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W Mar 2020
I'm going have moments
Moments when I think about you
What I do without you

I'm going have moments.
Without you and for long and long
Its midnight

I've got some loose change
Spent it on a last drink
Like it was a time past two

But what are the moments
When everything comes crashing down
Rolling around
Tuck underneath these sheets
Was it never enough?
Or was it just good enough

So think about it about it
For a moment
For I'm going to have moments
When I think about you .
I'd die laughing about you .

Give me another chance would you
You know you do
So think about it it
A moment
Might need a moment
To think about you.  Before I might just puke nope

This moment could be the last one
I spent with you
I'm glad id share with you my hope .
. my dreams my sweet sweet Tennessee she my beauty

And if I didn't have that moment
That moment
I'd be lost but I'm glad I found you
Tell me what you think should I keep writing or drinking lol
Oct 2019 · 236
The leaf of the tree
W Oct 2019
It's dark
It's cold
It's smells like death
Dirt I suppose
And here I lay
Curious as can be , to venture forth
It Looks like my destiny
A light shines and I break this seed
But now im old
My energy depletes
Ah but I see
The last thing I see...
It's green...

Now the leaf to the branch to the
Rest of the tree..
The question here now is
Does the top leaf who shines and
See all that can be seen..

Does he or she remembers
That it started from me..
I mean seed?
Give it a shot I guess
W Oct 2019
I never had a problem taking a knee
Or lending a hand
I don't mind lifting you on my shoulders
Even if I can barely stand
I'll go on all 4 just for you to see above me
I'm only one person..  in fact!
just the same as you
So take my knee
Give you a boost
Take my hand and bite it for food
Drop your problems on my shoulders
So you can make it through
But before 4 I do
Three things.. is a gift to you
My mind
My body
My soul
To be all you can be

In service of other leads to greatness...

I wonder or I pray that maybe someone who walked over me would help me up.
But it's okay.
With greatness comes great sacrifice.

Yet I'm selfish for this service as it has been done before

Don't mean nothing
Sep 2019 · 280
I am time...
W Sep 2019
What don't you understand?
When I tell you not to worry about me
I am time
Time it's many things
Time will help you heal
Time will move
Time will remind you even help show you what to do
Time will even do it for you if you ask
Time will move on long after your gone

But time is like a mirror
It is in service of you
To assist you
But if you tell time to do nothing
Then time will just stop
I am time and you
Can be angry for it feels like I do nothing
But it's just what you asked for....
time is still
Time motionless
But ready

It is you for I'm a mirror
Without you... I'm just nothing...
Only to service you when you ask
Nothing more
Nothing less
Just time

From W
I wonder if anyone every actually reads these... Maybe leave a comment give me something to do
Jul 2019 · 318
Nothing into some-think/g
W Jul 2019
Fighting over nothing ...  Eh wrong
When you think you have something
Then you fight ..
Eh sure.. better that nothing

1. Making something out of nothing
That is not something to fight over
But something to fight for
2. Might be right
(3*)Making nothing into something
And fighting together

To make nothing into something
That is a life worth living for

That's everything I think that might
Change a thing..
Someday into to
Step 1
3  - 3rd Rock from from the sun.
Say Cheese!!! :)
This message is brought to you by abc , 123
(Fill in ____ ) <-- blank) whatever you believe you might send me a message to help answer your prayers *cough I mean question
W Jul 2019
What do you mean
Read between the lines?
I don't understand what it's suppose to mean
She said one thing and means another?
Buzz.. text message...
I try to search the meaning
And the deeper I try to understand
What does she mean?
I tried to search the codes
Torah code
But she (blanks) on me
Like have you gone insane?
I just don't understand
Why the deeper
I dig the
Further you leave
How far between the lines do you want me to see..
The codes 123 is the entrance to my keep
Literally 3... Left to see in July ...

To love to see you in July
Jun 2019 · 168
Tear me to pieces
W Jun 2019
Shredded boxes
Crippled noises
Tearing of tissues
Crumpling of paper

As I lose all sight of happiness...
If this is anger I feel
I hate it I truly do
I'd crumble it up beside you
With my number kinda looks like the moon

All the words that were written .. torn to shreds
Lost in the abyss
Finally it's done forever

With the recycling
She's all done

But they will become something new
Jun 2019 · 165
The Grim Reaper
W Jun 2019
I've heard he's a terrible man ...
Here to claim your soul
I never knew what his job was
Till it came to me at home
She held me close
Tighter till I couldn't breathe
And told me she loves me
Then she was cold
Yes or maybe ,he or she
Was trying to save me..
If I listened to his voice and what
He was saying I might have felt rejoyce

I was trying to save you my dear
Prepare you for what's to come
But you lost
In thy kingdom come

All hope was loss...  


