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3.0k · Dec 2015
Seems Like Yesterday
Xphaedos Dec 2015
You see, today’s problems are all going fast
Everything crumbling, turning to the past
So everything I think of of
Has already happened somehow, someway
Like it was yesterday
Yeah, yesterday

Seems just like yesterday, I didn’t know how to speak
Seems like it was yesterday I was on a winning streak
Seems like yesterday the problems were far away
Seems like yesterday there wasn’t any pain

Guess things change
After a while
Guess things change
Though they have denials
Guess things are never quite the same
Guess it was just like

Seems just like yesterday we had the time of our lives
Seems just like yesterday we only told truths not lies
Seems just like yesterday we were all home free
Seems just like yesterday we opened our eyes to the world to see

Guess things move
And never really stop
Guess things have a groove
Gotta make it to the top
Guess things rise and fall
Making history
Guess things are written on the wall
Hey, are you listening?

Seems like yesterday I was president of the world (yeah right)
Seems like yesterday black and white was swirled
Seems like yesterday I got this whole new beat
Seems like yesterday this is all just a repeat

Guess some things, really never change
Guess some just like to stay the same
Guess some only do it for the game….
Guess some always take the blame

But it just
Seems like yesterday was a brand new day
Seems like yesterday was a scripted play
Seems like yesterday, the sky wasn’t so far away
Seems like yesterday we were getting paid


Seems just like yesterday, I didn’t know how to speak
Seems like it was yesterday I was on a winning streak
Seems like yesterday the problems were far away
Seems like yesterday there wasn’t any pain
Don't steal these lyrics, please.
1.5k · Apr 2015
Childish (10w)
Xphaedos Apr 2015
There's nothing wrong with being childish. Why not more often?
I believe that everyone has an inner child and they should release it more often so they can live a full, happy, while life.
1.4k · Apr 2015
Simple Love Poem
Xphaedos Apr 2015
I wanted to let you know one thing
You're like a dream
And you're the best thing
That happened to me
1.3k · Sep 2017
I'm Sorry
Xphaedos Sep 2017
I’m sorry
I’m sorry I pay attention to your wrists
But I do it because you’re beautiful and unbroken and I want the whole world to know
I want everyone too see how beautiful your skin is that your mother and father made, and how perfectly imperfect it is

I’m sorry I pay attention to your wrists
But I do it because I’m scared and worried that I won’t be able to protect you more than a knife ever did
I want you to know how loved you are and how you’re one of the best people I’ve ever met

I’m sorry I pay attention to your wrists
But I do it because I never want you to ever be hurt again; by other people or yourself
I want you to know how strong you are, and that no matter who hurts you, I believe you can pull through because you’re amazing

I’m sorry I pay attention to your wrists
But I do it because every single scar reminds me how I was too late
I wanted to be there more and even now, I continue to miss you and worry constantly, fearing that you’ll disappear from my life and I won’t be able to be a better friend

I’m sorry
I’m sorry I pay attention to your wrists
I don’t mean to do it to draw people’s attention
I know you’ve gotten enough of that already
Quick glances or long stares
I just want you to know
I’m here
1.1k · Dec 2015
The Healing Sun
Xphaedos Dec 2015
A shower of gold crossed the floor
And the reflections bounced and ran
And so the sunlight spilled into the room
To comfort a lesser man

The light and warmth seemed to cleanse
The worries from his mind
And it was not long before
He began to close his eyes

He began to dream
Of all his problems solved
But unfortunately, he opened his eyes
And his dream had quite dissolved

But as he lounged in his chair
The sunlight again returned
To wash him in it's light
And cleanse him of his concerns

The man gazed around
The gold that shone around the chamber
And he thought to himself:
"See how there's no danger?

*"For the sun has saved so much of me
And I don't know quite what to do
Because you've healed my soul so much
For now, I'll simply say thank you."
906 · Apr 2015
Happy Without You
Xphaedos Apr 2015
How are you, dear?
You walked away from me last year.
Do you regret it? Because I don't.
Glad I'm living life without you,
but I bet you don't.
870 · Apr 2015
Not a Goodbye
Xphaedos Apr 2015
Love you, never goodbye, and one beautiful word for you: hi.
811 · Dec 2016
Ring Around
Xphaedos Dec 2016
Ring around the rottings
Of the burning bodies
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down

Ring around the masses
Smiling through the ashes
Fire, fire, we all burn in Hell

Ring around the decayed
Tiring games that we played
Silence, silence, no one is alive

Ring around the whispers
On all our mouths are zippers
Gruesome, gruesome, ways to die

Ring around the darkness
Which fills all of our hearts
Eyes sewed, eyes sewed, eyes sewed shut

Ring around the stumbles
the trippings and the troubles
Crumble, crumble, we're all trapped

Ring around the newborn
As we are reborn
Sightless, hungry, we eat all

Ring around the children
Hungry once again
Eat up, eat up, before they're gone

Ring around the parking meters
They will never leave here
Never, escape, fully alive

