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260 · Feb 2018
Xphaedos Feb 2018
Take a breath and just-
And think and wait
Just remember, it’s not too late
You can solve this in a myriad of ways
I promise
260 · Feb 2016
The Past
Xphaedos Feb 2016
You learned to live with true pain
Pure, undiluted pain
And even though I know it hurt
And sometimes you wanted to curl up
And never go out into the world again
You endured true heartbreak
Yes, it stung
But I hope you know

You grew in character
You're so much stronger
You learned from a teacher whose name was pain
You took notes and learned this:
You learned to howl with the wolves
And continued to howl when they left you
Never giving up
you learned to fade into the shadows
Stay silent, observe, keep secrets
Know more than anyone has ever known about themselves

Because even though you were alone at times
You kept getting up, taking notes, learning

You are so strong
So, so strong
Don't ever break
Don't shatter into a million pieces

And if you ever do, at least remember
To learn from it
254 · Oct 2017
Xphaedos Oct 2017
Close your eyes
Read my lips
Love me but
Don't touch my hips
Jump with me without believing
Come back just as you're leaving
252 · Dec 2016
Love thoughts
Xphaedos Dec 2016
Your lips
On my mind
But this love is
250 · Apr 2015
Xphaedos Apr 2015
So what if you lose all the time?
Pick yourself up, you're still going.
No, it's not easy. I know.
But you do it anyway.
You keep on going.
And this
all funnels
into who
Keep it up :D
250 · Dec 2016
Xphaedos Dec 2016
Thoughts, thoughts, running around in my head
Wish I could control them when I went to bed
250 · Mar 2015
Never Goodbye
Xphaedos Mar 2015
Only thinking of you, nothing and nobody else
Alone at night, sitting, tired, on this couch
The skies are dark, and all is quiet, except for the typing of my keys
I’m staying up for you, beloved, because I know you’d do the same for me

My feet are getting cold, and if only you were here,
I’d be warm and not so lonely, and I’d whisper in your ear
Right before I fell asleep, my head against your shoulder
“I love you.” and I would no longer be growing colder

But for now, all alone in the living room
As silent, cold, and quiet as a tomb
I have only one thing on my mind, and it isn’t sleep; it’s you

Alone, at night
growing colder
Alone, at night
probably older
But the point is neither
Only that I’m thinking of you though alone, there are knives at
my heart, as well as my skull, trying to chip away bone
I can only think of you, not even going to sleep
And whisper to the air in the darkness, hoping you’re responding back to me

I’m going to stay up until the morning’s first light
And fall in love at first sight
Because you’ll be beside me on this makeshift bed, even though
it’s really all in my head

I can wish, can’t I?
And I most certainly can dream
but when the sunlight comes, you’ll turn to dust and I’ll run
from the room, because I’ll be alone and I’ll be missing you

All throughout the day, ninja stars will be shredding my heart
But when dark falls, I can talk to you again, whether you’re really here or not
or you’re simply my thought
And the cycle will repeat
And on this couch I’ll take a seat and I’ll be

Alone, at night
growing colder
Alone, at night
probably older
But the point is neither
Only that I’m thinking of you though alone, there are knives at
my heart, as well as my skull, trying to chip away bone
I can only think of you, not even going to sleep
And whisper to the air in the darkness, hoping you’re responding back to me

