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to all my fellow poets who were kind
enough to read my verse with the somewhat
forbidding title “not about you”
like it despite of it and
     more than that
elected it as Daily

as well to those
who sent nice messages
and greetings

I send warm thanks

you made my day

a sunny one
opened bright patches of blue sky
between wet clouds
and brought me better morning news
than any of my papers could provide

Merci once more
The "DAILY" was a lovely surprise on an otherwise rather grey morning.
 Jul 2016 Zhanara
Gone be periwinkle
And lilac time also
Meadow full of clover
By firefly aglow.
God help us to remember
Just like a blade of grass
We shall one day wither
We too shall one day pass.
God help us all to be
With You eternally.
© Тадеус 7-2-2016 10:08pm
Все права защищены.
 Jul 2016 Zhanara
I have no gifts for you,
                                                 my love
Only a fruitless heart to share

failing to achieve the desired results; unproductive or useless.
"his fruitless attempts to publish poetry"
synonyms: futile, vain, in vain, to no avail, to no effect, idle; pointless, useless, worthless, wasted, hollow; ineffectual, ineffective, inefficacious; unproductive, unrewarding, frustrating, profitless, unsuccessful, unavailing, barren, for naught; abortive; archaicbootless
"fruitless negotiations"
antonyms: productive
 Jul 2016 Zhanara
There is no other place
Would rather
must it feel so far when we're so near
yet so near when were so far
must it feel so good when it's so bad
& so bad when it's actually so good
must things get worse before better
& get better before getting worse
must it be bitter before it's sweet
and sweet before it goes bitter
does it feel so right when it's so wrong
& so **** wrong when it's so right
must we always fight to find peace
& find utmost peace just to fight
does the pleasure feel this painful
& the pain instill lots of pleasure?
must we hate each other to love
& love hard till each other we hate
must things fall apart to fall together
& fall together just to fall apart?
do we depart to meet
& meet to depart?
must we hold each other just to let go
& let go just to hold each other?
 Jun 2016 Zhanara
How should I fight
To the bitter end?

I know how to destroy everything
Including myself

Its not what I want
To be the fire to burn up the earth
To be the water to dampen the fire
To be the air

I only want to love you

How should I love
To the ruthless end?

A stone pillar in the desert
A statue where only the crow can sit
 Jun 2016 Zhanara
Janae Marie
Destroy me softly in the dead of night.
Rip apart my thoughts with gentle words
and steady hands.

Do not question yourself,
I promise not to protest in return.

Ask me where my words are hidden,
how I bury them
and dig to them without pause so that my muscles won't have time to push you back.

Unearth my dreams,
ransack my heart until we are both covered in blood and truth.

I don't care how much it hurts,
turn my mind inside out and
thought into your palms.

Pry open those rusty hinges
because heaven knows I am just as clueless as you are to what lies behind them.

And I know, I know, I know
that what is underneath my skin is raw and pink.

Tell me how it tastes.
Yellow , glowing
Softness , soothing
There . . . never a sound

Somewhere between
A cloud and ground
Between lips and thought

Somewhere , where there is a nowhere
Somehow when we don't know-how
Somewhat of an after thought

As silently as a whisper
From an owl
In the darkest reaches

Of loneliness hidden in the
Corners of sorrow
Hide tiny tears

Painful tears
Too small to see streaks
Upon those cheeks

The cloud is all fluff
Vapor and dust
Come cloud my memories away
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