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524 · Jan 2020
The Last Dream
i am dreaming of
the furthest room down the hall,
the slight fall of the chest as someone sighs deeply

the watery gaze that sees nothing
save dull and diffused light

of reasons that have the stink of rationalization on them

of slight couched in invitation
to yesterday's cancelled reservation
for the chance to revisit the ultimatum
where live words held in the mouth
words now sentenced to life
for murders never said

of the memory of tiny actions
for the sake of their intended

of small bright wings painted with the faces of children laughing
that flutter in what appears to be aimless flight yet always alighting with precision on the nectarless flowers
in their artificial meadow
of sleep without dreams or waking
Please wake me
357 · Feb 2021
street smarting
smoke rings
and bells do as well
and the lamb man's
got all the fleece
we are all gold in an egg-shaped sort of way
way on down the street

the good girl needs a bell
nevermind the ring
i ring my bells for that good girl's favor
ring your bell for the good girl's favor
the lamb man keeps his peace

toll now instead of ring
underhand and under thumb
under-way the lambs run
up and down the street

the wind blows through the leaves
leaving traces of where it's been
it's been down collecting lambs again
up and down
the street

wash your wool
for the lamb man's leaving
wash your hands
he's gone
wash your hair
for the lillies blooming
blooming all along
all along
the street
274 · Apr 2024
Last Week
stuff spread all over
moving from one abandoned
to another
Seems I'm ******

spoken words without truth
phone broke
homeless joke
it ain't so funny
when I'm stuck

In the confessional booth
can't get out of here
trust no one
night wary light little
some kind of maze
**** riddle
i don't have the answer to

got to get
before it gets you
i got to go real soon
new hat same old boots
this is just a bunch of dust
it'll **** you

wake up
on the morning news
hide your things
or take them with
else you ain't gonna have ****

broken will
broken dog
sleeping in a hollow log
drink mud
It poisons

sick two days and still gotta move
another place i can't stay long
don't look now
here comes the law
give me ****
wish me luck
thinking I'm a ***
got what i had coming

can i put up an argument?
be worth the time that I have left?

doubt me
catch your death
crown me
catch your breath

hell hill
third world frills
cops chasing the elusive
kick grandma's door in
shoot to ****
shoulda left the pistol
grabbed some other till

19 now and a ****** rap
what the hell am i to
do with that?

all these things that i did see
leave me choked...
without speech

stressing on the basics now

all day long
bow me down
267 · Apr 2021
reckon i will
i am in love with sadness
i am in love with your sadness
i recognize and know it
it is not dissimilar to my
own sorrow

while quietly sobbing
perform drunken newly learned alchemical rituals
in a desperate attempt to
set aright
madlove gone off the rails
with half-spells and muttered incantations

knowing the aura of
impending heartache
i stifle a sob into a
long one note high pitched
quiet wail
i am doomed

ill equipped to cast
my lot
ill advised to continue
i closed my leaking eyes
and held my arms up
in supplication
to a god i have always
believed in
but do not believe would hear
my believed mewlings

i remember the hour of my undoing
i remember the sadness
i feel today
from then
a touchstone to your sadness
the only stone I have

i would tie it to my
and jump into deep water
were i to think it would
hold me to the bottom

though no hero am i
nor courage do i know
in your sadness i found
a simple purpose
a certain failure
sadness my own

i remember your shy smile
and your hands
if love were fish and the bones of them
love's memory would swim through multi-colored cascading  
cathedral fountains
floating by
with lighted bell shaped alure
and small lips good for kissing

love's memory would swim through
tiny myopic refractions
of shattered life
broken by shafts of
twinkling light that has
no set source
235 · Apr 2021
friendless fire
Reluctant waver
Lucky you
Thank your stars
Mirrors do what they do

Tour bailer
This is for you
Stole my ride
And my drink to boot

Calvary captain
Mean what you say
Why'd you Leave the recruits
To fight their own way?