Ring around the insane
For we've eaten their brains
Gnawing, gnawing, at last full

Ring around the trashings
Of the goings and the passings
Time is, time is, falling down

Ring around the table
Not to pray, we're unable
Stabbing, ruthless, together now

Ring around the fires
Smoke goes up in spires
Ashes, ashes, more children rain down

Ring around the ashes
We pull out our secret stashes
Flesh of who we used to be

Ring around the old flesh
Stretching over the rest
Children, children, you'll be reborn

Ring around the needles
To sew the eyes with beetles
Stitch, stitch, sew, sew, you're all beautiful

Ring around the knives
to stab and slash children of all sizes
Soon, soon, you'll be like us

Ring around their blood
Bubbling and hissing into the mud
You won't need that anymore

Ring around the whispers
The reborn all need their mouth zippers
Hold still, it won't hurt, see? Now, it's done

Ring around the embers
We now have more members
Of our insane democracy

Ring around your street
Your house is pretty neat
Maybe, if you're lucky, you'll be next

Ring around the gallows
Hidden in the shadows
Tying, tying, you'll choke now

Ring around the findings
You didn't leave a sign of
Struggle, struggle, or bleeding out
751 · Apr 2015
House of Colors
Xphaedos Apr 2015
Right this way, please
Welcome to the house of color
Would you like a cup of tea?
Nothing is dull here

The reds are brilliant, and try to beat the others
But of course they don't get to, or we wouldn't be called the house of colors

The greens, how wonderful in every single shade
And then there's Neon Green (who was always a bit of a renegade)

The soft and sinister purples also come to view
Not all of them are nice, some of them are worn, not as new

There's oranges that roll downstairs (would you like a taste?)
The citron taste does not, the fine palate,  escape

The yellows pour in
some sunshine, some shades of *****

And then for cool and bright blues
(this isn't all, too)

We also have greys, blacks, whites
So step right in and order yours tonight

We don't charge much for shipping and handling (though they're much too hard to hold)
We can give you any type, light, dark, or bold

This was the house of colors, we hope you liked what you have seen
We also give quality: fat, thin, or a beam

We can give you rainbows (though those are getting rare)
And you must be extra careful with them (they easily tear)

So welcome to the house of colors
Not a normal house like others
747 · Mar 2017
Xphaedos Mar 2017
The monster of perfectionism//eats away at me in the bones//and when I finally disappear//no body will ever know
676 · Jan 2016
Silly, Silly
Xphaedos Jan 2016
Silly, silly boys in High School
The majority of which show off their upper halves, and lift weights to impress
Silly, silly girls in High School, trying to be in the same in the way that they show skin
Silly, silly children
More, more
We want the outrageous stories, we’ve built up resistance to being impressed
We want more of the world
More skin, more drugs, more drinks
We won’t stop until we’re intoxicated with the world
More technology, more color, more sounds
More movies, more ***, more happiness
More starving, more shooting, more ****
More worry, more violence

Silly, silly boys in High School
Most girls would prefer a guy who’s not shallow and strong unless the girl is also shallow
But smart mentally, the future of the world
Silly, silly girls
Boys don’t want a ****, unless they’re also a ****
They want someone confident and comfortable in their own skin
Someone funny and charismatic
Silly, silly children
Less, less
We’re gobbling up everything in an attempt to be great
But we’re also wasting our resources, moving onto new things
Already bored with our toys
Less water, less food
Less fuel, less cries heard in the night
Less energy, less motivation
Less segregation, less smoking
Less suicide, less anorexics

And soon, if we continue, we’ll be left with nothing
Left for the dead
Silly, silly boys
Silly, silly girls
Silly, silly generation
658 · Dec 2016
Xphaedos Dec 2016
Give me your hand, or at least fake it
No matter what you'll do, I'll still take it
Interlace our fingers like so
I won't let you get cold
Because I won't let go

You're mine, only mine
Always only have been, and I've kept you in line
I won't let anyone else have you
Because only I love you
I don't know, I just felt it would be interesting to write from an abusive perspective...
627 · Sep 2017
Xphaedos Sep 2017
Her stomach hurts with a stabbing pain
Every day, again and again
No matter what she eats, she throws right up
And her boyfriend wishes it would stop

The doctors only give her pills
They use her as a money mill
He did his research day and night
Each growing day gave him a fright

Her pain grew to volumes she hadn’t ever had
Even to the point where she couldn’t even stand
He held her every day, he held her every night
But nothing in his power, nothing in his might

Could ever, ever help her
And he needed the doctors to learn
That if they didn’t help her, she’d be sitting in an urn
He never wanted that to happen because she’d never ever earned

That which was so deserving, only doing good
The only bad thing ever she’d done, as he had understood
Was break up with somebody, and that was all
So what was this, was this somebody’s call?

