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 Oct 2019 Unknown
11 empty chairs,
12 empty hearts.

Careful, watch your step.
There's plenty of shards on the floor.
"Could you please stop breaking the chairs?"
(slam) "sorry---wha-"
(nervous laugh) "We kinda need them to sit on...?"
(slam) (smirk) "Oh, no, you've got it wrong. Nobody needs to sit on these. Plenty of room on the floor."
 Jun 2019 Unknown
 Jun 2019 Unknown
You asked me who I want to be, so here’s my answer:


I want to walk above the ground
I want to give my thank you speech
And wear the crown

I want to open my voice
I want to tell them exactly how I feel
And not give a **** about their ideals

I want room to grow from a fraction to a whole
I want my world to revolve around ME
And be able act fierce and carefree

I want to be the woman that intrigues strangers
I want to bravely approach them with friendly banter
And have spontaneous encounters that brings on laughter

I want to be someone more like me
Inspired by someone from this site, when he asked me "Who do you want to be"
Thank You :-)
 May 2019 Unknown
I cant find joy anymore.
I have looked under every rock,
And behind every tree.
Ive searched through fields.

I dont know when she left,
I just remember waking up one morning feeling a little emptier
And a little more lost.

Its been cloudy every day since.
 May 2019 Unknown
Edmund black
I lived a large
part of my youth
carrying things
that didn’t
belong to me
Indeed I’ve carried
their loads for
too **** long
The load of how
they felt about me
the load of what
they’ve said about me
the load of how
They’ve perceived me
for far too long
These load was never
mine to carry
to begin with
Today I am free
free at last
from criticism
fears , insecurities
and other people’s
These loads
are no longer mine
to carry
how desperate
and foolish
they may seem
Set yourself FREE .... This load ain’t yours to carry!
 May 2019 Unknown
Zoe Grace

Im dizzy and tired
My head is pounding
I'm ready to explode
I feel like i'm drowning.


I'm awake and energetic
My feet are flying
I can't keep away the smile
I just don't feel like crying.
I don't know what this is, but it's true. There are two sides to me
I guess its because I'm a gemini, and, you know, that makes us two faced XD
 May 2019 Unknown
the black rose
respect my peace
or expect to leave in pieces.
sacred energy,
with vibes that are rapidly increasing.
look me in my eyes,
you're sure to meet your maker.
make or break,
thread lightly for the sake of
or your sanity.
shed light on your inanity,
one second to destroy.
so sudden,
null and void.
move with caution,
proceeded precautions.
with your life end at shutting of coffins
lowered 6ft.
left to rot,
left beneath...
spirit trapped and depeleting,
while darkness is eating at your flesh.
whats next?

— The End —