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 Mar 2020 Shadow
I will write one last
poem which bleed
from my wounds

And in its final verse,
I will write a rhyme,
and say, weeping,
what my heavy
heart truly feels
Not a suicide note.
 Mar 2020 Shadow
I wish I could silence the voices in my head, filling it with lies and hateful things.
Making every day just another I dread, and worrying about the evil it brings.
Words of  hate and lies, it's always trying to ruin me.
Every night with tears that fill my eyes, in a life I don't want to be.
Wishing this night would be my last, and not to be here in the morning.
Being flooded with memory's of the past and all the evil things I already seen.
 Mar 2020 Shadow
Ben Jonson
Rhyme, the rack of finest wits,
That expresseth but by fits
True conceit,
Spoiling senses of their treasure,
Cozening judgment with a measure,
But false weight;
Wresting words from their true calling,
Propping verse for fear of falling
To the ground;
Jointing syllabes, drowning letters,
Fast'ning vowels as with fetters
They were bound!
Soon as lazy thou wert known,
All good poetry hence was flown,
And art banish'd.
For a thousand years together
All Parnassus' green did wither,
And wit vanish'd.
Pegasus did fly away,
At the wells no Muse did stay,
But bewail'd
So to see the fountain dry,
And Apollo's music die,
All light failed!
Starveling rhymes did fill the stage;
Not a poet in an age
Worth crowning;
Not a work deserving bays,
Not a line deserving praise,
Pallas frowning;
Greek was free from rhyme's infection,
Happy Greek by this protection
Was not spoiled.
Whilst the Latin, queen of tongues,
Is not yet free from rhyme's wrongs,
But rests foiled.
Scarce the hill again doth flourish,
Scarce the world a wit doth nourish
To restore
Phœbus to his crown again,
And the Muses to their brain,
As before.
****** languages that want
Words and sweetness, and be scant
Of true measure,
Tyrant rhyme hath so abused,
That they long since have refused
Other cæsure.
He that first invented thee,
May his joints tormented be,
Cramp'd forever.
Still may syllabes jar with time,
Still may reason war with rhyme,
Resting never.
May his sense when it would meet
The cold tumor in his feet,
Grow unsounder;
And his title be long fool,
That in rearing such a school
Was the founder.
 Mar 2020 Shadow
Alexander Smith
I sit on my bed
With words and prhases in my head,
How to connect them, I don't know.
I wish I had the lyrical skills of Poe.
What words rhyme with 'December"???
Remember, dismember, glowing ember,
Its like a puzzle, trying to make words fit
This is a good line, one I cannot omit.
Oh yes!! That rhyme is perfect!
Now I must make the line and poem connect.
Word rhyme, rhyme to prhase, phrase to line,
Line to poem, and now I must refine
This page, checking my spelling,
Will they like this poem? There's no telling.
Why must I rhyme?! Can't I just rage out in prose?!
Oh, but I'm too quiet to do that. I know, everyone knows.
Oh well, I need another rhyme.
A rhyem to rhyme with rhyme,
It's like a paradox to find this rhyme of rhyme,
Wait, "chime"!
No, it doesn't fit, and it's a dumb rhyme.
There no rhyme for "rhyme" I bet,
Oh well, I continue down the alphabet,
Got it!
Oh... duh.
No, that is it.  
There's no rhyme for "rhyme"
I guess I have been just wasting my time.
 Mar 2020 Shadow
tick tock
 Mar 2020 Shadow
Going from a smoke bomb
to a pipe bomb
to a fire bomb
call it vietnam.
Take it to the car bomb
to the time bomb
to the flying bomb
we call the atom bomb.
 Mar 2020 Shadow
Salmabanu Hatim
One, two,
Dad and you,
Three, four,
Me and little brother,
Five, six,
Granny with her walking sticks,
Seven, eight,
Grandpa with his wobbly gait,
Nine, ten,
And a big fat family hen.
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