It ain't a big deal
We made our way through
Not all of us though
So what do we do?

Hang up and run?
Ditch and demand?
Bail while we're in it?
Keep your head in
The sand.

nap in the dirt
blood on your hands
and under your nails
nailed to the end

nailed to the floor
you knew
acting as if
what you said was the truth

forget it while smiling
my name
it is a place
but hold on to it for just this sort of case:
you remember the rain
In a house quite abandoned
A lifetime of pain is a hard rock to stand on
The broken out windows
and dwindling flame

sputters alight
with new resolve
bust in my new boots
earlier today on you
aim then fire
and revolve
Get on through
i am beginning to dislike rhyme
i believe I'll quit it
232 · Feb 2021
agape fishing
After a long conversation with my brothers
in the midst of my late-middle years
i still discover them
we, us
each other
and my original motive
for loving

leaves me smiling
to myself
full of that
which neither needs nor harbours
any motive
215 · Jan 2020
my last smoke
when all of my sacred seemed heresy
nighttime came out in his boots

hyenas and jackals
and wolves and curs
laughing and yapping and howling
their din
the sole noise in that darkness
save the blood singing inside of my ears

those canine predators lope easy, in endless pursuit of my courage
which has flagged after waning these years

i fight the urge to lay down
shake my head
turn around
and walk on bones
worm eaten by fear

into the caress of this moonless oblivion
knowing that i am more hungry for bravery

after a turn without stumbling
though i cannot see
i return to this place
turning back
a thin man in a dream

smoke rising as i lay down
a signal sent to no one
203 · Feb 2021
just getting around
from going downtown
which is like saying
something under my breath
about sticks

i cook every night
and check in with the ladies (all houseplants and wallflowers)
touch is spaghetti
and hugs and pockets full of guitar

raspy whisper a slim chance
beat it or carry the tune
do the dishes that are in the sink
all of this
now I'm sick

take the keys
take the reigns
get some ****
take the blame
do whatever it is you think
of next
for your next trick

tricky is as tricky does
but it only works this once
once around is good enough
good enough
to kick
But tough

around here
i sleep when i can't stay awake
i eat when i am hungry
I love because
I was made in the image of
199 · Dec 2020
dark matter
like the devil in our memory
on dust and solar winds of misfortune's dreams
on the waves of no tide yet seen
heavier than the lead in your brain and bloodstream
slowly leaching all goodness from you as you grow old

spinning and weaving
selfishness and crushing apathy
with narrowing ill intent
from all to us to we to me to ? it went
it spreads us all slowly getting cold

wrecking all creation
from single cell
to great libraries
from empathy to eternal death
in the cold
bury yourself
here comes death
and no one
to blame

no light
nothing matters

nature's cold last words
are muffled
by her quiet chuckle
knowing there is only more isolation
we are all quite alone and drifting
away from
each other
some mensa smart
Ms. Jones
you always seem
to land the same part

play the mystery woman
that nobody's ever known
what is the time now praytell
in your locally tragic circus?

you're hard to hit
while you are moving  
around and alone at night

carnival grounds flood with roosters
crowing and announcing first light

spinning target girl
eyes shut you cry while still hoping
that I don't miss with the knives
176 · Dec 2021
special (my muse)
note to self:
The mighty says that she doesn't name a poem before it's written or maybe not at all

so I try not to
I try to write her with no name

words speak and write themselves
faster than the slowness
of my naming

good god, i falter
fly south for the summer
ring my neck
shake a wing
flying further north
because it's winter

so i try not to
because she speaks
fluid now and real
and in her ocean there is
no name
worthy of not forgetting

a gift to me for sure
a wordless azimuth
to describe
a pearl and its own life's making
and I am impressed

some remainder pure
and laughing still at broken
who shakes me awake when I wrong down the words

and try to name them

yet in the night's dark farmer's market where
flickers are rare and cost
what's real

