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 Nov 2016 Bluebird
Commuter Poet
You show me how to shine

To be better
Than I am

To fight against inertia
Once again


I pass through these fields
On the road of survival.



I want life itself to be a joy
But inside I feel dreary
Energy slumping
Am I dying?
In my own small way?

So, let them test my blood
To tell what they can
My greatest challenge
Will await me
For sure

The birds flock
Round the ******* tips of Pitsea
Anything to survive

If I am to be re-born
Let me be a bird
Let me fly without thinking
Let my instinct take over
And lift me above the politics
Of small circumstance

Let me fly!
Let me fly!
Let me fly!
2nd November 2016
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
there are a lot of boys in the world.
and some of them wear your work shirts
and some of them wear his cologne
and some of them laugh like you
or peer through your eyes
at my drunk,
sliding lips.

there are a lot of boys in this world
who have your hands -
maybe gentler,
but same intention
running down my back
and under my jeans.

there are a lot of boys -
and some variety,
but all factory built
with the same core.
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
Jennifer Weiss
What greater gift than your love?
Who do I turn to above you?
Who am I made of?

Your breath gives my life meaning.
Your corrections bring holiness to my ways.
I am but a meaningless vapor without you.
But with you, a vapor not in vain.
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
I saw you the other night
Sneaking at the back of my heart
I watched as you sparked a light
A light that had spread to a fire
It flicked like a fragile flame on a wick
I let it dance on the kindling of my heart
I let it scar me, whip me until I bled
Your fire twirled as my blood ran red

You stole the reins to my heart
You roused me, galvanized me
It skipped to the music of your voice
I grasped my heart on my hands
Bloodied, bruised, burned, but still beating
And with the beats, it told me
That it would be better shared with you
With you and only you

Embrace me with tenderness
Beguile me with splendor
Drown me in your passion
Intoxicate me with your love
Oh, please, make me believe
There's nothing wrong with this love
Such an unreasonable reality
This is not what I hoped for
But as long as I'm with you
I don't care about anything else.
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
mass .
that smack in the face
with a brick.

subjective accident
in a bubble

- God -
particles interact in a huge pool of


as input

makes weight
as a wave
dances in winds

singular and
'sin everywhere
where energy

God cannot
fast or
the bubble bursts
and the brick
passes through

the window
smashes into uncountable
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
storm siren
You blamed me
You pained me,
And then you just plain ol' left me.

I know all your secrets,
And you know all of mine.
I was cool with you hurting me,
But not again, not another time.

Maybe I used you as a "punching bag",
But let's not forget how you "*******".
Lots a vile words, lots of venom,
Every ounce of you filled with hate.

Blaming it on nature?
Or, dearest little thing,
That's not nature, you're just nasty,
And only bad things you will bring.

I tried to be forgiving,
I tried to stitch up myself,
But all you do is lie and hurt,
And you could use a little help.

No, you were kind of right,
But I'm kind of insane.
Trust me when I say
You'll never get my trust again.
I was honestly okay with the insect hurting me, but now that she's moved on to others to prey upon, I'm not so okay with it anymore.
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