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Mar 2015 · 10.8k
a Mar 2015
There is no such thing as silence,
For there is always the clock, ticking in your ear.
we have limited time
Mar 2015 · 376
a Mar 2015
they squeeze
they press and pressure and push
until i decide to
and do their bidding
and be a 'ganger
one of them
and then the others,
the true and tested,
the tried and done,
they cry and wonder
what the hell i have done
submitting to the evil
turning to stone
not knowing that the action
it's influence, invincible
not my fault
Mar 2015 · 327
a Mar 2015
it consumes me,
biting through me, inside to out,
though the feeling doesn't belong to me
but to this other unknown
Mar 2015 · 743
Crinkle [10w]
a Mar 2015
The crinkles at your eyes,
Not allowing tears to escape
The truest smile shows the crinkles at your eyes.
Mar 2015 · 878
a Mar 2015
you are my oath, an unbreakable promise
you are my vow, my justification of it
you are my swear, my powerful phrase
Mar 2015 · 664
a Mar 2015
they asked
and i was silent

they enquired
and i kept closed

he asked
and i said mustard

and i said no
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
paper hearts
a Mar 2015
so much like the paper, it crumples
it remains untouched but has been molested
trying to close itself up, until you came and
tore open the stitches and shed the
so much like the paper, it falls
leaning on the words of another to live
their inscribed marks upon its open skin
scars not marks, wounds not scars,
because the wounds have not
closed yet
Mar 2015 · 321
a Mar 2015
i did not expect love and care from you,  but i didn't expect such a bitter fate. i didn't decide i was done with it, but i didn't decide i'd continue.  i didn't want to be involved but i didn't say it was a choice. i didn't want to feel reliance but i had to submit.
some bad prose.
Mar 2015 · 462
a Mar 2015
You are a bruise,
    ever-changing in hue
You are too hard to predict,
      your mind a limitless labyrinth

You are medallion yellow,
       painted illness by the goddess' rays
You are aegan blue,
        boiled a facade of too much of new
You are parakeet green,
           hidden underneath an opal like scene
You are mauve purple,
             controlled by the end and its inevitable stage

You are my colour,
              highlighting my pain.
You are my end,
               unravelling the game.
draft one
Feb 2015 · 683
The Weight of Sight
a Feb 2015
Wrinkle, crinkle, pimple,
but our sight remains, of that,
we have nothing to lose.
Or don't we, for the
irises too;
they carry a weight
we can only hope
to be able to
And they hold, the
that most would so wish to forget
And they hold, the
that pain took its best
and they hold all that
wish to forget
but my eyes, they hold on
to the pain
and regret

but the happiness too, those
treasured few,
moments so precious
that they slip out of
but our eyes are there, holding on
to the memories
Feb 2015 · 777
under the bed
a Feb 2015
The child, she
woke up in
the middle of the night,
and felt the
air freeze
around her little height,
but what if
the thing
under the bed, it
ended up
all in her head

But like Dumbledore
said, does that
make it any
less real
For it being in her
head, the monster
would be
more deadly
than ever,
than real

Because she wouldn't have the power to stop it existing
Feb 2015 · 236
untitled xvii
a Feb 2015
I want to feel everything;
the soft, comfortable caress
of love,
but not its biting roughness.
Yet, what is one, without the other?
What love can survive without
its demise?
Feb 2015 · 279
Haikuing Heartbreak
a Feb 2015
the beautiful breaking,
innocent, pained;
a storm in the soul
Feb 2015 · 350
untitled xvi
a Feb 2015
i always forget about all the mistakes you make,
i tolerate your swings and your constant changes
your inconsistencies and your 'slipped-outs',
and whenever you fight or hurt i'm always there,
but this one time when i made a mistake, you
lashed out and said you couldn't trust anymore,
and that i should no longer waste your time
so now i'm left, not even a single friend, 'cause the
only one
decided i wasn't trustworthy enough
for letting out a single feeling towards you
to someone else, and now, you've gone,
just like all the rest.
Feb 2015 · 391
a Feb 2015
i'm so sorry,
for doing all these things,
and making all these
and i'm so sorry
for not being there
and for not being right
and just and fair
and i'm so sorry
for being two sided
for being a hypocrite
and for being blinded
and i'm so sorry
for being me, with my
clumsy mouth and mind
and my displaced heart
and i'm so sorry

