I'm living with my reflection
I craved to live in the reflection.
A reflection existing in another dimension;
Every step I took, he took them more buoyantly
Every night l slept, he slept more peacefully
Every word I spoke, he spoke them more blissfully.
His skies were bluer than mine—
His sun shone brighter than mine—
The stars in his world twinkled effortlessly.
Never did he seek refuge in dusk
Nor use his pillow as headphones whenever it poured down rain.
My suicidal thoughts were his love for the world
My sorrow was his laughter
My pain— his euphoria.
Every move I made, every breath I take
I reflect on the reflection I could've been without my mistake.
To summarize this, this poem is just about imagining how different your life would've been if you didn't make some certain mistakes.