clear enough what was dealing with the subjective and the objective hopefully there is greater balance in this attempt . Let me know if it works
Adam Childs Jul 2014
Living freely in this world
My vulnerability, feels so lost
As it seeks the skies to escape all
Perched high away and hiding
My heart forsaken
For my vulnerability
Has left

The little bird has flown

My retreating heart lives behind
Many layers of frozen ice
The warm waters of my heart
Have all frozen over

Come back, come back little bird

A teardrop falls
For I see the loss of potential
In this frozen pond
Where waters should be warm
My heart should sing
Great rich jungles, it should bring

My pride wounded by this world
I stare into my murky depths
My standing in this world falling
As my legs are taken
By the jaws of a giant beast

Far away a bird twitches

My stomach twists and turns
Absorbed I am into the belly
Of a great giant crocodile
I begin to feel my vulnerability
In these dangerous warm acidic waters
As I merge into a crocodile
And high above a bird leaves his perch
As the ice layers break
With the force of my tail

New eyes see the self importance in people
Of this earth, with all their arrogance
I will bring you back to earth
For I am the last living dinosaur
Born from a time when T.rex reigned
And even the birds had teeth
For I still live in waters
Where Piranha's seek to
Frenzy on living flesh
And I am to be scared of you

I warn all of those who wish to disturb
My open and most precious heart
That rests in silence over my pond
For your flesh will quiver
With the sound of my ancient growl
And your eyes will panic
With the sight of my jaw

A quiet bird flutters closer

Bring your bitterness and all your sourness
For I am hungry and love rotten meat
And your disregard feeds my fury
Circle my pond
Where my heart rests softly
With rich and green waters
Bursting and growing in love
For I am not scared to feel

And I will lounge and grab
As a tonne of me, slaps itself
Bang, ******* this earth
For I am here to feel it
And not escape it
But you will be blind
And lost in my depths
I will turn you over and
Your arrogance will feed me
As I grow stronger
You will be ripped limb from limb  

A little bird comes closer

My heart free from noise
A silence nestles in me
And all innocence is seen
Beautiful souls float freely
Butterflies dance and play
And my beautiful vulnerability
returns in sweet song
And rests softly in my jaw

A strange paradox becomes so very clear
With a little bird we hold so dear
Trying to answer a questions of how do we remain sensitive but also strong ,
I just thought i would chuck it up , I think the middle needs more work
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