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487 · Mar 2018
lives of stone
G Mar 2018


our love was
a wild dog
hungry for trust

you buried your bones
while I slept


there was a small
black spot on your

you told me it was ink
but you were wrong


you're not going to make it
to midnight,
they said

you smiled and
played until dawn


your life was a prelude
to the storm
it rained for days


it rained
for days
438 · Mar 2018
G Mar 2018
I feel like my legs have been stamped
and sent around the globe -
perhaps one flew to Austria to hear
the string quartet that stole my heart,
and the other walked to Amsterdam in
hopes of finding the soul I sold,
now stored on a shelf in a mason jar.

There is no metaphor,
only mileage -
a life lived long enough to realize
that love speaks louder than language,
and all an artist can do is strive to
describe the strangled kiss with
hit and miss letters,
myself no exception.

I remember tearing a photograph in two
and trying to stitch a half of each of
our faces together - forcing them to fit.
When I looked upon the product, the monster
I'd created, my legs began to shake.
398 · Mar 2018
G Mar 2018
she runs a blade
along the side of truth
tearing seams to separate
the situation from semantics

tossing context
so I am nothing more
than a consequence
of bad behaviour,
an example of pain’s twisted path

reduced from a person
to a speed bump,
slowing her life plan

a hangnail on the hand
that feeds
396 · May 2018
G May 2018
it's a low-grade panic
lurking in the soul
simmering in silence

i distract
my restless hands
coat my neck in talismans
each layer, a clear gloss
but cracked

reflecting back
what i have lost

i have trained
my train of thoughts
to avoid things that cause

but something deep
inside of me
rebels against
what i've been taught
seeks out the stops
that ******* me
twists around my limbic tree
so i am left in knots
307 · Mar 2018
dramatic savagery
G Mar 2018
i am near my moment
of open language
as i hold these quiet words
like hearts regarding god
249 · Mar 2018
Antiquarian Territory
G Mar 2018
I have always been
and semi-organized,
a mistress of the incessant
and cluttered,
a keeper of legends
and a maker of myths

I scrawl my lists
on the back of bill-stuffed envelopes,
chuck pill sleeves and prescriptions
into the china drawer,
systematically rotate
unstapled papers
so I know the order of stories

There are impressions
on my chopping block
from the times I've abused vegetables
while pretending to sever
the heads' of my enemies
or cut their carrot fingers
clean in half

I do my thinking in the bath,
lay flat in the womb of water
and watch my ideas
get ****** down the drain

It's insane to save
'the good ones'
for rainy days;
if there's anything I've learned,
it's that those who make
blanket statements
have nothing else to say.

— The End —