And so she’s slowly dying and the doctors do not know
They refuse to give her surgery, they refuse to diagnose
She cries of frustration and she cries out in pain
Every single night, again and again
One of my friend's girlfriends has something wrong with her stomach (it started about a month ago) and we don't know what is. We're constantly researching but this is actually a poem based off of what's happening. Please respond if you have ideas of what it is. We've already considered a lot of possibilities, and she says it feels like being stabbed in the stomach. It's not caused by allergy, and it's not in the appendix.
617 · Jul 2019
Amazon Prime
Xphaedos Jul 2019
Airwaves affecting our actions
Dissatisfaction guarantees
Money back disagrees
Buying happiness with ease
What an Amazonian tease
610 · Dec 2016
You Were the First
Xphaedos Dec 2016
You were the first
You were the first person I ever truly loved, the first person I put time and effort into
You were the first person I felt truly understood me and took time to understand me, the first person who I thought listened and cared
You were the first person I fought with because I cared so much, the first person I wanted to kiss in the rain, wear a dress for, live with for the rest of my life, never lose. . .

You were the first person who truly broke my heart, the first person who walked away
You were the first one to start harming yourself
You were the first person to give up what we had, to let go, and erase

You were the first person who loved me enough to come back
You were the first person I ever kissed, felt safe around, and
You were the first to help me overcome my acrophobia

You were the first person to question Us, our relationship
The person who realized love isn’t permanent, while I was drifting off in a fairytale land, thinking love was forever
You were the first person who taught me that pain isn’t always bad, because it has the ability to make you stronger

You were the first person to know when I’m me and when I’m not
The first person who cared enough to say, ‘What’s wrong?’ when I’m hiding my face, the one who offered his coat to keep me warm in winter, the first one to wipe away my tears

You were the first person to threaten me
The first person to say ‘I hate you’

You were the first person to ever truly hurt me
And you will be the last
604 · Dec 2016
Xphaedos Dec 2016
the only difference between *** for lust and *** for love is that you can tell when someone loves you, the way they touch you is gentle and their fingers crawl out ‘I love you’ on your skin

Everything they trace is a tattoo in a different color, everything they touch is another part they carve your body, providing definition, you are a sculpture to them; fragile and vulnerable, delicate and precise

Everything they run their fingers over is a new part of the sculpture piece, everywhere they kiss is highlighting the invisible words on your skin, ’you are beautiful, this is where’

but when someone loves you out of lust

everything is hard, fast, merciless, rough

nothing is careful, it is careless, no treasuring any part of anyone, even though they may act the part, it’s not true love

They don’t highlight you, they kiss you only because they can, they do it for the sake of doing

It’s all about being spontaneous, come, come, come, scream

Nothing matters, everything, everyone, even part is an object, nothing else
Don't get offended, it's just my opinions
602 · Mar 2017
Xphaedos Mar 2017
How can silence be this loud?
How can agony be so hidden?
Why do we fear things we don't understand?
Why is a shout of help so quiet and why is fear just a scream in our heads?
599 · Aug 2015
Can't remember
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Why'd I walk into this room again?
588 · Dec 2015
Love These Days/Trust
Xphaedos Dec 2015
You said I was everything.
Then you left me, and I was nothing.
So what am I when you came back to claim me?

I was hidden away in the dark
Without you, I had a stone cold heart
Did you think by appearing you could unfreeze it?

I lost myself
And didn't want to find myself
So when you came back in my life and reminded me who I was
I sunk deeper into the shadows.

I'm glad you're back.
I'm no longer lonely.
You say you won't leave me.
But how can I trust you?
Especially when you've already left once.
573 · Oct 2017
You Don't Understand
Xphaedos Oct 2017
I know you haven’t dealt with mental illnesses throughout your life
You don’t know how to explain or control them
I know you don’t know how to explain or control me

You don’t understand how to react when I say I have anxiety
You don’t understand it isn’t easy for everyone to be exactly like you
You don’t understand that the worst response is ‘Get over it.’
You don’t understand what’s happening
But I forgive you

I know you haven’t done your research
You don’t really care to know more
I know you don’t really care to know more about me

You don’t understand what it’s like to want to die
You’ve never undergone depression; you only know to get past things without something weighing you down
You don’t understand that I can’t simply suppress depression when it rears it’s ugly head
You don’t understand that I need to be alone sometimes
But I forgive you, always

I know you’re scared because you’re used to having control
I know your life shatters with every Emergency Room visit
I know your life shatters with my every visit

You don’t understand why I do the things I do
You don’t understand the things I’ve done in the past
You don’t understand why I lock myself in my room
You don’t understand why I stop talking to you
But I forgive you, continuously

I know you are worried about me
I know you regret not knowing
But I bet you don’t regret not knowing me
To: my mom, the words I can never say
556 · Feb 2016
Some Girls
Xphaedos Feb 2016
Some girls are like chess pieces, pawns of the world, the gullible
You can move them wherever you want
Push them around like game pieces, the game pieces to Life
No matter the color of the world you choose for them
The square of a world
Either black or white, dark or light
They are like chess pieces and will remain like that
Solid, moveable pieces
If you meet a chess piece girl, don’t take advantage of her