I’m going to stay up until the morning’s first light
And fall in love at first sight
Because you’ll be beside me on this makeshift bed, even though
it’s really all in my head
250 · Oct 2017
Xphaedos Oct 2017
Sometimes I want to **** myself
Sometimes I stay up way too late
Sometimes I dream of you
But sometimes I dream I'm drowning too
239 · Feb 2018
Xphaedos Feb 2018
I am on the street every day. Holding a chunk of cardboard, standing on the strip of street right in the middle, pretending I’m okay. Every day, I am hungry, chilly, alone. The winters are the worst without a home. The summers are almost as bad, but I can tolerate the weather then. However, in the winter, I am weary and thin. I don’t know how I make it by, no lie. My stomach would scream if it could, but instead it is reduced to lowly growls because I don’t know where in time my next meal stood. Every day, cars drive by, locking their doors, thinking I want more, shutting me out because I am begging. But what would you do?
What would you do if your marriage fell apart, they completely broke your heart, and you didn’t know how to save it? What if you lost your job to alcohol and depression and you can’t recover because you’re hesitating, and you end up thrown out? Thrown out of the small place with the dingy light over it because you can no longer afford the roof over your head- you know you’re dead. Pushed out, shoved out, called out, because higher classes of society lock their car doors at the sight of you, change to the other side of the street too because they think you’re going to cause them harm. How safe they are, in their small bubble without trouble, how nice it would be to live a life just that easy.
The homeless shelters always put me in a box, force me to be something they see me as - it *****. A thief and a lowlife someone who never had a kid or wife, someone who’s beyond hope, someone who wields a knife. And I’m scared because maybe they’re right. Maybe I am the one who wanders out in the night, hoping to give families a fright because desperation overtakes the body when you make this many mistakes.
The Walmart employees alway glance at me, don’t judge what I buy. I’m just getting what I can to get by, so I can stay high and away from reality, but no matter, I can’t escape me. I can’t escape myself and the things that I’ve done but c’mon, maybe you could with some cents - just one.
And maybe at the end of the day, I won’t give up hope. Maybe I’ll buy some patches to stop my habit made of smoke. Maybe one day, I can crawl out of this cold, and maybe right then, I’ll finally be whole.
Slam poetry style writing
231 · Feb 2018
I Love You
Xphaedos Feb 2018
So you’re saying you’d rather not tell us anything.
     Hide away the pain every day because you think it doesn’t make us worry more
     What about me?
     Can you see what you’re choosing to do?
     Something that you don’t want to, pretending to be okay when you’re really not just so you’ll become an afterthought.
     Do really believe you’re not special in any single way, hope to any God, you pray that you’re going to be okay
     What about us?
     What about the promises you said when we were talking of our love, is that dead? Is it really that really difficult to love me, have you lost your head?
     You go to bed every night with a broken heart but every day you grow more numb because you won’t even start to give yourself a chance to heal because you’re scared it’ll break you again, a seal on your lips, zipped shut.
     Maybe you stare at the gun in the corner every night and want to cry because you’re so lost and you don’t know why but your eyes are dry
     Because when you broke that was the last time you felt tears stream down your face, built up a wall in haste against everything
     Against the world, against yourself, against me, against feelings, against healing, against sanity.
     You forgot that you’re kind, you lost your mind, drowning in the sound of nothingness, you tried to keep adrift but you just couldn’t
     On rainy days you stand out in the backyard, hair dripping as the sky cries, clothes soaked as you’re lost in thought because you just cannot deal with yourself.
     You live alone in your world but as soon as someone tries to approach you, you’ve curled yourself up into a ball, shoving them away to say ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.’
    You’ve learned to protect yourself against the world even though you were perfect before, an angel but you just ignored that you were because you didn’t believe it, but now you kinda need it
     Because you’re wearing yourself so far down that even the kingdom in your mind has rejected your crown, your rule, you’re hoping you can jump in a swimming pool, a lake, a river, a body of water, and drown, sinking into the deep
     But it’s difficult when you fall asleep because everything you ever get is nightmares but when you tell people, it seems like they don’t care but I have and always will so no need to take those stupid pills just come fall into my arms you won’t come to any harm don’t be alarmed because we’ll be okay
     Yeah, we’ll be alright if by the break of daylight you can soundly fall asleep and you’ve had enough to eat so your skeleton won’t show, not that anyone would know but me
     Because I see through your act, all your costumes and masks all your brave attempts to hide just what lays inside because I know you
     No matter what you do, slash and burn me, I’ll still love you even if to you I’m a tool
     Destroy me just so long as you can preserve your best self, and lay my body to rest on the ‘Used’ shelf because I don’t want you to be bruised from the times I hurt you
     At least I died knowing you love me too.
This I chose to write in more of a slam poetry style, which is why the rhymes aren't always consistent, and neither is the grammar.
228 · Dec 2016
Missing You
Xphaedos Dec 2016
I miss you like Hell
I’ve been through Hell missing you
227 · Oct 2017
Xphaedos Oct 2017
I'll love you when you don't
I'll love you, head to toe
I will love your very soul
Every fiber of your being, every evening when it's cold
I'll warm your bones
Will deflect the sticks and stones
Because I never want you to be alone
Take away all the bullet holes
Take your scars, make them my own
Because you are my home
I'll raise you up and make you whole
Help you be the best you you'll ever know
Just stick around, please don't go
I can help you down this bumpy road
Don't believe the bad things you've been told
And I will hold you hand as we stand when we are old
Never letting go because we'll be bold
Every single night I'll fold your hands in mine, time and time, we shall uphold
The love I shared with you, dared to let it shine through, break the mold
If I had to sell a part of me for a life I can see with you then I'm sold
Let's run away, let go of the loneliness thrumming through our bones
Never lead astray, kept in the zone
Just keep listening to my silly poem
As we roam
Just wanted to write a cheesy poem where I could rhyme as much as possible with the same sounds.
222 · Dec 2015
Parasite (the Beginning)
Xphaedos Dec 2015
I have this feeling
Crawling in my skin
Eating me from the inside
When will I learn my lesson?
Don't steal these lyrics either. Don't do it.
221 · Jan 2018
Xphaedos Jan 2018
I have to find something to do with my hands
Even when my mind grows tired and bored
Even if it means playing the same old games
As long as my fingers are floored
I play games over and over while my brain goes 'Let's do something else, I'm bored.' And no matter what, I still keep going back to the game.
220 · Dec 2016
You Were The One
Xphaedos Dec 2016
You were the one who turned my head towards yours and kissed me
You were the one who made promises
You were the one who loved me