but you do not have to
forgive me.
Feb 2015 · 306
Untitled XV
a Feb 2015
my mind has fallen down, nearer to where my heart is, and it is shrinking, but pulsing huger, whilst my heart is no longer pumping blood and throat is now stuck with this dry lump and my tear ducts are too empty to occupy and it's all suddenly just decided to go, to leave, to place this heaviness upon the cage that no longer protects my unworking heart
Feb 2015 · 192
untitled xiv
a Feb 2015
it has been put into words
it has been confirmed
it has been made sure of
and i cannot defy it.
Feb 2015 · 271
untitled xiii
a Feb 2015
i sway to its gentle rhythm,
shutting out my eyes from the hurt of the outside,
allow my fingers to come out from safety,
to caress the nonexistent black and white keys that I
envision on the inside sitting before me
and just feel
*feel the music
Feb 2015 · 324
a Feb 2015
I hold it close to me, like it's a precious child,
keep it safe and protected, or is it my own sanctuary?

Stroke the furling parchment, feel its elegant roughness,
as though its power could pass over through my awe-filled caress.

Divulge my pimply nose, inhaling its papery scent,
like the most magical of flowers, just waiting for consent.

Drag my sweaty fingers across the printed ink,
feel the words and take them, all these things for me to think.
I received a hardback copy of The Book Thief.
Feb 2015 · 328
a Feb 2015
there is silence.
i allow it to consume me,
feed on my soundless noise
clutch onto my paper skin,
allow it to cease the crumpling
of a flammable coat, paper-thin,
let go of the clumsily loud thoughts,
let them flow into the air,
speak for themselves silently,
outside the screaming of my head.
Feb 2015 · 192
untitled xi
a Feb 2015
oxygen seems to not work
Feb 2015 · 503
untitled x
a Feb 2015
and if you're still breathing,
you're the lucky ones, 'cause
most of us are heaving through
corrupted lungs*

and convulsing, so empty, completely rid
of tears and whatever else might have lived
within the crumbling walls of my dying sanctuary
Feb 2015 · 200
untitled ix
a Feb 2015
it was more than just a smile
for his eyes, they filled with light
and the troubles evaporated
for that fraction of a second, bright
Feb 2015 · 370
haikuing fffffs
a Feb 2015
feverish, fervent
frantically observant
forever more
a lot of things at once, and the sixth letter of the alphabet
Feb 2015 · 479
a Feb 2015
it's strange. Stranger than stranger,
a feeling of the coldest of ice shrouding your
body and the most intense warmth enveloping
it and you don't really know how
to react

*this is it
Jan 2015 · 334
untitled viii
a Jan 2015
he loves her and she loves him
and it's a crash, a crack, an unmissable
climatic anticlimax
and there's all this emotion spilling like
god filling
up his canister with darkness and light
from a strange source
like a spring of ill feelings but an
oasis of happy
a clash of the mind and an inability
to express because
he loves her but doesn't love me
Jan 2015 · 989
a Jan 2015
not a fruit, no;
not a colour, no;
but the crackling at the grate,
the slivers of secret hate
Jan 2015 · 1.8k
a Jan 2015
slick, sturdy, undeniably burgundy
whippy, supple, but no need for more than
a couple

a needle, sharper than the sharpness of the ice cream snow, shrouding my metallic skin like but an extension of my ice fingers, so perfect, so wonderfully clear and clean

*the bow is my mind and the strings my queen
if i go
Jan 2015 · 351
Haikuing Hate
a Jan 2015
Eyes narrow, beady
Heart green, seedy
Unextinguishable fire
Another addition to my terrible haikus
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
I Want To Write
a Jan 2015
-something real. Something strong and sturdy, believable.  I want to write words that are heavy with lightness and dark with their brightness, to draw on a page a life so unbelievably real, so inconceivably mine
in creation

I want to write
-not just love. Not a ***** with a couple of drink-mangled bugs. I want to write about that feeling of blood churning and the warmth of emotion not physical feeling, to put into words the unwordable joy of being in the presence of
not just anyone

Anyone. Like the not-platonic-non-romantic affection that Rudy would not fail to hint at, that so-wanted kiss that Liesel gave, it wasn't so much the action as the meaning behind it. Like that itch on Death's ear when Liesel he came near, not to take her yet, but to steal her story, to live through it. To feel the words dance in his void, non-niceness, the infinite meanings and the power of phonic combinations.
They allow even Death to live.
I want to write like Zusak, like Rowling, like me.

