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2.3k · Oct 2015
The Mariner's Compass
Deluded sailor
on his vessel
Set out to drift
on sea, it lies

Dawn only,
but a distance
to the eyes
May 12, 2015
1.7k · Jul 2015
Saving Rock n' Roll
This is a war
Of crowds drunk
With their fists pounding in the air
One ominous heartbeat
As they turn their ears away
From deafening music
Of undiscriminating souls
They turn it to the real music
And turn it to rock and roll
July 15, 2013
1:45 a.m.
1.1k · Jul 2015
Go on,
shout your sorrows
and fury to the midnight sky!
With all the respect due
the stars shall live on to whisper
and the moon shall glisten
through with the vesper
You are but a celestial body
Inert to your orbit
The First law is true
but the axiom is all you
And, there exists only presence or absence
April 25, 2015
1.0k · Aug 2015
Carbon Footprints
I walk the earth
Traverse mountains and seas
I claim nothing to my name
What I am is not me
What I will be is not I
May 1 2015                         2:30am
734 · Jul 2015
The world is at its end
I see the ocean at my window
Maria Cristina sputters her last of tears

I have no more to give.
January 2015
692 · Apr 2017
The Tempest Lullaby
Hear the raucous universe
hum itself to sleep

The rhythm of the bleeting,
babbling, fence-jumping sheep

The beat, its regurgitating engorgement:



This is the song
of the tempest lullaby
July 6, 2015
453 · Jul 2015
2:21 a.m.
My mind is loudest
When The world is quiet
So I cannot sleep

So I dream out loud
A dream of me dreaming, of
Me falling sleep
July 13, 2013
I have spun
                My story
           from my own
of lies believed
                    by others
To be true
           I am      trapped
                 by my self

I deny
January 20, 2018          4:59am
388 · Jul 2015
Sweet Dreams
To all the little girls and all the little boys about to say good night
I bid thee sweet dreams and have a safe flight

That on this starry evening wherever the oceans of the universe flow
That you hold tight onto the unicorn reigns then just let yourself go

That you let yourself run free like an animal, run wild!
Let yourself BE free. be creative. explore. be a child.

For when you wake up this moment shall be gone
And your days as a child will merely be once upon.
July 15, 2013
171 · Jan 2018
Solicited Advice
Feed me.
For, I cannot
swallow what
I feed
159 · Mar 2019
Talking to the Moon
"You shan't sleep.
Not a wink!",
she says as
she beams,
and beams,
and gleams.

Who is she?
I do not know.
To whom does
she speak to?
I do not know.

Yet, here I lay
watch until she
slips out of sight
to leave me
longing.                                           ... until I am
                                                          no more.
Feb. 17, 2019
124 · Jan 2018
The Day After
I took in some spirits
And they took after me
As they lay in his bed
Scenting my company

— The End —