I lay down the word that speaks to saying
and guides what's said and still saying home

and she is special
special now

when now is long and slower
and meanings mean themselves
where moments are rooms with echoes and time stands quiet; nearly still

when memory is no longer
and I not so full; myself
I'll forget the grass is green then
maybe I'll lighten up

remembering the road i wrote
the author of one dream
where words were meant to say themselves

a fairly special thing
never ever wrote a good depiction
166 · Apr 2021
first thought
bats and birds
neither got off the ground i guess
160 · Jan 2020
the measure
blithely turning toward a closer ground she measured her body in the mirror's reflection for the inside capacity (adequate at any), of the ornate casket she had ordered to have intricately carved and lavishly inlaid.
she was in a fantastic space for a good-natured case of the ****-its. 
Dani was dying.
she was small in stature and large in awkward.
jotting the numbers down,
her eyes - just a bit of dust 
smiling through and reaching for 
the coin she tossed 
-her way out the door.
     god how she mystifies me.
in awe, slack-jawed and my face hurts from laughing with her.
it's like a hundred million tiny yellow butterflies were released at penelope's wedding to a sky of falling ashes from a small grass fire next county over. 
     that's what i feel like when she laughs. i am going to miss her when she goes-
i can't really wrap myself around a comprehensive strategy for creating a space within myself that will be without her. 
i have lost interest in trifling 
i spend my time at a job that's just a good reason to walk that far. 
     i come home with fresh fish and flowers and a couple of album finds from "the pig and the gator" record store.  
guy clarke, Willie's 
"redheaded stranger", and an early Romones e.p.
     Dani loved, i mean loves records. so do i. ****. loved. that sort of tears me up that i wrote that. 
     anyhow, we crack beers and eat fish and listen and talk and laugh and spend the rest of most nights trying to find my disappeared dog Luke Sidewalker. i miss him so incredibly deeply that my gut hurts so as to nearly stop me from breathing.
     i feel that i am so many people when i am with her.
     that's the mystic. she sort of leads me to where i am most comfortable in her presence. she showed me where.
that you could be in pieces and not get nervous about it. 
     i can't imagine tomorrow. and i can no longer remember yesterday,
but as the ******* ghost of this day;
i hold no real promise. 
this is it. 
     here she is; opening the door as she thumb flips her coin with something near to indifference. bloww.
she puts a smile on me like she's swinging a haymaker. 
"tails", she whispers. she is looking at me as if there is something worth looking at. 
she hands her coin to me.
butterflies and ashes.
when someone you know becomes someone you knew.
153 · Jan 2020
second son of autumn
i am Spring
i am the second son of autumn
a representative of pollen and dawn
I am old friends with the longest day of summer
I have known the icy night of winter
since before he grew
into his dark and starstrewn coat
I am spring
I speak the language of bees and everything blooming
all things that are living will quiver
with desire and promise
today i am keeping that promise
sap from the root to the tree  
sap from the tree to the leaves  
invitation from the leaves to the sun
to the sun

once i get everything rolling
the earth gets a little more juicy
153 · Aug 2022
d-rama dharma sutra
it's work simply being
it's something sad as well
no one but myself to blame
The fates are not this cruel

when times get rough
i become more hungry
But now it's time to go underground
when i truly would be casting blessings
bring some when i come back around
150 · Apr 2021
ship going downstairs
You've ruined the moon
And the trees that I see it through
They are burnt and charred
As am I

They were on fire
which burned down
the home next to them

The basement is where
The heirloom mirrordumb
Ashcan wish-dope
Memory shift
Sunday school
Was located

I am sifting through the ashes in the basement
They are not my ashes
I am obligated
To a friend's loss
Elephant deja vu

You've ruined the moon
With long distance wishes
And lipstick smeared napkins
Plus haiku
And your hair on my sweater from a long forgotten night
when we held one another
For comfort and warmth and believing in
the moon

