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 Jan 2015 The voice
Stu Harley
frees the soul
give us
wings of gold
words that we hold
if the eyes
never sleep
 Jan 2015 The voice
they do not speak  
mouths sutured shut  
their words, thoughts, appear on their skin  
like some curious cuneiform, deciphered not
by those who wield the scurrilous scalpels  
that maimed them  

they do not speak  
though their screams appear
as a rapacious rash of cocky consonants,
their whispers as smooth vowels
on their exposed hides      

they do not speak  
but hear the flapping of butterflies’ wings  
the blinking of a dead dogs’ eyes
and the sound stars made  
upon colossal collapse  

they do not speak
but emit eerie odors in fecund olfactory code  
“lesser beasts” read with feral snouts
and see on the breached breaths
the silenced try
to conceal    

they do not speak  
though they see the mocking mouths of their captors
and their words that fly through the air  
slicing through these mutes, as if
they were never there
inspired by the lobotomized, either by knife or by potent potion, and the lunatics yet roaming among us, smelling of truth but not saying a word
 Jan 2015 The voice
Dear reader,

Have I mastered the art of being sad, making my everyday living slumbering in dreamland fantasy?  Then my reality is in wintry weathery moments that I feel numb from too much cold. Is isolation my best buddy for the mean time? Well those questions will remain in this journal, to immortalize the moment of my depressing situation.

I brought up the transparent duct tape in placed always for people to see the lively image I pretend. Sometimes I’m tired of the choices and expectations I created. Though I never regret all of them, I just find them depressing for often times I wonder did I really make an awful choice.  Still at the back of my mind I fantasize a positive outcome of all those.

Wisdom grows as you aged, Maturity becomes you and Changes have eaten you. Now I wonder did I totally embrace reality or my life in tune with negativity. Despite all this, I will surely survive and live up to the choices I created. Someday I will surpass this in time.

            Thank you for reading…

Your friendly neighbor,
w.Pax :(
prose-poetry(prosetry) pretending to be a journal .

written: January 5, 2013
Taken from my old journals in WC.

An old piece that I can still relate to.. Sorry for not being around much, my friends. been busy for another project (from Jubail to Riyadh), and I was not able to come home, having/earning a living is hard, so I took a chance of a little more isolation. sigh.....

Happy New Year....
surrounds me
centers me
 Nov 2014 The voice
Today, tell your soul: His grace is sufficient.

In my weariness, His grace is sufficient.
In my brokenness, His grace is sufficient.
In my failures and fears, His grace is sufficient.
In my storms, His grace is sufficient.
In my illness, His grace is sufficient.
In my loneliness, His grace is sufficient.
In my hopelessness, His grace is sufficient.
In my weakness, His grace is sufficient.
In my hurt, His grace is sufficient.
"And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (2 Cor. 12:9)
Oh grace, oh that grace.
I am a sinner, He is my Savior.
I should die but He took my place.
I was saved, He was tortured.
Oh grace, oh that grace.

Oh grace, oh that grace.
Bruised and broken,
tears and blood on His face,
He suffered all the pain.
Oh grace, oh that grace.

Oh grace, oh that grace.
The King of kings was hung and nailed
on that cross, for my case
my Holy God was mocked and jeered
Oh grace, oh that grace.

Oh grace, oh that grace.
I once was lost,
followed my own ways.
and now I am found
Oh grace, oh that grace.

Oh grace, oh that grace.
I don't deserve all of these
The love, the joy,
and the forgiveness,
All He did and all He went through.
It was grace.
Oh my saving grace, oh that amazing grace.
What was utmost
about her,
was how she could
see something
filled with darkness,
but still manage
to see genuine
not just her kindness,
but grace,
so loudly
that even the most
human being
teared up.
Not help
but to feel strongly,
drawn to her
aura & soul.
A miracle
is what
she was,
and still is
to this day.
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