Some girls are like piano keys, sitting there, waiting to get played
No matter the color of their skin, black or white
Or the texture of their voice, their words
Sharp or flat
They are like piano keys and will remain like that
Solid, playable keys that live to sing when their heart is broken by someone who didn’t care about them in the first place
If you meet a piano key girl, don’t play her

Some girls are like one way mirrors, they close themselves off to people and only allow the people they trust to look into them
They’ve probably had a rough past or maybe just some trust issues
But even with one way mirrors you cannot force it to be like a regular mirror, able to see from both sides into the other
She may remain impassive
Don’t force her to show you her secrets, her inner workings, let her remain closed off about the things she wishes not to share
If you ever meet a one way mirror, let them be as they are

If you meet any of these types of girls, let them be as they are
They are, after all, still humans, right?
For the deeper we look in ourselves
The more we try to be different, extraordinary
If we do not have the most important values and virtues of life within
We still can resemble inanimate objects, cold and unfeeling

Learn a lesson from this,
And learn, especially
To really
540 · Oct 2017
Would You
Xphaedos Oct 2017
Would you fight for me
As I went swimming in the darkest sea
Would you know what to do
When there's no chance of rescue
Would you remember what you heard
When I'm drowning, choking on my words
Would you drink in the morning dew
When there's nothing left for you
Would you lay down by my side
And stare up at the bright, blue sky
Would you visit rain or shine
And bring flowers to my shrine
Would you sing me back to sleep
With the very tears you weep
Would you please remind me when
You screamed, 'God, let me in!'
Would you remember me
Locking the door, counting to three
Would you please explain why you cried
When you saw the bathtub, kitchen knife, and I
Would you take the knife out of my hands
And drag me to dry land
Would you please hold me tight
And stay the entire night
Would you remember all the 'I love you's'
And all of the 'I love you too's'
Would you kiss the dirt above my head
Because, my dear, I'm sorry, I'm dead
This is fiction.
540 · Feb 2018
I Easily Forget Things
Xphaedos Feb 2018
I easily forget things
I can’t remember what I had to eat last
I can’t remember a lot of the past
My childhood was blurry because I was always in a hurry
I was always so busy running and playing tag, avoiding all my mother’s nagging

I don’t easily forget things
I can’t easily forget about people like yourself, your tongue, your teeth, your mouth
Fingertips and hands
Your hand in mine was the only sign I need
I’m so easy to read

I easily forget things
I can’t remember all of the songs I’ve heard
Can’t remember all I’ve learned
I can’t recall what I’m wearing
Ignore all the people staring

I don’t easily forget things
I don’t easily forget things like your smile, your eyes, your hair
How when I wake up in the morning, you’re not there

I easily forget things
Who I am, what I am
What I can do, what I can’t

But I can’t forget you
514 · Dec 2015
Xphaedos Dec 2015
You say you’ll be back
How can I trust you?
You say you’ll back, how can I tell for sure?

I’m kind of afraid
Because when you go away
You never return
Until another day
499 · Jan 2016
Xphaedos Jan 2016
Everyone’s mom teaches them the basics of life
How to take care of yourself
How to make friends

My mother taught me to be proud of who I am
There was an asian who went to my old school who made fun of himself just to make friends
My mother pointed out, “His way with dealing with the bullying is bad. Don’t do what he does.”
But I felt sorry for him
Because even I understood at that age
That joking about yourself is a survival skill and usually what you say isn’t actually a joke
But you let people laugh so you feel accepted
Ad it becomes a relentless habit that pursues and consumes you
Until you degrade yourself so much that you’re practically nothing

I remember the first time I proudly actually said to someone:
“I’m Chinese.” only to have the response:
“Yeah. I can tell. Your eyes.” and a rather belittling smirk.

I dealt with so many people mocking me at the point of saying I’m super smart or play instruments and that was so ‘Chinese'
I’ve dealt with people stretching the corners of their eyes with their fingers
As if they weren’t stretching my heart
And I laughed because I couldn’t think of what else to do
But inside,  part of me died, gone up in smoke and flew away to wherever Hell was

Why do I have to live up to something like that?

I just want to be me
But even that won’t work
I cannot simply stop how others see me
And usually all they see me as is an Asian

We’re all put in groups
So why does it even matter to even be good at something
When it won’t remove the label put on you at birth?

Apparently I can’t be bad at something…anything.
Do you know what that’s like when someone gives me a look when I tell them I’ve failed something?
Another piece of my soul goes up in smoke
I’m sorry I’m a human too!

