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Sep 2014 · 442
Silent murmurs escape broken lips.
It is done.
The deed is through.
As I sit in the moonlight,
Accomplishment washes over my pale form.
I finally picked apart your facade,
Revealing every hidden sinew within.
You yearn for solace,
But there simply isn't any.
Everything you ever wanted
Now lies broken at my feet.
Sep 2014 · 349
The Wolf Inside
Roll up your sleeves
Fall to your knees
Smile through those fangs
For you now I geeve

Every part of you disgusts me
You aren't who you once were
You'll never be her again

You used to be my everything
Tell me how does it feel
To be nothing to me now

You fake, you coward
You waste of human flesh
How did you fool me all this time

Now I see your true colors
Black and grey is what you are
Beauty in the midst of evil
Emotionally scarred

I deserve so much better than this
Love is not a game we play
It's only a word we say

True actions give words meaning
Your meaning is so clear
I hope you get what you deserve
You have the entirety of life to fear
Sep 2014 · 216
The War of Words
Stop! Think before your lips part
Using your brain is a good way to start

You won this battle
(what are we fighting for)
But I'll win the war
Just tell me please
(what are we fighting for)
What are we fighting for

You're just another mindless pawn
You have no brain, nothing but brawn
Every word you say will be your demise
If only you could see yourself from my eyes

I don't run from a fight
I fight for what's right
Standing so tall
Make you so small

Bringing you to your knees
Any time that I please
As I see fit
I'll never quit

I will never surrender
You're just a pretender
Nothing you do
Is counted as true

Do what you wish
But I'll make you pay
When you die
I long for that day
Sep 2014 · 311
Monster Hunt
I will destroy this monster
It beats my kids and my wife
Takes all my money
Ruins my life

The beast won't leave
It won't go away
I must destroy him
He's not welcome to stay

He complicates all the things I hold dear
Torments my souls year after year

Hidden in my closet
Tucked under my bed
As I sleep he waits
To rip off my head

Run but can't hide
From this shell of a man
He's gaining ground now
Soon I'll make my stand

Load my gun
Test the trigger
I've never felt bigger

Line up the sight
Bullet takes flight
Sinks into skin
Buried within
Then I fall to my knees
That monster was me
Life has a funny way
Of making you see
That life isn't fair
To you or to me

Tricked and played
Conned and cheated
But hardly defeated
I'll rise above the rest
And give it my best

Scream for my life
As it slowly fades away
All that is left
Is beginning to fray

The rope I've held to
Now barely a thread
But if I let go
I'll soon end up dead

I'm running out of strength
I can't make it on my own
This life is too hard
To try to face alone

Send me a sign
Don't you dare leave me here
Give me your hope
While drawing me near
Sep 2014 · 525
Hidden Beneath a Smile
A smile hides it all
Every feeling deep inside
All the heartache that you carry
It'll take you for a ride

Understood in every language
Yet never makes a sound
It gives the impression that you're happy
When you're hiding back a frown

No one suspects that there's anything more
Could they be mistaken?
Could they be more mistaken?

Under this smile
Lies my demise
It's taking me under
While fooling your eyes

All the bitterness and hatred
I've kept hidden for so long
Now that I know this
It makes me feel strong

It covers up an insult
Holds back your hate
It's a miracle worker
But it can't change your fate
Sep 2014 · 260
Enemies Once Friends
Rip the spine from your skin
They are that cold
Knife leading the attack
To free you from your soul

You choose your friends
And they choose you
You love them, you hate them
They love and hate you

They stab you in the back
And then twist the knife
To bring the most pain
They’re out for your life

They rip out your heart
Just because they can
Bleed out every part
This is their plan

Drive to the ocean
Toss it in the sea
Takes only a second
To get rid of me

But my memory lives on somewhere
Sep 2014 · 308
Here Lies Demise
Your argument is invalid
Cause' I have a brain
And two eyes to see
Your pride must be slain

Don't try to tell me
What I already know
And don't play the part
Only for show

Step up, be a man
Say it to my face
You stupid coward
I'll put you in your place

Spit on my brow
I'll snap your spine
Rip open your mouth
You give me a sign

Faker than my smile
More elusive than joy
So many people
Fall into your ploy

Behind my back
Your words find their home
The minds of my friends
Where they now roam

I'll set you on fire
Burning your skin
The only way I know
To confront evil within