I want to write
-the philosophies. The thoughts and wishes and wonders of a minority. I want to write about those opinions of those whose voices are too small and their souls beautifully lit up but unseen, their ideologies so unmistakably right but also naive and innocent, to stage their feelings from transition to transition
their words to the wise

I want to write
-characters so flawed. Each with an inner splendor most radiant, but with their fields of starless black and heads that wander from this to that. I want to write lives and people so different, with not-so-good lives and not-so-normal features. People who, though lacking thereof, cliche the right things and believe
in the wrong

The wrong. Their thoughts and meanings about life and beyond, undesirable and judged but that is the human mentality, such as Hazel Grace felt about her casualties and Alaska Young wondered about the labyrinth's unending game. So standard at first, but then Gandalf came and Bilbo learned the differences  between Hobbit and the untame. The reasons and purposes of life's grand living, through the eyes of those whose faces are shunned.
Hermione wasn't just a bibliosiac.
I want to write like Green, like Tolkien, like me.

Alas, the clock, a stained moon, it darkens, and the prejudice of people as well as the pride, unfortunately Austen couldn't lessen so much. Stereotypes triumphantly sit on the throne with their Mary-Sue maids catering from head to toe. I can't barge in, object to the crowning, because today I admit it: my writing is dying.
100% unedited, 100% raw, 100% written at 3am
Dec 2014 · 279
a Dec 2014
there is a lump not so modestly residing in the back of my throat
forcing me to stay silent because if i speak i'll probably squeak and the tears will start dripping
please, can someone tell me what it is that i'm feeling?
Dec 2014 · 439
hazy but bright
a Dec 2014
they ask me the colour of my soul and i say
and then they ask why and i have to think

is it because its bright but coated in a layer
of dust
not grey but not entirely yellow bright?
two sides to the colour
Dec 2014 · 285
untitled vii
a Dec 2014
it's that time of year again and
once again i'm sitting alone under like
seven hundred duvets and
she's in a mood again because
brother's in the ******* hospital bed
the snow just will not appear, and neither will
Nov 2014 · 326
a Nov 2014
Are an underestimated necessity
in an overestimated odyssey

Are the most expensive, sought-after accessory
in an overflowing, ***** bloom of memories
Nov 2014 · 532
An Ode to Tolkien
a Nov 2014
Well, hasn't time past quickly?
I woke up this morning and ticked today off the calendar and got ready to
But I went outside and the humans walked past, all with their poppies
And so I walked, to School the Great, down a bustling road of ungrateful
'Til, at last, the ebony uniform revealed to me and a purple banner confirmed that I was no longer
So into the science classroom I tread, and the Asian teacher "my grandfather fought in the war"
And then I noticed poppy galore and 20p coins strewn from pockets to the charity
The bell signed and so I got up, awaiting history and the Somme to obstruct,
I remembered I'd gone to Sarehole Mill, the original Shire where Ronald
And so, I recalled, that this best man past, was not just a wordsmith, but a
To last.
Nov 2014 · 202
Untitled VI
a Nov 2014
Today, everyone giggled when Sir shed a tear at eleven o'clock
Calling him an emotional chicken.
But no one knew or cared to know that Mister's grandfather died
Not in action
Not by artillery
But many years later, when recalling past events hurt his mind too much to keep

Today, everyone giggled when I said I missed the soldiers
Saying I was being dim
Not paying attention to know that those noble men were our literal
The ones who experienced such terror for our lives
Nov 2014 · 351
Untitled V
a Nov 2014
crumpled paper
blue ink stains
wrinkled fingers
textbook pains
Nov 2014 · 239
a Nov 2014
i try to explain to you the whole system
the way life works, the words and how they hurt
but you just refuse to listen
you don't understand
the way it works, it has to be routine
but you don't know that
and the only way you will is by stopping,
by listening to me
i am the epitome of the cruelty of humanity
as i sit here thinking up deaths of those whom i hate
i may well be the killer,
or will be to cowardly to sin, but allow another soul
to enter into the dark abysses of
and whilst i do that
another is dying
with a load on their back
but i'm much too preoccupied, much too
busy with my pure humanness
doing nothing but trying to sympathise with myself
because my life is so sad
is it not?
i mean, my boyfriend broke up with me the other day
and my pocket money for the week's run out
and as the mascara flows down my cheeks, another
problem arises in the house
with mum having her tooth removed, i'm going to have to look after
and oh
Reflecting on stereotypes
Nov 2014 · 291
NaNoWriMo I
a Nov 2014
do nanowrimo
accept poetry

because at this rate
they have to
Nov 2014 · 244
a Nov 2014
I'm afraid of you
And afraid of your ideals
And afraid of your thoughts,
your words,
your shields.
And I'm afraid of what
you think of me
I'm afraid of how much
I think of you
And I'm afraid for when
you tell me the
one is the loneliest number indeed
Nov 2014 · 267
Untitled IV
a Nov 2014
It's weird now
because there's a hidden meaning behind everything I say
"How are you?" means "I don't care but I'll ask," whilst
"How are you?" means "Please tell me, I wan't you to be okay,"

