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Vass Apr 2019
A journal as his shrink,
he confronts his fears with digital ink.
Vass Apr 2019
Did they release me or am I still there?
I'm at their mercy and my own.
My mind changes often, unlike my nightmare.
Vass Oct 2019
The rainbow bricks are fading.
The mask isn't there anymore.
Now the gray is illuminated,
but too vile to explore.
Something I wrote before I had realized some things.
Vass Mar 2019
Imperfect clones orbit without shame,
with only fractions of your promise.
Yet I love them just the same,
maybe even more,
because they actually have a name.
Vass Apr 2019
Everyone is angry,
everyone is red.
Then again a few aren't.
Why did I say everyone.
a few people can change your view of the world
Vass Apr 2019
Time is gnawing our intertwined thread.
Ahead the path we're treading on is dividing.
The Finale is approaching and the fire is almost dead,
for my poetry is hideous and hiding.
Vass Apr 2019
I seek sibling-hood,
I pursue love.
Ghouls are choking the air that sustains,
and taking my wants just before I grasp.
Vass Apr 2019
Hatred and contempt for the world unstable,
zealous only on the shores of fable.
Vass May 2019
I've run out of time and rhymes.
I don't have any other feelings left to convey.
Your mind is still unmoved,
and I've got nothing more left to say.
Vass Apr 2019
So unimportant and weak is my afterglow,
that people leave me in their yesterday.
I'm no influence in this world of no-matters,
but here I will linger anyway.
Vass Apr 2019
The raindrops vanish before they hit the ground.
They're beautiful but without a tune.
And how can the earth live if it isn't drowned,
by the renewing flood of the monsoon.
Should I settle for what I need, or chase after what I want.
Vass Apr 2019
Finite is the abyss I am in,
in my iris still burns a zeal,
my psyche is a shark without a fin,
and I refuse to be its meal.
Vass Mar 2019
At night you cry because you're afraid to die.
You wanna drink, get high and savor the blue sky.
Yet every morning you put on a suit and tie,
and live yesterdays lie.
Every change you deny,
you don't even give them a try.
It's time you say goodbye.
Your life is over, the void is nigh.
Vass Apr 2019
The ocean plays us its melody,
while we kiss on the beach without a care,
our lips sealing our laughter,
provoked by the intruding sand in our hair.
Vass Apr 2019
My truth remains sheltered, safe and powerless.
Instead I am the one suffering, barely breathing.
A slave to my own mind and cowardice.
Vass Apr 2019
Arriving beside her bed,
with weeping eyes so red,
never will she see him wed,
and so much else was left to be said.
All that he could do then, is bow down, and kiss her head.
Vass Apr 2019
I'm happier when I am with you
than I am looking at memes,
so if we're not in the same bed,
please visit me in my dreams.

— The End —