Apparently Chinese are supposed to be really good at things
I’m sorry if I don’t want to be perfect!
I’m sorry I want to be flawed…that I want to be a freak
That I already am one
That word stings when you say it to me
But as long as I have people standing by me
For me to be a freak with
It’s not such a bad word
497 · Dec 2016
Wrinkles (work in progress)
Xphaedos Dec 2016
Know every wrinkle in your skin
Is from when you smiled or laughed
Every time you crinkled your nose
Every time you squeezed your eyes shut
There is elegance in your wrinkles, and I love them all

They mark every day, every time you spent feeling. . .something
Something is better than nothing at all
484 · Dec 2016
Instructions for Perfection
Xphaedos Dec 2016
Make something beautiful, and perfect
2. Break it
472 · Aug 2015
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Fluttering, so fragile
A shred, infinitesimal
An ember still fighting to survive
Through generations, to stay alive
To keep burning into the books
How our history looks
What we've achieved
Lost, won, and grieved
And so, my friends, I hope a shred of hope you will receive in your greatest need
It will help in the darkest of your days to relieve
And just know don't ever let it go, because when hope is released

One more ember in the fire goes out
One more fight shivers and freezes
One more dead body added to the pile
And one more heart in the lives of our loved ones is seized

Take care of the shred of hope you have
Try to build a chest full
When you've succeeded that
You'll feel a pull

To help others in their darkest days
As hope has done to you
And hopefully, hope will be
Strong and good enough to see you both well, all through
450 · Dec 2016
Xphaedos Dec 2016
You can count the little white pills with a green stripe around the middle
But you can’t count how many times in the last few years your mother looks at you with worry and resignation
Disappointment and consternation

You know she doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t understand that what’s going through your head are thoughts that make you lock yourself in your room and want to never come out

She doesn’t understand that the thoughts in your head are so dark you don’t want to wake up
And every day you struggle to find a reason to wake up, and when you finally wake up, the sun is blazing, burning itself into your sight, burning

Burning like all the secrets and feelings bottled up that are going to spill over at any moment, the bottle of feelings that cracks every night before you fall asleep, the liquid running and soaking into your pillow as you try to blink away your perspective on the world, on your own life

You try to guard your heart with steel walls, try to duct tape the bottle of feelings inside, crashing and thrashing around, being careful around the shards of your glass heart that have cracked and have come loose again  

But duct tape can’t fix everything, especially not your heart, and every time you try to pick a piece of shattered glass heart up, you continue bleeding, pouring from the scars and wounds you tried to sew shut, the things from battle that will never fade

Your mind is an ocean of constant stress, worrying away at your very soul, your desire to live, and all life gave you was a little boat that was called Hope and walked away laughing, saying, ‘Good luck’

Your depression rose up in waves around you, dragging you under breathe in and up breathe out and under again, never calm, and you’re struggling on the outside, everyone can see that, but you feel like you’re the only one who understands enough, why wouldn’t you be able to understand yourself, why can’t you understand yourself, why?

Because your depression left you stranded on an island with no one to talk to, with nothing to do, nothing you want to do

But you did all you could. You wrote notes on whatever you could scavenge, pushed it into a bottle, threw it in the ocean and waited

Waited for the sun to come up, waited for another day, another reason, for living

It was like ordering something online, just when you think it’ll never arrive, it does

An orange container of white pills with a little green stripe around the middle and by then, you realize you’ve survived on an island by yourself, you’ve lived this long, the sun is still shining, birds are still chirping

So you dump the pills into the ocean and watch them float away, smiling and waving

‘Goodbye depression…goodbye’

And when depression comes back, washing over the island, remember that life gave you a boat called Hope and when it walked away laughing, saying ‘Good luck’ you smiled and said ‘Thanks, I’ll need it’
442 · Aug 2015
Drunken With Loss
Xphaedos Aug 2015
When you can't risk another nightmare
When you can't risk a look back at what you used to be
When you're the devil's very heir
And you're pretending to be blind when you really can see

When you can't look back on your past
When everything you remember hurts
You just can't hold this stance
And every time you look back, your stomach gives a lurch

When you're stuck doing punishment
And you don't even know what for
When your whole life is made up of lies and sins
And the one you loved slammed the door

When everything little day passing by
Is a shard of glass in your skin
And by some means, you wish you could die
Because you know you'll never win

The very day when you know it just can't go on
You've sank to your knees
But, oh darling, no one will think of your brawn
And I'm sorry, but no one can hear your tortured pleas and screams
That are haunting...every day, every second, every dream

Now those dreams will come alive
To shatter you so
You wonder how you've managed to survive
You're broken inside, I've been told

Wish you could rest, you tortured soul
Wish you could live to see the light
But it's kind of hard when you have no role
In your bitter, twisted life

Wish you could end it all, your life
One quick stab, or a shot, or a swallow
Maybe several stabs with a knife
Or slowly and painfully, in the gallows
It all ends on All Hallow's

You wish you could die, but you can't
Because you've grown to like the pain
You don't think they'd understand
That you've gone completely insane

Another loved one lost to you
Another fist closing over you heart
This mourning thing, you must be new to
Because it's tearing you, a shell, apart