The moon is the same
the planet is ruined
i became sadness
And sadness
Becomes me
While I wait for death
And another chance
To hold your beautiful heart

Not the same reasons
The moon is the same
The reason
Carries us
Across together

If you see the moon
Please ask her
If we could make it up to her
One day somehow

Maybe just knowing that we both look at her
Maybe just knowing

I've lost my heart and
My moon is  ruined
My way is set
My resolve milky
The light of a perfect

The moon is meaningless
Without you
Gumballs and taffy
Bread on a pb&j
That stayed out
All night last
With stoic pilgrims  
And the last strains
Of kinda blue

From the moment we knew
And our eyes made
The day
I have had my will lashed
To the mast

where are you?
where are you?
142 · Feb 2020
christmas in seoul
sleepy, feverish
smiling nonetheless
she lay me down
with almost loving concern
i offer money
feigned anger with humor in a look
leaving again to get groceries
possibly turn a trick
this florence nightingale Christmas ******
stays and nurses me for a week
i remember meeting her
in a bar in Seoul
we liked the same jazz
not a word of each other's slipped away unoticed
nor understood
she was authentic and made of beauty
light played around her
we never tried to-ruin it
she was leaving i could sense it
i put a thousand in her purse while she fixed her tear stained eyes
i couldn't fix mine
131 · Mar 2020
burn me down
sunlight spills from
her eyes
her words
drip honey
her lips are
i wish she would burn
me down
with all of her kisses
130 · Jan 2020
on the ground
heart is heavy
a trainload of lead
better get an adjustment
listen a little
get out of my head.

my love is in lock-up
gotta spring her today
do what i must do
do what it takes

walk through what is before me
with great gratitude
lessen the gravity
these are my shoes
123 · Mar 2020
If you are really in love
You have become incredibly important
as you have never been

I won't enter the contest
But i may crawl or slither
across the floor
Sometime this winter

only because i want to save you with dancing
122 · Jan 2020
him and her
him is at the end of the sentence
him knows at the end of this day
whatever the verdict
now it
never mattered
him's debt is undoubtedly paid

her left out the parts with her name on them
him knew what was his just the same
none of that mattered
not where it landed
at least that's what she said she said she said
catching the blame
while watching the flames
122 · Jan 2020
innocent wrapper
waiting on nothing
yet the waiting's worthwhile
working at forgetting
last year's
wasted time
a bloodletting

stripped of  your innocent wrapper
a snake that has molted
its skin
you somehow seem to have convinced me
of what a worthless waste it is
attempting to wring something sweeter out of this senseless death-trap

the shadow of your cowardice
and lack of sincerity rides the memory of our loving
like the moon rides the earth
******* the sun's light for itself
at once cheap and

i hate myself for believing you

harvest your own lack of loyalty
betrayal trappings
you will glean
all that you brought me--trouble is caustic
an unbridled acid tongue bleeding

that trouble shall hunt you
all of your days that remain
the sign you leave
being easy to track
as the world's last beast
120 · Jan 2020
don't not have some
horse flagging hard in these hard boundry lands
holding trace leather; with these gnarled bad hands
spirit nearly broken from this seemingly endless long ride

seeking shade from the sun
but the shade from my saddle can't hide:

the hole in my ribcage
or the lines in my face
no tell (**** I'm weary), sit saddle, betraying no trace
of the years i have gathered
or the miles-

i have ridden alone
gone hungry
been cold
this ain't the first time
i've ridden...
but this time I'll die,

as well will my brothers
don't it hurt to discover
that it always all comes to an end?
and there ain't no one  reason
to lie to myself,
to lie to myself
or pretend

no, there isn't one reason
to lie by myself
or pretend
that there ain't no more reasons
120 · Feb 2021
said formica jimmy.
K-tap drives.
Yoppa-g and the new magician
Take their act to the streets.