You had your chance to turn
Now ******* burn
Sep 2014 · 381
Every time I write
It starts in a good way
Sooner rather than later
It begins to decay
By the last word
It's as black as my soul
No longer a diamond
Now a fresh piece of coal

More evil than Satan
Don't you even start hatin'
Always bringing me down
Far under the ground
I’m six feet underground
Hear that empty sound
It's the noise my chest makes
As blood circles around

Thanks to you I'm now heartless
You crushed all my spirit
Don't start with your ****
I don't want to hear it
Spilling from your lips
The truth is denied
Back out of that corner
There's nowhere to hide

You made me what I now am
It's crystal to see
You lied every time
You said you loved me
I told the truth every time
Every kiss was sincere
Now I'm wasting away
Hiding in fear

What did I do
To deserve all this pain
I drained every drop
Of blood from my veins
Slice into my arm
I'll cause myself harm
This is all the memory of you
Pushes me to do

This is the end
We'll never be friends
You had your chance
Never again
Always keep an eye open
Never turn your back
Don't give me a reason
I won't hesitate to act

End of your move
Game, set, and match
I never look back
Batten down the hatch
Now it's my turn
Get the ammo, load the gun
I'm on my way now
Run, girl, run

I have been fighting
An ever pointless war
My heart was ripped away
Ripped right from the core
Your whispered words
Shredded away
No longer alive
No breath left to stay

Behind the mask
It’s your face I see
I won’t let myself forget
But I will always regret
I’ll always be the shadow
Lurking behind your door
Waiting to throw you
Down to the floor

Run, now
Get out of my face
I've finally had enough
This is the end of your race
Sep 2014 · 969
Bone Crushes Bone
You don't want to mess with me
Because I'll mess back and I don't play around
I'm one tough *******
I'll take you down

The streets are my home
My fists are my tools
Guns are for pansies
Knives are for fools

My anger empowers me
To do as I please
With my bare hands
I'll rip out your knees

Spineless vertebrae fear me
For I am the reaper
Of all that is evil
Inside of all people

I fear no human
I eat them alive
The gutters and sewers
Are where I like to hide

I'll sneak in to your home
Rip up your wife
Flee, mortal
I’ve come for your life
Sep 2014 · 572
Always on My Mind
Asleep in my bed dreaming of you
With every breath that I breathe
I prove this is true

Snoring so loudly I didn't hear
The shatter of glass somewhere near
He came through my window
With one swift kick
Or maybe it was a soft click

Waking with fright
On the calmest of nights
He makes his way to the bed
And places a gun on my head

He orders me to stand
And binds both my hands
"Get down on your knees!"
I hear him decree

He asks where my valuables are
And I answer
"Sir, my only treasure was lost to cancer"

"Shut up!" He says
"I know you've got money!
You must take me for a fool.
Do you think this is funny?"

"No this isn't funny", I reply
"But the truth is I'm a very broke guy
I lost my wife, she was my soul.
Ever since that day
I've never felt whole"

"See, we used all our money
To pay for her care
She went in for treatments
That got us nowhere"

I'm kneeling here now
Seeing no purpose in another day
I wish he'd pull the trigger
I don't want to stay

When he realizes I have nothing
He hits me with the gun
I hear him remark
"Well, boy, it's been fun"

His finger clenches the trigger
I await my fate with glee
Be patient my darling
Your face I'll soon see

I hear the shot before I feel the sting
In that moment I don't feel a thing
Then a thousand volcanoes
Erupt in my brain

Seeing it in the third person now
I look down upon the scene
But what does it all mean?

I see my own head exploding
Covering a picture of us on the wall
In my brain goo
You were always on my mind
Now my mind is on you
I wrote this after watching the dead poets society
Sep 2014 · 338
Are you here, are you there? Are you really anywhere? Do you exist? Do I even care?

All my life on your side, it was quite the ride. But now Im confused and I really need you.

Where are you now? Can you not make a sound? Are you even around?

All the years, all the fears. All the pain and the tears. I felt shunned, I think Im done. Give me a reason to hope.

All the prayers without cares. Why'd I waste my breath? All the times I was broke, and didnt have a dime.

To show for my face, I was such a disgrace. But. So. Were. You.

I sought you in your word, how absurd could I be? I guess I thought you might give a **** about me.

I was wrong, now this song is my cry to a doomed world. I sing about your lack of love for me. All I ask is why?

— The End —