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WickedHope Aug 2021
Everytime you
In her ear
The car swerved
Each time
You slid
Your fingers
Over her shoulder
I grew unnerved
You looked
At me
And said
Your fantasy
Was between us
I never hated you more than then
She sobbed
I cussed
I hope
You know how it feels
To want to
**** a man
And drive away
Please don't drink and drive,
But for ***** sake please dont drink and hitchhike.

I hate that she told you.
WickedHope Aug 2021
...The silence always slices me,
My cliche existence calls out,
But the void responds, it sees,
  you  will never respond,
this I don't doubt
Old draft
WickedHope Aug 2021
It's like when you hear a song playing on gas station speakers at 1:30 in the morning and you swear you know it even though it is as foreign as wearing your left shoe on your right foot

It's like starting over a game to see if you get a new ending or find a new easter egg except you haven't started over and you're still staring at the credits

It's like being on a plane for your first flight and having the engine give out when you've just left the runway and never flying again

It's like holding onto a candlestick while burning liquid wax spills over scalding each of your fingers but the fame is too beautiful to put out

It's like being neck deep in the ocean with the spray coating your face and being unable to discern if the salt you taste on your lips is from your own tears or the waves threatening to drown you

It's like always falling asleep before sunset and never seeing the moon making you believe she was never real in the first place and everyone just wants you to look foolish
It's like writing notes telling your life story and putting them in code and actually meeting someone who has not only cracked your code but also writes you back

[Insert well-dressed penguin here]
  Aug 2021 WickedHope
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
WickedHope Aug 2021
You wouldnt like me when I'm drunk
Or perhaps you'd like me too much

Push pins sting
As they slide into my skin
But after long enough
They go numb
Can hardly notice the blood anymore
Fourth skins are shed
Leaving a raw innocence in it's place
Uninhibited by restraints
Such as logic
Or forethought
Blinders on too tight
Choking out anything that would be
Scandalous in daylight
A deafening scream
That's part siren song
Vice grip fingers
Holding on for too long
The Devil's wife has come to dance
Please walk away
Or I promise we'll both hate me sober
You always wanted me to get drunk...
But then got angry when I went home with your friends
WickedHope Aug 2021
I told you everything I wanted to hear
Forgetting that
You had never loved before
I was your first
First everything
And I crippled both of us
Like a bad car crash
And I stumbled out of the driver's side
And I left you there
I left you bleeding
Clutching your heart to your chest
I told you maybe and meant never
I shouldn't have given you a ride
I meant to crash from the start
I'm so sorry.
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