Boofer dan drives
Wheezer to get
Yog and young Boat,
His two younger brothers
Wheezer looks
As if he'd always known
The middle names
By the ocean
South of some hidden North
Lighted approximation
Some sun short summer tour
Dancing solo
smiling in the dark
Parking lot

Wheel ocean and breezes  
the moon up
Real and easy
For the first time
Since my troubled travel
But miraculous arrival
Pretend it's just for me
Arrival can be a little lonely

With chocolate thoughts
As Spicy peanuts
Takes up with that cool kitten
***** blueberry lime-ade
There's enough to get us through the rest of our days

See them get Along smiling
Talking nodding
The road ahead always steering them toward
Each other's always
Due to the belief of everyone
And in that

Hiccup in the willow
Breathe sweet fragrance
Laying yoppa g down
And wheezer
Eyes half closed
Cheek to the cold
And comfortable
Hands down and holding

Isotopic stasis binder
Always in solution
Traveling the trade routes
Casting out their demons
Working the miracle
Alchemists of  singular expressions of always

It is not going away
It is always
Yoppa g speaks it written
While the three of them
Think it known and agree
Only the solution works
As in a vehicle of faith
An engine of creation
119 · Jan 2020
going as i see fit
working the inside
wonder as purpose
nearer my self to thee
dreamfuel merepond

relaxed as i near
my path becomes me
color and sound
and bright tastings

follow my fingertips
as they trace
their own ways
through spirit
wandering smile
stardrift and space

eyes wide twinkling
with admired images
of those things loved and loving
their own recreation
in my singular
and most individual mindlight
118 · Jun 2020
Canines and alphabets
Billowing in yearn
Mountain cur
I couldn't get out

Try as i might
Canines and alphabets
It's surely time
For a bath
And an easy way out
My my

Forget me if you want
But if it's alright
Let me tell you up front
I remember what
brings you light
116 · Jan 2020
loci (Gladys &The Mighty)
Curious with night things,
Manuel and his dog dug up the returned.
Their eased mind's local was already watered. 
Gladys and the mighty
came awake for the recognitions.
The returned gave praises to Manuel and his curiosity.
They ate breakfast for dinner together. 
Soul as food.
Break your bread.
Break your back.
Set your table. 
Lickety split was.
Manuel and his dog are.
Gladys and the mighty is:
allow always...loci.
115 · Jan 2020
far side of the hill
sweating and breathing hard
from a walk up the hill
running down leaks in the line
the pressure is up
where it's supposed to be
i better get water this time

three days without
with the heat
as it is
news travels slow on this side
but i know what i need
to finish the job
and squeeze out without notice
in the dark on the quiet
high tide
114 · Feb 2021
like a thin lip
Chimeric and illusory
My vision a child
Eyes full of wonder
Hope is like light
In the dark of possibility

Begging from fates
Befriended by muses
Lips gone cold early
Strangers sleep in my bed

Seeing behind
Is a trick and no magic
Belief is a construct
Alone in our minds

Demons rage and rotate
From pole to pole to pole
Further destroying the field
Laying me bare to the sun

Where all of my doubts
Become memory's bad dreams
And morning reveals that I'm usually still
113 · May 2020
For a Friend
I want to scream
I can't get away
Plenty of pleasure
The take take away

I want to do
The things that I have to say

Rolling around alone
Didn't get much done


Bringing it home

It used to be a
Friend of mine

Believe in me
Because I

Friend to me
stagger and fall
scraping your bones
knowing it is all due to
having been exposed
to your own poisonous venom
For which there is no known antidote
110 · Mar 2020

crokus outlook
standing firm

just like
i always do

when i catch a glimpse
of your thigh

your bright sun

who knew?
107 · Jun 2020
I lied
Want a drink
a couple of smokes
a girl
I quit all three
Two by choosing to
I think
I will do myself a favor
Give girls another whirl

Like a tiger by the tail
Like a ride
Over the moon
Like nothing ever matters
Yeah, that's her

Make me crazy with her need
For loving
Make smile every time
Make my whole day better
All way
We're all the way

I lied
106 · Feb 2021
if i could skip over
get yer *** up
make a decision

i guess
*** is retribution
hey, new waitress queen
now you are famous
with your cab driver

lack of integrity is:
not a solution to
problem inner child running
from the shoes
You use
to run in
boogersun and jMike where they are wanted and welcome and with you is difficult for me with all of these people I think.

