Some people lead halcyon lives
They tend to speak with soft, quiet voices
And enjoy watching clouds go by in the skies
They desire making small, inconsequential choices
They watch the world whirl around then with awe-filled eyes
Others are the polar opposite,
Living their lives with temerity.
They prefer to never rest and sit.
They carry out decisions boldly
Their mentalities are filled with sass,
Causing other personalities to clash.
The fortunate ones have tutelage,
Knowing how to act civilized and polite.
But being able to justify the savage
They have sense to avoid a fight
But I, I am what they call a mess,
Unlike the peaceful ones, or those with boldness
The way I think is seen as madness
My opinion is not one that I scream,
I'm just avoiding the scene
I'm merely an anathema,
With a queer persona
I see what others do not,
That's the only difference I've got.
For I am philistine,
Shunned by the others, it seems.