But you were always the one to walk away
212 · Dec 2015
Xphaedos Dec 2015
Yes, sometimes strength is being the last person to survive.
But other times, there's silent strength when you know it's enough, and you back down.
201 · Dec 2015
Xphaedos Dec 2015
You left me. Why do I want you back so badly?
201 · Aug 2015
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Comes at a cost
And at several a loss
How badly do you want it
Is it even worth it?
198 · Feb 2018
Xphaedos Feb 2018
Keep this chill out of my bones
You’re not around as much anymore
To talk to me when I’m lonely or bored
198 · Dec 2016
Xphaedos Dec 2016
I must be a *******
Because everything I do always hurts me
189 · Aug 2015
Xphaedos Aug 2015
Asks how you are
Takes a look
You look shaken up
Broken down
Run to the ground

Begging for mercy
On your knees
But I won't be bad
I'm not gonna leave
169 · May 2015
Xphaedos May 2015
I love you.
169 · Oct 2015
Xphaedos Oct 2015
I can feel things falling out of my pockets
Just like words I don’t mean coming out of my mouth
159 · Dec 2015
Starting Of A Song
Xphaedos Dec 2015
Let it all burn down in flames
Let the past shatter
Let go of the blame
149 · Jul 2019
Fields of Vision
Xphaedos Jul 2019
I saw you standing there, in fields of vision
There were clovers at your feet
You were holding a bouquet
Your face held rosy cheeks

I drank you in with the liquid sunshine
As flowers bent their heads
They were showered with praise
But I got insults instead

The storm clouds then started rolling in
And you were so afraid
Thorns started swallowing you up
But you said you'd be okay
A work in progress - I definitely want to add more to this later!
112 · Jul 2019
Xphaedos Jul 2019
I'm in love with your skeleton, I'm in love with your bones
I love your tongue and your teeth, your flesh and your ghost
But the thing that I hate, is the one I hate the most
When you disappear into thin air, leaving me alone
92 · May 2022
But You Can't Go Home
Xphaedos May 2022
Eggs and toast on a plate for you
Didn’t you know you were hungry, too?
Starving until I could see right through you

Did you know I can see your bruises
Opened up, ******, blue wounds and
You stayed up and stared at my room’s walls

Trying to fall asleep and I know
You can’t just let it all go
It’s gonna hurt you if you don’t
But you can’t go home

Your shoulders are bare now
You tell me you’re scared of yourself
But what if I told you
That it’s not your fault

You thank me for small things
When I barely do
Everything that I can, I can do for you

Trying to fall asleep and I know
You can’t just let it all go
It’s gonna hurt you if you don’t
But you can’t go home

I know you’re not used to the love I have for you
I know you’re not used to not being abused
And I can’t forgive, forgive who did this to you
Even though it’s not my fight, do you know I’d fight for you
72 · Mar 2023
Xphaedos Mar 2023
You are the only one who I will let undo the zipper down my back, ever so carefully, your fingers working overtime, and I can feel them trailing down my spine, so fine, so fine. Your gaze is so steady and determined, and sometimes I can't make eye contact, but I do my best. Forgive me, I wasn't dressed for being undressed. For being addressed so directly, I'm used to confrontation, and your care disintegrates every part of me that was angry at, and tired with, the world. I don't know how to respond sometimes to the love you give me, unused to being able to get so close, to be so close. To be able to lift my face and drink in your features without being scolded, and I am ever so thirsty.

— The End —