I'm gonna try for your heart. Where wee bit more jackets of many colors are modestly sized for business.

Lone duck is one flight for flighty figh for free...draw the kids back up here where they were and... Destiny.

Andyl karl loge is destiny
whomever he's supposed to be.
I'm gonna get out from here to where
they are wanted
and welcome, you see?

See seems to be a friend of it all
Galaxy nexus and fairy tales tall
to come galore from the heliocentric nevertheless;

yes the most of thunk think love in the sink sunk sink I guess.
105 · Jan 2020
same as mudpies
now is not the time for tears
bind whatever is broken
prop yourself up
your confidence seems to be flagging
a death sentence for straw dogs and hollowmen
such as we
it's over but it won't go away.
105 · Mar 2020
i'll swing instead
'owling winds from HER past
scrape my esteem
from the flesh of my am

with HER truth as a weapon
she rides over me with SHAME
as a war-pony

from the king of nothing
to the fool of fantasy
the card of
my am
not with her

sheer ill intent
damage so deep
to breathe
is a crime
for my am

no safe passage
trickery and slippery
wet moss on the rocks

I'll swing
By the neck of my am
like no ***** did

so childlike
now a man
i hurt my neck
my am

safety is going
be a long
climb out
reach down and find a collar in my hand
pull it up
out of the water

i am
104 · Jan 2020
sad prophecy
mad and tiny toed
she came to share my asylum sleeping place
a wonder in the moonlight's dust-ride
a wrangler of the dreaming

winterworn and coatless,
i slept soundless,
wept tearless,
woke restless;
for the hinges of time's doorways creaked non-stop with our leaving
101 · Oct 2020
dew point
wrapped around you like a blanket of ermine
reeling from a beckoning before time began
steam gathers and is swirled away giving shape to the subtle breath
of two lovers
one sleeping
battle scarred shocked and weary
after a solid month of them
non-stop noise the cannon carry
cannon carry them
carry until the trenches fill
with brother's blood soak the hill
with death dis-ease and disentery

the hero's task at length is laid
yet insanity instantly draws his pay
in far off looks and broken gaze
it be death alone
death alone that saves
legion eyes focused far away
as millions board the ferry

infinite naivete;
its innocence
the ancient bloodsnake craves
blind as it ingurgitates
its own dark hind yet hesitates
in fleeting dawning awareness bites
infinite in rav'nous appetite
sating only lust and what remains
hell's own night
joy's light's bane

for apathy and avarice
it's deception's pillow and its grace
death's own mask; its hidden face mercurial and at once chimeric
camouflage concealing
its concealment a passive weapon
chameleon quite as colorful
and as so quite as perfect

a last murderous salvo comes
dawn a fiery hour too early by one
in it's childishly entitled insistance
as we slough off our own skins
and eat kippers with them
from dented tins
our elegiac last breakfasts

and alas again forgetting everything
of nothing's own self-importance
we burn and die in last morning's light
as the band of gathered idiots bind
a consensual last query to send into the vast distance

we would give in to this abhorrence without resistance?
101 · Feb 2021
second skinning
awake in my skin
all night again
sleep is paralysis
memory is a throw-away
in a self hate crime
never return
just quit and die

money shots for skin
drawing lots again
keep me in the loop
forgetting is a keepsake
in a stranger's house being robbed
go to sleep
never quit and die

false god
false prophets
idols from the street
ears full of lies
betrayal and deceit
history is yesterday's weather forecast
knowing we make the weather, man
off of your knees
quit your mind and die

rights aren't real
without slaves
death is the only guest
worth waiting for
forward now reclining
wiggle in the sunlight's heat
she slips out of her molt
wearing the mask of her quarry
and her second skin
100 · Mar 2020
ship going down

your gatemouth gasping

air strickened
crooked shooter
surrender flaggin
surround sound

laugh track laughing

dry sailing
guard railing
panic flail wave wailing
as i roll away from you

lying as you're back-tracking

measuring cup
baby get your fill

loose lip hanging
from your teeth
just like laundry drying
on the line
which is thin

