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Give me your fear, I can be brave for you.

Give me your doubt, I can be confident for you.

Give me your weakness, I can be strong.
Haven't been able to post as much as I'd like to. :/
I hope you enjoy this one though.
The aching feeling,
I felt for you,
Gone and I think it might be,
Good, now I can be happy again for,
Good morning everyone! I hope we all had a happy holiday yesterday, whether it was Christmas day or the start of Hanukah.
  Dec 2024 Abbott J Hardison
The stars
The dark
The silence
The empty streets
The night

While I dance in the cold
Music taking me over
All of them
In their wonder
Are on my side
(this note was written by the world if it was on 2x speed and the one hamster going really fast of the wheel had a pet magenta iguana)
Soft snow falling,
Kissing the white tops of the trees.
It'll be a white Christmas this year,
First one my baby cousin will ever see.
His sleepy eyes and rosy nose,
Does he know that his joy will simply grow,
When Saint Nickolas completes his flight?
No I doubt he'd know that tonight is the night,
Of the birth of Jesus Christ.

No, but he will learn,
All in time as bed hours turn.
A yawn catches me drifting off,
As I sip my spiced cider and listen to the Christian hymns.
Staring into the golden lights of Grandmother's "Angel Tree,"
I often wonder, did baby Jesus know, he was sent by God,
To save our souls?
Or did he find his light along the way?

I'd ask the pastor,
But tonight the church is quiet.
Waiting for Christmas Mass tomorrow,
While young children are tucked into bed,
Drifting dreams of presents fighting the will to wait up for Saint Nick.

And as the candles fade,
I figure it is my time as well.
To turn to bed,
And await the sleigh of Santa Claus.
This Christmas though,
He will not be able to bring me what I want.
Unless, I could catch a ride,
On his magic flight.
Visit the ocean,
And sing "White Christmas," with you one more time.

But matter not what I long for,
I will slip away to sleep eventually.
'Merry Christmas to all,
And to all, a good night.'
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope we all will find everything we want under the tree tomorrow morning! And a happy birthday to Erin's mum, Jesus Christ, and anyone else who has a birthday as magic as tonight. <3
Everything is great!
Working a little slow,
As it is the holidays.
Just letting you know,
Everything is working out.
Thank you all for your work, this is a dream come true. The poem is already so beautiful, I love the way all of your work melds together into this. As always, if you would like to join this effort, please write one to five lines and either email them to me at or private message me on here. If you chose to submit more than one line, I cannot guarantee that all of them will be used aside from one. Please keep all submissions free of x rated language or references as I want all of this site's users to be able to read this. The same goes for any instances of, racism, sexism, religious discrimination, extreme violence, or any other derogatory statements or references. You may write anything about coping with/fighting against these things though. I haven't had a problem with this yet, but I want to keep it that way. Please include your name/pen name in your submission that way I can credit you. Do not copy lines from other works such as other poems that are not yours, books that are not yours, or movies that are not yours. Unless of course, you have consent from the author. I do not want anyone getting upset that their work was used without consultation. Steer free from AI generated content, I won't check for it, but please keep it original. I want to hear your voice, not chat GPT's. This is all for now, if you have any questions please email me or private message me, thank you all for your support! <3

I s a w or d
That eye am knot familiar with

i know more of heaRt
Ache and
Depression i wish i didn't
often wIshing i could smile more
but even if i Could
i doubt i would After
all you stiLl couldn't

W e  i   r    d
I s  a   style    you     loved.

Good Thing I Love Being Weird With You.
Happy birthday to all the 12/23 birthdays! It must be crazy being born so close to Christmas.
I f I c o u l d c a p t u r e
A l l o f y o u r b e a u t y
A n d f r e e z e i t i n t i m e
I c o u l d b e h a p p y
F o r e v e r
It's a little weird for a Monday, have fun. :)
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