There's nothing left inside you now
Not a heart, or a brain, or a mind
It might be a good time to tell you how
The sanity you lost, you'll never find

That first death affected you deeply
Got well under your skin
You were way past weeping
Your life being torn apart by the skin

The darkness is no longer chilling
As it bites and it tears and it calls
The fear it used to, is not instilling
And nothing ever frightens or appalls

You are alone in your room
Just with the moon for company and light
You might as well be in your own tomb
Because you've lost your sense of mind

Beer bottles litter the floor
But they've been there
Way before
When your soul was new and repaired

No one can hear you
Don't even shout
No one can save you
Because no amount

Can fix you
Save you
Heal you

And the nightmares come alive in the night
Once more to predict your blight

Another lonely night alone with yourself in your brain
For, drunken with loss, you've gone absolutely insane
441 · Dec 2015
From The Other Perspective
Xphaedos Dec 2015
Tell me that I'm the best.
Even though I think it's not true.
Change my day
Make it better, when I'm blue.

Tell me I'm perfect
But love me for my flaws
Love me for me
While the feelings are still raw

Don't lie to me
Don't hurt me
As difficult as it seems
Now, don't you understand
How difficult women are to please?
Hope everyone enjoys. I know it's a bit stereotypical. I apologize for that. But in a way, I wrote it like that on purpose. Society really needs to stop stereotyping.
Xphaedos Mar 2016
Don't look back now
Let go of the blame
What's happened, has happened
Don't partake in the shame
Shame isn't a party
It isn't much fun
So learn to look past it
Don't ******* run

I know that you're brave
I know that you're strong
I know you wouldn't ever do any wrong
So stop wallowing in pity
And pick yourself up
You're an amazing person, just remember -
Never give up
Your results may vary. But I hope this inspired you. Talk to your doctor if this poem isn't right for you. He'll write another prescription, and I'll keep trying to help you. I'll be off writing another poem. Always.
Xphaedos Feb 2018
A girl was walking home, and the skies were getting darker, someone had scribbled the skies out with a black marker
The wind kicked up, and the leaves swirled on the sidewalks, above the girl was a circle of hawks
The dreary weather made her hurry home and she bit her lip but she was stopped by a small, stray strip of paper that flattened itself against her chest
She stopped, for a moment, to catch her breath, picking it up, she read:
‘You will soon achieve perfection’
It belonged to a fortune cookie, that should tell her it was lucky, but she didn’t want any of it
‘I don’t want perfection, I’m just wonderful the way I am, any other type of perfection besides self love is just a type of sham’
The shadows behind her began to stir, and she was too late to cover her ears as they whispered to her
‘You’ve put on a lot of weight and you’re slow, you’re ugly enough and that’s such a crime, you should be on death row’
She looked down at her stomach and hastened her gait, she ignored the shadows as she quickened her pace
‘I know I may not look like much, but I have everything I need. Go away, I’m not to be bothered today’
The shadows continued to follow her, almost as a race
They slithered up brick and stone walls alike on whichever buildings she passed and continued to whisper their little lies into her fragile heart, their voices sweet as pies on a summer day, but she ignored them, continued on her way
‘I have friends who love me no matter what I may seem’ she smiles, and the shadows laugh
‘If you say we tell lies, then what is that? Lies of how they don’t pity you dearly because you’re always lonely if not for them, they see you, clearly, and use you up, throw you away like garbage because that is what you are. They tried to fix you, tried to make you a shining star, but you were hopeless. Are useless, because you can’t do anything on your own, you can’t even get it right when you’re alone.’
The sky began to tear, it began to spill it’s tears just as the girl spilled hers - accompanied by the countless fears that everything everyone had told her had been right
She had done her best to ignore the doors that shut when she walked past them, the whispers and giggles that followed her around like monsters in the hall, tried to ignore the walls she built up for herself because she did her best to let people in, never shoving them out, always forgiving because that’s what she had decided to be about
Of the boys that asked her out every day just so they could walk away, hands in their pockets, shrugging and saying ‘Oh, what a loss’
The girls that turned their faces away when she passed because they couldn’t stand to “look at that,” she was dehumanized past the point of any reason, every dig on her because they saw her as a pig, eating slops from the ground, less than nothing, never amounting to something because of her weight
Her loneliness they all attributed to her looks even though her heart had always been in the right place
Don’t you think she knows?
Don’t you think she knows what the world thinks?
Don’t pretend you don’t know she thinks because she’s told, she belongs in a slaughterhouse with the rest of the corpses of animals
That the way she chews is too loud, but no matter what they said no matter what, she was proud, because she was who she was, and she didn’t care, ignored the stares every day because loneliness is a camera that blurs the background to both reality and happiness, and sharply focuses on just you  
She stopped her walk in her galoshes to the front door, stains on her shirt from a food fight where it had really just been her against everyone else
‘I am already perfect’ She said, and she opened the door, wiped her boots on the rug, stepped into her slippers of crimson red, she went upstairs
Her mother was there, downstairs, cooking supper for just the pair of them
The girl sits on her bed for a second
Thinks of what all she could do
Weapons and medications, what to run from, what to overdose on
But supper
But supper was done
Her mother called from below and she hurried down because no matter what perfection was, she didn’t care for a moment
She wiped the rims of her eyes on her sleeve, wearing her heart in the same space, always had been in the right place, still determined to give the entire world everything she had
Because today, at least for one more day, she would live
I had to write this for Creative Writing based off of a fortune cookie. I'm sorry the rhythm of the poem in the beginning is a bit wonky, I started getting in the right headspace more towards the middle.
384 · Oct 2015
Even Some
Xphaedos Oct 2015
Even some walls cannot contain secrets
Even some prayers can’t save your soul
Even some practice won’t make you perfect
Even some scars do not make you whole