Your gatemouth hanging open
in a grit-tooth hundred year
sand laden wind
For Michelle the Nasty
100 · Feb 2021
Making the best of a rotten situation
When the going gets hot
Don't go away I'm on fire
Self immolation drills
Paying off in spades and thrills
I Like walking with you
Seems you're a real bad mime

Fill the earth
Full of filth
Fill bags and boxes
Full of death
New world burning
light up the sky
Push it on back

When's it end?
Never so far
Forever free or imprisoned in
Black space and stars
Returning forever
Remember the wheel
And this house full of monkeys

The forgetting
Is a lie
And escape is laughable
Stuck here and out of gas
Like a dead-letter postcard to ourselves
Dated and sent from some parlour-trick fantasy future
Where the switch-up is almost like dying

Do your best to remember
This day
When the new morning calls
It's the one thing we can do for Ourselves
One another
For us all
96 · May 2020
I'd sure like to get in there

I'd never need out

Never need out again

Blood on my hands

Except the floor 

The couch

The bed

Blood on my hands

This ain't the first

Time I've been 

Let down

It's your blood


Out of me

Forget, forget

Running out of me

Blood on your hands

Way down

The way

It used to be

Blood on your hands


Harder to recognize


Because we've blood on

Our hands

Scared to recognize


Inside the 

Way it used to be

Moving my hands

Hard to fly

****** my hands



Blood where my hands were once

96 · Dec 2020
you're hard to get ahold of i guess.
sorry I was so mean.
i had to hate you.

hmmmm. fingers
and eyelids flashing flashing
Autumn in the winter

you out of my memory.
95 · May 2020
I hate cats
And sympathy
I don't hate
Or have a habit
That goes through

Anyone's anything

4 c
If u
Even ever

To me
If'n u can ever
Get around

You can come over
Get all overwhelmed
Get all over me
95 · Jan 2020
fever dreaming
deliberate and willfull
this undoing
become intricately, surgically still
this calm indicative of nothing
but nothing is what calms going-on

the machines continue their humming- harmonics
shiny in their timid dark dew
friction free
nearly silent
so soft
these mechanics
sing with a voice so exquisite
that lulls me and draws me further
further away
further away
further down

away from noise i won't filter
away down in the dark where i like
to hidden rooms kept there
in the nighttime
away where the dust doesn't dare
nor does vision
elope there
with his new bride; sadness
nor joy come along with the lame
there, just a small installation my comfort
where even the wind speaks in whispers
careful to not rouse the rain
Took until today
Broke the machine down
Vitriolic wasteland
Infrastructure be ******

I'm going on up again
Against my better judgement
Again I silently decide
No one else will
Do it
I'm going back up
It's got to be done

There's alot of lean
To it this time
Ice, now rain on a hot wire
Never survive the strain
I'll climb.

With tears in my eyes
Remembering names
Knowing nothing proof positive
Except for the fact that

I've got a long vacation coming
When and if I come back
94 · Jun 2020
Panic sets in but i ignore it again
It's just your name caught in my
I'll Heimlich myself
If i don't start breathing pretty quick
Or maybe I'll just throw up

Slide under your locked door
A 3×3 inch card
A small scissors
And an engagement ring

If you can figure a way to get the card around your head
The card says
You don't have to marry me
Keep the ring

But if you can't
Which you can
You'll have to be my bride
For this short time
That it takes
Me to suffocate
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