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Mar 2018 · 406
poison to your veins
YoYoWrites Mar 2018
Its painful huh? The pain you felt after you got cheated on. The pain you felt after you got lied to. But what hurt more, was the fact that you decided to go back after what he did. What hurt more was the fact that those words replayed in your mind and each time over and over again it became more painful and it didn’t change the way it made you feel. But you still went back. Because even after he warned you not to fall in love with him, you still did. Because even though he cheated on you and did the same thing to girls that he did to you, he still “Knew how to treat you”. And it sad cause at the end of the day you still went back and the same result would be expected. But you never got used to the feeling. Cause you actually felt the heartbreak. And you felt the way your heart broke into a million pieces. You only wanted to see the good in him but you didn’t. You couldn't bring out the good in him either. But everyone around you warned you about him and you only kept poisoning yourself by going back. He was the venom to your veins that even though it was killing you, you didn’t do anything to **** it out. You let it **** you by staying thinking it was love. But it had felt as if you hated yourself more than you loved yourself.
leave your feedback
YoYoWrites Mar 2018
I was happy with the man I wanted to have a future with.
I was happy with the friends who told me to stay away from you.
I was happy with the family that told me you were a bad influence.
But then you showed up again.
And my heart raced like it did when we were together.
I started to have second thoughts about the man I wanted to have a future with.
I wanted to prove the friends who told me to stay away from you wrong.
But I couldn’t go back those times.
All this time I thought I was missing you but I was wrong. I didn’t miss you. I missed what we had and what we had are now memories who have burned themselves deep in my mind who are constantly on repeat and thats whats making me miss you.
recent breakup and it inspired me to write this.
Nov 2017 · 199
YoYoWrites Nov 2017
How did that ugly mind create those beautiful words?
Nov 2017 · 559
He Was My Lost Boy
YoYoWrites Nov 2017
I was lost.
Every night I’d stand by my window in hopes that someone would help me.
The stars shone as bright as they could. They were in peace.
Something I wasn’t.
That was until I saw him.
That sorrow I had buried myself in had managed to get away.
And that smile that hasn’t seen the daylight in years managed to form.
But he was lost too.
And the same smile I had on my face reflected on his.
He was my lost boy.
What do you think?
Oct 2017 · 489
Morning Routine
YoYoWrites Oct 2017
I woke up in the morning feeling a bit blue,  it wasn't much of a surprise considering that was how I felt every morning for the past 4 years. I manage to sit up and just like the blood rushed to my brain so did the thoughts. The thoughts of regret and sorrow filled my mind. As I start walking to school I am greeted by Anxiety. Next I am greeted by depression, and boy did it make me feel gloomy. Even though it was sunny outside it had felt as if I had a dark thundering cloud above my head ready to start pouring.
It would really help if you would leave some feedback. Thank you!
Sep 2017 · 440
My Annabel
YoYoWrites Sep 2017
She always stood by the sea at night. She always loved the noise it made, and her memories would crash with one another just like the waves did. Her pale skin remained the same after my Annabel died. She was just a body without a soul, my love, she was already dead before she died. her long pitch black hair would flow with the wind. I would watch my love from the balcony, and she would be happy. Something she never was when she was home. My Annabel was in love. but not with me, but with the sea. Because it gave her something I couldn't possibly give to her and that was comfort. Her favorite place was the cliff, where she would sit with her feet hanging.But on that particular night, her feet weren't the only thing that would fall from the cliff. My Annabel has died...
Yes this writing was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe.Please feel free to leave feedback, suggestions etc...
YoYoWrites Sep 2017
This isn't a letter about how I died committing suicide by a gunshot against my head. Or how depressed I am in need of professional help. It's about how I already died without my body being six feet underground. You see, my body was different than anyone else's. I couldn't love because once upon a time I loved too hard and ended up alone. I trusted someone too much and ended up being touched. I took words to the heart and ended up killing myself without actually dying.
Sep 2017 · 303
YoYoWrites Sep 2017
I was found in my room surrounded by liquor bottles. I was on the floor not being able to feel a single emotion. I was empty. Just like the fourth liquor bottle I had in my hand. And just like the piece of paper that laid on the floor. He came and asked me if that was the way to forget him. I replied with 'No darling, that's the way I like to forget about myself.'
May 2017 · 368
The Pen in her hand
YoYoWrites May 2017
The pen in my hand, the paper remains unwritten.
The pen starts moving writing down the secrets it’s been hidden.
The writer remains quiet but the paper shows how much she’s screaming.
Wrote down how much she misses dreaming.
With the cold cup of coffee, to keep her awake.
Her enemies wouldn’t ever to feel this pain.
Apr 2017 · 822
Spring Has Come
YoYoWrites Apr 2017
It was spring, my favorite season.
The trees gathered their color from when the winter took it away.
The flowers began to bloom, the colors yellow, and purple that hid with the grass .
The sun that shone bright, how the clouds stood the way they were late at night
The birds chirping happy to be back home after a long cold winter
Humid by morning, cloudy by noon, rainy by night were the days i was looking forward to.

— The End —