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  Aug 2015 Sydney Ann
Kelly Rose
I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song
My woven whispers ****** ways and words
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong
Be part of an inner circle and be heard

Write with me, no lines will be false or blurred
Together we will create and be strong
There’s no need for pleasure to be deferred
I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song

I have been sad and alone way too long
Belonging together is most preferred
Creating brings joy, won’t you come along?
My woven whispers ****** ways and words

Take a chance and your senses will be stirred
Part of our circle, not lost in the throng
We are more together, grace is conferred
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong

All ideas are welcomed, no thought is wrong
Just know this; your spirit won’t be interred
May our venture be successful and long
Be part of an inner circle and be heard
I am the Poet

July 21, 2015
something new and different
  Aug 2015 Sydney Ann
If love decided to be perfect,
Humanity may become humane.
Brokenness could deteriorate,
Jealousy a forgotten game.

If love decided to be perfect,
Peace may have a chance.
Honesty would blossom in acceptance,
We could achieve  our unfathomable dreams.

If love decided to be perfect,
A wholeness within could be filled.
The negativity that tomorrow always finds,
could finally close its eyes and die.

Alas, love shall never be perfect,
Hate- its true desire.
Good fortune always shines above waiting,
To turn into a most painful destruction.
  Aug 2015 Sydney Ann
You are allowed to touch my heart, not my body.
That's for someone.
  Aug 2015 Sydney Ann
Kelley A Vinal
Through the wandering spectrum
Of cerulean dragonfly eyes
You fly without hesitation
Observing the vast and marvelous world
As if it were your own
As if it were your cut-out template,
With an admirable sense of wonder
And the fervent desire
Not only to know
But to contemplate
The luminescence of a fluttering firefly
How the brittle mechanisms of life
Through crystal-clear dragonfly wings
You carry your mind
  Aug 2015 Sydney Ann
Kelley A Vinal
I've seen a better part
Of overwhelming emotion
It's strange
An ebb and flow
Of apathy and actually
Feeling an emotion
Feeling a feeling
When your body
Is alive
And your mind is trying
To let it slide
I am fine
I am
Life is beautiful
when problems are tangled you down
just always remember the basic

+ (add) positivity
- (subtract) negativity
/ (divide) your blessings
(multiply) your goodness

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