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Lainey Mar 2019
A grand place to be
Come stand beside me
I’m smack in the middle
of something,  you see.
Join me ami
You’ll love it, you’ll see!
I’m right between temperance and debauchery.
Lainey Jan 2019
Why must we unpack MYSTERY?
Wrap it in Theology?
Box it up with piety and on our knees call “Deity!”
Can AWE be trademarked, WONDER sold?
Does the unknown have to fit a mold?
Embrace the pure uncertainty and cherish possibility.
As an Atheist it ticks me off when religious people claim that only they can experience true wonder or awe etc.
Lainey Dec 2018
Happy New Year?
Well for now, I can’t say.
I have my own hopes
but there could be delay.
I’ve ordered World Peace
there could be a speed bump.
I’ve also requested the demise of Trump.
And the continued success of all bee colonies
and protection from racists and their bigotries.
And more empathy amongst all of mankind
And for those who are seeking? I hope they shall find!
At the end of the year I shall rinse and repeat and hope to find some on my wishlist complete.
Lainey Dec 2018
There once was a Mum on a train
her teen was becoming a pain
She patted her hair
and said “ Oh there, there”
and smiled though her patience did wane.
Ready for home now!!
Lainey Dec 2018
There once was a boring train ride
my teen simply couldn’t abide
she had a wee tanty
and twisted her *******
in a minute I might tan her hide
The train ride home after a big day out
Lainey Dec 2018
There once was a bone weary teen
whose muscles were starting to scream
she was having a sook
‘bout the miles undertook
but grinned with memories of icecream.
Summer vacation with the kids
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