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Riane Feb 2019
Everything was bright
She felt lighter
It seemed like the light
Was coming through her
Flowing off her in waves

She was flying now
Hurtling away from death
And his stench of pain

She could feel her Love.
He was near.
She could hear him.
He was sad,
he was broken,
He was on his knees.
He looked like he hadn't slept for weeks.

She ran to him
And wrapped her arms around him
She held him close
And told him , "I'm here,
I'm never going away."

But he didn't hear her,
He would never hear her again.
No matter how much she tried,
He would never feel her again.
Hey guys, part 3 coming soon .I hope you liked this one.
Riane Feb 2019
Dying didn't hurt too bad.
But leaving him ,
Hurt the most
She didn't want to go .
So she begged death for more time
But her clock had stopped.
And her soul was fading.
But she wouldn't leave,
She couldn't leave.
So death offered her a deal,
A deal that let her,
Live, a dead life .
A deal she accepted too fast.
And deals made with death
Are binding forever,
If only she knew.
I might continue this story. Let me know what you think of it. Open to any notes or suggestions.
Riane Feb 2019
My soul is tired ,
My bones are weary.
My heart is broken,
My feet feel heavy.
Riane Jan 2019
I'm scared.
I want to jump head first.
But would you jump,
If you knew it would hurt
When you hit the ground?

When I'm with you ,
It feels like I'm flying
In the clouds.

But soon blue skies turn dark,
My eyes close
And I'm spirally towards the ground.

I want this , us , so much,
But how can I start something
That I know will end badly?
Riane Jan 2019
I believe we all have writers
Who sit around long tables
And write our stories
They carefully pick the characters,
Whose paths cross with ours.
And decide the universes.

They create days of joy
Where nothing could be better
And dark stormy days
Where every breath
Takes extra effort.

I feel like my writers
Have a taste for chaos
I feel like they
Clink their glasses
And toast to my battles
They create adventures
Not for me
But for my readers
So they could chuckle
And burst out laughing

They balance out good and bad,
And I'm thankful
Things could have been worse,
So I'm grateful
If anything, I know,
I've lived an interesting life.
Thank you my writers....
Riane Jan 2019
There she was.
A vision of beauty
She walked with confidence
Like she owned the floor she stood upon
And she probably did
Charisma oozed out of her every pore
She was loved
Or at least she had their attention
She could look you in the eye
And leave you speechless
She was everything I was not
And everything I wanted to be.
I looked up to her.
For she was perfection.
She was grace
And she was elegance.
But every now and then
Cracks would appear in her mask
And reveal a scared little girl
Peering out  through hooded eyes.
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