Even some comfort won’t soothe the pain
Even some cloudless skies still produce rain
Even some fears just can’t be contained
And sometimes strong feelings you’ve tried to hide, still remain

Even some guns won’t defend you well enough
Even some badass crap won’t make you tough
Even some skills will fade away
And even sometimes, though you can still feel, you’ll be numb for days

Even some words can’t help you
No one can save you now
It’s too late, far to late to ask for help
And now, you’re going to drown

Even some cloaks can’t conceal you
Even though you hide, you’ll always be found
Even though you’ve always wanted to die
When you jump, you land perfectly unharmed on the ground

We live in a cursed and opposite world
One that’s cruel, one..plain unfair
And some Rapunzel’s won’t be there
To let down the golden stair

You’re falling, down, down
Spiraling into despair
You’ve searched for it all
You’ve wasted your whole life, grasping
But your fingers only catching thin air
384 · Apr 2015
Unanswerable Questions
Xphaedos Apr 2015
What is freedom?

What is loud?

What is quiet?

What it time?

What is love?

What is insanity?

And, finally, define yourself.
In comments, if you want to, you can answer these. I might get interesting answers, hmm....
367 · Apr 2015
Xphaedos Apr 2015
Cut off tongues
That fools have rung
Take my hand, blind trust
And into the darkness we plunge
In which we save humanity
From the corrosion that can end with you and me
I don't know. But I had fun writing the ending.
355 · Apr 2015
Enjoy Life
Xphaedos Apr 2015
We could spend the day
Talking about the things that take our breaths away
We could spend watching the sunset
Laughing, and yet
We choose to spend our life sad
I think we should just enjoy what we can, and neither be sorrowful or mad
353 · Feb 2018
Xphaedos Feb 2018
Yowza, when I met you I was knocked off of my feet
Must’ve been that semi that had a brush with me
That was the beginning of our life together
A brush with death through the heather

Yowza, our second date
Was just as great
We were chased by a murderer
I was jealous - I’d never heard of her

Yowza, we locked our doors extra tight
As we got into bed that night
The both of us didn’t get much sleep
And the next day, we didn’t have much to eat

Yowza, I think she might’ve been the crazy ex you’re always talking about
The one that has our house programmed into her GPS route
She left a human head on our front porch
For reasons unknown, it was strangely scorched

Yowza, you closed the door quickly and brought it inside
The voice within me told me to hide
You smiled at the lifeless sockets
And you went and got a box of small rockets

Yowza, in the backyard you began a Satanic ritual
Telling me to sell my own soul
With a blood sacrifice, you opened a portal to Hell
I thought for sure this was a tale I wouldn’t be living to tell

Yowza, how did it all come to this?
I refused to sacrifice the head but you insist
I hope this proves my love to you
As I lay in the center of the circle for proof

        Yowza, the head began to glow and vanished in flame
When Satan came up, he spoke your name
“This sacrifice is not enough for me.”
And you turned to the only thing you could see

       Yowza, I resigned myself to being shoved through the gates of Hell
      All’s well end’s well
      Almost everything except
     You got back together with your ex

     Yowza, roses are red and I am blue
    One day, I’ll drag you down here, too
I wrote this in my creative writing class. We were given conversation heart candy and had to make a story or a poem started with the word on the candy. My conversation heart said Yowza! This is the product.
343 · Apr 2023
To Be A Woman
Xphaedos Apr 2023
When you have sat so long with a dinner knife and fork poised around your neck, how can you not expect to be eaten?

If your stomach growls and you are told all your life to remain silent, how do you know when to start speaking for yourself?

When your ribs practically carve themselves, pushing into the soft canvas of your skin, screaming to get out, and you have been told you do not deserve to eat - how do you know when you should?

How did you ever know you had the option to begin with?

And when you figure it out, how can they not expect anything less than anger? How can they not expect fear, distrust?

They can't seem to decide what you are.

You've been treated as a kenneled hound dog all your life, been told that baring your teeth was wrong, been told that you bark too loudly, sit too widely.
You've been treated as a show dog, led around on the arm of someone, never to look, never to breathe, never to think. To start dogfights. They laugh in their booths with money raised in clenched fists - it's entertainment and their bet is on whoever's teeth is the sharpest but both of you have had your teeth filed down for generations. Still, you fight, because it is all you've known.

