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German Rodriguez Apr 2022
A painter's dream,
Feathers of such color,
This bird was like no other.

Seldom a company shared
Her song sung tweet,
delivering grace to the ears so sweet.

From love to Quill.
With every color shed,
these feathers are the chapter's tread

Little Birdie fly.
Staring up at the sky,
only makes me cry.
Your time with some living beings may be short, Like the sighting of a rare bird, So always remember the awe and love more than the departure. I'll never let go of the feathers the bird dropped.
German Rodriguez Mar 2022
Results may vary,
Among the wary.
Life is seamless,
Until you're dreamless.

Through all beauty and all fault.
Never stop, never halt.
Learn from when you fall.
Until Death makes his call.
Never give up
German Rodriguez Mar 2022
The world's evolving around me into a place I no longer belong...
Or maybe I've evolved in a way I no longer belong in the world...
If we could only unEvolve back
German Rodriguez Mar 2022
Wait..wait.. wait..
Who's in these shoes?
Wait .. weight..? wait!!
I feel my sole ripping

Weight?  Weight!? Wait....
A stranger behind the wheel
Wait.. Wait! No Wait!
He's caused all this pain I feel

The wait for this weights extinction
Has rot the strength to stand straight
Only to question if the weight is fiction
Or is it that I just have to wait to feel great

Grabbing that wheel can be hard at times
So some choose to fly auto pilot style
Closing their eyes and failing at their primes
Crashing when the auto pilot style dies

Was it the weight? Or the wait?
Who's to say?
We all wait for the weight of Death's arrival day
Hard to wait for weight to release- you have to find a way to release it or it will crush you. Heaviest weights are often the ones you've put onto yourself.
German Rodriguez Feb 2022
A fish of Two
has always been
One scale of gold
one scale of jet.
Sharing a current
within a body of Water.

The scale of gold tries
to swim with grace,
when it finds its pace
the scale of jet
attacks to steal it's place

The fish will fight
Jet will win.
Gold will lose some scales
Are they one Fish?
German Rodriguez Feb 2022
Growing takes time,
So does healing.
The scab began to itch
And with it removed
A wound inflicted upon us both

Open wounds bleed.
We slowly walked together in beautiful metronome
Until you felt the blood trickle down and the burn of pain rush through you..

Breaking two promises at once
Both mine to you and mine to myself
So I became a recluse
And alone I sat

And with that this may be
The last entry I'll be able to scratch down
For I might be thrown into a dark place
Which is something deserved, but not for the crime they say, but the one I feel inside.

Breaking the heart of an innocent's love causes so much damage.
After ripping off my own scab, I gave you one too and now both of our hearts have bled.
And I am to blame.
and I cannot take on another-
This isn't meant to be a poem, nor even shared, but maybe it'll reach you one day.
I'm truly sorry for ever hurting you. Trust and believe if I could go back I would, but you'll have a much happier life without me. I'll always think of you.
German Rodriguez Jan 2022
Now we sit
Here to smoke
We pray to have
The strongest ****

Fill our lungs
With THC
and let the High
come over thee

Made in 2012 in collaboration with my roommates at the time. Thanks Kimmy, Luke, Ryan, and Kimmie S.
The 420 at the end is supposed to be the "Amen" to finish the prayer.
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