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 Feb 2022 Joshleen Kumar
S R Mats
there is wonder of all kinds
never boring

beating my wings
moon over life

It is here that I feel!
It's all just numbers, isn't it?
Day by day,
Year by year,
Always counting.

Day by day look at the number on the scales.
Let the caloric calculator count until your head is filled with numbers.

Minute by minute count the seconds it takes for him to text you back.
Let the doubt and fear multiply until your head is full of him.

Term by term let a percentage on a piece of paper define your worth.

Don't we have better things to do than count?
 Sep 2021 Joshleen Kumar
Always puts them above
I will still  play pretend
We tend to accept love
That we think we deserve
 Aug 2020 Joshleen Kumar
Sometimes I feel empty
Sometimes I feel lost
Sometimes I feel alone
Sometimes I wonder why
I am not a certain way
Sometimes I wonder why
I need to please everyone
Sometimes things just
don’t make sense
Sometimes all I can do
is breathe
Breathe away the insecurities
Breathe away the frustration
the helplessness and
find myself again
#breathe #insecurities #lost
 May 2020 Joshleen Kumar
I found that darkness within,
That which kept me awake,
And would lead me into a spin.

Found under blades,
On mellow nights.
As the sun fades

The shadow appears.
Bringing all my sorrows,
All my worries and fears.

The knife would cure
The overwhelming feelings,
All which I saw impure.

Blood would run dry,
Leaving me scarred.
Yet, I would still cry.

That shadow is gone,
Though there are many more.
I am no longer a pawn.
Speaks for itself. I battle with self-harm, I have been winning for a while but that's not to say the thought doesn't creep up. But I find myself under a blade less & less as time has gone.
 May 2020 Joshleen Kumar
I can tell
I can see it in you
You’re not a caged bird
But a free soul that can take any form
You run your own world

#uncaged #freebird #live
 May 2020 Joshleen Kumar
Sometimes I sit and gaze
upon a starry night
Let the lights illuminate
my soul as I sit back
and watch everything
fall into place
#stars #peace #calm
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