Starts with strangers
Which heading to different path
Not knowing each other
And never thought it would.
Becomes friends by accident
Welcoming new existence
Kinda exciting, huh?
Well, the beginning is always like that.
And it continues
To a phase we call it
Everything is so fine
Coz they are so blind
Sparks in love that strikes.
A lovey-dovey happens next
Both become sweet-talker
Promising each other
Living in their own world
Surviving instead of drowning
Oh God, love at its prime.
Time flies
The journey isn't easy as it seems
Things happen, mistakes take place,
Suffering in heartache, keep tearing
No longer favorite each other
Now they started drowning
In their own love's ocean.
The cycle is currently
Heading to a down-*****
And everything changes
In a blink of an eye
Totally up side down
They become strangers again
But this time,
This stranger isn't welcome
To enter each other's life
Not even allowed
To knock the door
Of each other's heart.
End of another love story.
Why choose to hate, when you can love? I don't understand.