You've been trained to not even be perceived as human, to not even perceive yourself as human, had orders barked at you your whole life but when you try to protest, you're told that you are arrogant and selfish.

Even then, some of them will continue the slow march of bringing the silverware ever closer, metal scraping against the table because they see the fight as a challenge. They like to play with their food, it's tag and you're it. You can pretend all you want that you're the main course, the whole meal, but that doesn't change that you will still, in the end, get ripped apart. Ripped to shreds, to pieces, violated even further when you thought it could never happen. That it could never get worse.

People tell you that they are just as much victims. They need the money from betting to survive, even if it's from betting on losing dogs with dull teeth and dull eyes. They tell you that you need to love them more and they will be kinder. That they will stop treating you the way they have. That they will stop being entitled.

But all you've ever done is loved, loved with your entire being, and nothing has ever changed.
I wanted to write a poem that captured the feeling of being a woman. I recently had a debate with someone in which they told me that generalization is harmful and unproductive, especially when men are also victims of the patriarchy. And I wanted to write a poem that said acknowledged that they were but that it still doesn't excuse for **** or violence. For stalking, for being entitled.
340 · Dec 2016
Abuse Me
Xphaedos Dec 2016
Abuse me, abuse me, now you're gonna lose me
338 · Mar 2016
Believe It
Xphaedos Mar 2016
Have you ever wondered if you're worth something?
Have you ever told yourself you're worth nothing at all?
The least important, the smallest of small?
Stop it.
You're worth it.
Let yourself believe those three words.
Because I once was like you, but then I heard those three
Thought them, believed them
And now
Everything's alright, because one of my best friends finally
Is Me
337 · Aug 2015
Changing History
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Oh, so often told
Stay out of trouble
Out of the rubble
of our history.

No one rebels
Until it's too late, everyone lays still
Upon the altar, now

Blood dripping
The marble's sipping
It stains
Representing the failure of this time, in that place...

Hold tight, they say
It'll be alright
But it's nothing
Nothing but lies

I was the one who listened to the satan in the pit
Who wanted to change all of it
The one who rebelled for the better good
Because I was so misunderstood

Now look at me
Watching the marble drink in the iron
Watching the stains of yesterday, not for tomorrow

Oh, so often told
Stay out of trouble
Out of the rubble
of our history...
At first it was a poem, then...I heard it as a song in my head. If you read, and listen...maybe you'll hear something too.
331 · Dec 2016
Please Don't
Xphaedos Dec 2016
I'm not a game
So please don't play me
329 · Dec 2015
A Campaign Is..?
Xphaedos Dec 2015
Campaigns are: things where people who want to run America shout their opinions, how they’ll help, while roasting the others against them and shouting out random facts.
326 · Feb 2016
The Past
Xphaedos Feb 2016
You learned to live with true pain
Pure, undiluted pain
And even though I know it hurt
And sometimes you wanted to curl up
And never go out into the world again
You endured true heartbreak
Yes, it stung
But I hope you know

You grew in character
You're so much stronger
You learned from a teacher whose name was pain
You took notes and learned this:
You learned to howl with the wolves
And continued to howl when they left you
Never giving up
you learned to fade into the shadows
Stay silent, observe, keep secrets
Know more than anyone has ever known about themselves

Because even though you were alone at times
You kept getting up, taking notes, learning

You are so strong
So, so strong
Don't ever break
Don't shatter into a million pieces

And if you ever do, at least remember
To learn from it
321 · Apr 2015
Xphaedos Apr 2015
Starts in drafts
And wraps
Around you
Biting your skin in late afternoon

Kissed by the cold
319 · Feb 2018
Xphaedos Feb 2018
Take a breath and just-
And think and wait
Just remember, it’s not too late
You can solve this in a myriad of ways
I promise
317 · Jan 2018
Love(d) (Me)
Xphaedos Jan 2018
Wrap your arms around me like silk
And wipe away the stars that fall from my eyes
Work in progress - I'll probably edit later
316 · Aug 2015
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Call for help:
No one
No where
Help me
Stop this
I can't
I don't
Know what
Hit me
Please tell

Please know that
life is
hard to
get through
But I'll
be there
for you
Don't ever think that
You're alone
Because I'll be there
for you
in flesh and bone
You will be fine
Keep your head up
And you'll be alright
Just bathe in the moonlight
And I'll be there
Making sure
You'll be alright
312 · Aug 2015
Left to...
Xphaedos Aug 2015
I am left
To fall
with gall
Without grace
On my face
Representing generations of my race

I am left
to stand
Without someone holding my hand
No could possibly understand
This was completely unplanned

I am left
to drowned
without a sound
complaint, without ground
to hold me down

I am left
to suffer, to die
Is the whole world lies?
Don't mind me, pass me by...

And so, I am left.
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