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TheStartOfMyEnds Nov 2018
A war of words
More than a quarrel
A Conflict of happiness
Call it anything you wish
Compromise was not an option
Consideration used to be a choice
But when you love enough
It becomes an obligation
You'd feel at loss
A lump of emptiness
But at least
You're giving someone
Something to look forward to
You'll be giving someone Christmas
At the cost of yours
I'm not the type of person to give up on someone,
But eventually eyeryone leaves...

And it really hurts when they cast you away
So I'm killing myself slowly...

Pain is a constant reminder that I'm terrified
Because I cant have you...
  Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
Here I am
Did you miss me?
You can’t get rid
Of what we all need
I am your hollow
Beneath your shallow
Nonexistent invisibly

I am with you
Behind the curtains
Within the wood
The fire set free

I am your sorrow
Awaiting tomorrow
I am the love
The heaven you seek

I am indeed
Poet Freak!
Traveler Tim
  Nov 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
it hurts more
taking off my skirt
seeing myself in the mirror knowing
I've been lying all day
the hurt in pink when I burned myself
driving and the hurt in pink when my lips are touched
the dry sadness is the best thing I've known
felt between walls and miles
it sits outside the door

I like to feel the water when it stings my burns
I like crying after being kissed
knowing i'm being taken for granted again
I don't like when the bath goes cold
incredibly sad and all I do is hurt myself
By grace, through faith we are saved,
by the blood that Jesus has paid.

Completely God and completely man,
this Jesus was killed by human hand.

A sacrifice he was,
Jesus loves you, just because.

Resurrected from the dead,
Jesus is alive, no matter what is said.

Living and strong,
Jesus is with you, all your life long.

Jesus is building his house so big,
he wants you to come and see his Kingdom gig ;)

Your are loved.
You are blessed.

In the Kings righteousness,
you are dressed.
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