And whilst I see all those footsteps in the snow and then point them out,
I'm not saying "Look, so many footsteps on top of each other," I'm saying
"Look, there are so many people on this world, and look how they trod on
each other,"

But then again, I am a poet
Nov 2014 · 434
Judgment I
a Nov 2014
I adjust my scarf, pull my fringe out
lift my skirt above my knees
and hide my old HTC

I pretend I don't know, don't give the answer
Cower behind the mainstream facade
Try to hide that I'm a ******
Nov 2014 · 192
i don't know
a Nov 2014
i don't know
and i don't understand
so stop saying "why?"
because i don't have
the answer

i don't know why
she explodes
but she does, and i can't stop that

i don't know why
they hit me
but they do, and i can't stop them

i don't know why
i can't do it
but i can't, and nothing can help me

i don't know why
i feel so sad
but i do, and you can't cheer me

i don't know who
i am
and i won't find out

so you might as well
just go
no more than one should suffer
i'm probably going to fall to the floor
but hey, it might be for the better
but don't you dare fall with me, or try to raise me up
because once i'm down the spectrum, it's hard to lift back up
and only one can suffer, two is much too much
i don't know
Nov 2014 · 645
a Nov 2014
An electric current; the slightest surge
quaking, pulsing through your veins.
Your pores rising, stubble standing;
goosebumps have caught you again.
Nov 2014 · 828
Karbala I
a Nov 2014
It's the sixth of Muharram
and we just cried about
The little hall is getting fuller,
but my inhaler's there to rescue
when it wasn't there to save
from the flames at Sham-e-Ghariba
Or help to heal As-Sajjad
and make him a bit stronger.

The tension's rising, because I
have never been, and Iraq is
in so much undeserved trouble
And the mosque's gotta close
by twelve or the authorities'll
get to ya.
And we don't want that to happen.

The saf is rushed, and words pronounced wrong
seven year old's are joining the adult one
even though they know they're too short
because no one's taught 'em how to do it

It's gham time and the Maulana's
rushing it, quickening the masaib
so as not to go overtime

Sitting and observing
and trying to see it as an
It's all so beautiful
the tears for goodness and the
community spirit
We're not terrorists trying to
take over the world
We're Hussainis, try'na
help it
A horribly written poem about the general atmosphere at a Khoja Shia Mosque right now. If the context and explanation is wanted, don't hesitate to let me know. It'd be really quite interesting if you like history, politics and philosophy.
Nov 2014 · 230
a Nov 2014
I'm not too sure what to say,
It's been a while, and I've sort of
been hovering around
here and there
In the corners of the vast vestiges
of life and internet
just sitting, watching
actually thinking
yes, hello, poetry.
Oct 2014 · 218
Untitled III
a Oct 2014
she screams, he cowers into the corner
she cries, he rubs her back and comforts her
she laughs, he takes her hand and smiles
she dies, he wonders who'll do the same
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
time fetishes
a Oct 2014
I realised time is a fetish of mine; the likelihood is that you'll have more to give.
It's a jewel more precious and rare than anything that ever touched our lives; but we seem to forget how deadly it is.
And we're inhabiting each moment with wordful waste; a person loses their time st every tick of the clockwork time instrument.
And I've lost mine.
Will you give me time?
Oct 2014 · 364
Word Food?
a Oct 2014
The plates had been lain out, and the glasses standing well.
The tablecloth was sitting, candles dancing swell
The clock is there a-ticking, but the oven is a-tocking,
Papa's waiting at the head, Mama panicking 'bout what's blocking
Sister's playing hide and seek, with brother dear who's much too meek.
Finally, the platter comes, filled and lavished with the good 'uns
The wine is here, share it out, it's much too nice to not talk about
Slice the words and give it out, pour the poetry and share it.
i don't even know
Oct 2014 · 216
Untitled II
a Oct 2014
why do you automatically assume things
it's like you're on a specific mode
that all the ideas swimming in you
must be said out loud and read

the rumours you spread typically aren't true
and as much as i try to explain to to you,
you don't get that people change
what you say too

And the judgments you make are ridiculously and annoying
saying i'm a **** for not wearing a skirt? look who's talking
and don't you dare say i'm trying to steal your friends
those minions follow your assumptions, I wouldn't
want to be friends with them if you paid me
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