It's not something sad if you want something more you simply should ask, leave a review and I'll tell you what I mean...
Jun 2019 · 543
What "will" you do know
W Jun 2019
There im told your great I see
Held to the highest pillar just stay true
(E-mc⅔) **** this hard one ****
It sees matter ...
Over mind..
It seems that's all this world matters... Clue
Matter of things of this world without what happens after
So it is matter over mind... Society lied **** dumb *****..clearly it matters
To be a cow .. walking to the slaughter house
Budging in line on who wants to go next
This poem seems to be to obvious
And perfect... Lol from spacings and levels
Balance and truth
Jesus walks first in the other direction..
Now I do
Believe it or not ...
If this is true hard to answer
Keys left all around... But
Can't seem to pick it up
I'm first to the key
First to the egg
So many movies
So many clues
Who makes these movies
God funny every show
On the tv in shows lol..
To fairy tail
Imagination is endless but it's a tricky thing to play with .. if you don't have a good
Jesus was a good teacher..
Peace I don't believe in 3rd chances.. but this
One I'll do just because it's you and
It's for ya.. you4yah from you by you
Caillou on Google.. xmas lol ..
25december .. I mean the
My dreams
But the world tears us apart.
My great love letter d she may never
Read ..the letter that shred the sheets
But tears on a lady on the streets
Like Romeo and Juliet ..
The returned love letter
That took me many
Life times
Complete. back on the street the tree
Down the street
Where walk
Through the snow
Meet me here
If you
Don't believe my love
Is the moon the stars the sun
There is endless words
Of cloud atlas ... We are
The story... Each of us
She's been there .. the first time you truly fell in love.. the person who stole your heart
But some B's
Rip you apart (think really if it didn't matter but love that's mind heart and brain talking)
What if the girl dropping wine.. if she realized in the beginning you wouldn't have pieces of your heart...
To find or lose or grew in the beginning. .. so the first love is true and everything else will never duplicate that .. wholeheartedness? But repent I guess ****
Torn apart
Even in the possibility of finding the girl .. so don't give up being the good guy
In time you will find the right true love.

And it's a reincarnation of her on the flip
Supporting you or
Vise versa
Perfect match

Of forever.
But even then.. I'm honest
And humble
But not a dog a wolf
All one man's
Cross he hung
Still felt bad
For the society of them
Would go to hell and bring the souls all
Souls demon to light
Fire to brimstone ( anime for that)..
Would give you a chance over
Over again
Cause I'm a nice guy
And believe
No matter what ..
A son
2000 years ...
And hopefully you get the belief needed..
Jesus died for all sins then...
But you forgot...
Lets try
Already .
What happens if the world drained and never made it out of this rock.. fail .. might happens if not natural disasters by mother earth for the cries of her pain
Or humanity's 7 deadly sins controling this world **** each other ... Cause god already won and running your tricks

She's the only girl
Who I want a hit off
She's my high on life
Not everything else
We would bike ,
Sometimes fight but perfect
That I was sober and for that day
Ever since
Trying to replicate ..
That love
Even now


You just to blind to see. ( If you read this far you will one day make it .. this life or the
Promise.. gjw God Jesus will __
Jun 2019 · 154
Im told your cold
W Jun 2019
Your cold .. heartless
Lost about how someone could be the things I'm told...
Are there people who can be so shaken but I'm someone who does what they're told.. you know
I haven't even met you
But now I see
The cold breath..
the frost ...
The night the day left to me
Seeing you in the waking light
Go down and when you arrive I'll be here
But don't make the same mistake twice ...
That I try never to do but you got me good you see
... I was never hear I said promise me
When I returned
You left and was never to be seen
That's cold..
May 2019 · 142
Wake up from what exactly
W May 2019
Wake up your going  to be late for school
Wake up wake up
Wake up for Facebook
Wake up for the world...
Where the **** did you wake up from?
Why are you waking up..
Wake up.. is he dead..
No he's probably sleeping
He doesn't do nothing
He just lies there
He's just
Waking up the reality of time when time was never time and she was nevermind ..

It perhaps a dream that he's  waking up from or in reality... It's time for you the wake the **** up..
Or maybe he's planning his dreams for you to see for all who believe what life can be if you succeed without me.  He is happy either way
May 2019 · 389
The battle between what?
W May 2019
My body shifts and the world is shaking at my feet
Yet the birds sing all around me as I try to sleep
Is my mind playing tricks on me that I'm unable to tell the difference from reality?
The physical pain when I'm without you draws me closer to you.. but you are bad for me… but as I sleep with this pain in my mind caused by you to make me want you even more
Was it love?
. it's a vicious cycle
As the sun and the moon. I'm the Earth you created me the son who you gave life in the balance of the right amount of warmth and cold heartedness
As I'm just a boy who sees the mind of when I sleep..and the beauty it can be but to have you together awake and happy together the perfect love it could be.. would be the destruction of my body in which I can bring your dreams to reality..
Right now you.. together…
You would never need to sleep or to eat you be out all day and all night and forget about the son you left at home while you partied but I'm only 3 years old… I can't even reach the stove

What am I even talking about? I'm crazy go to sleep... It's 6 am already
Comparing life in many different scopes

— The End —