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 Jan 2016 Sundas
mike dm
 Jan 2016 Sundas
mike dm
and the solid book we wrote
cannot be found today

so let us rest in the powerful were
where moonbeams try to tell us it's day
 Jan 2016 Sundas
James Chandra
What is your standards?
Do you make your own?
Then why do you live up
To everyone else's expectation.

Why are you confined?
Why are you so blind?
Ruled out by society's mind.
Why wont you step with me beyond the line?

Make a change!
Shoot, beyond your range!
Let me tell you, change is necessary
But i know it is hella' scary

What might make you
Think otherwise
Think of a little caterpillar
Changing into a beautiful butterfly
Originale by me :p
 Jan 2016 Sundas
George Krokos
If we all tried and did something good each day
we would then help to keep so much evil at bay.
And in the world there would be a lot less crime
and so people would not have to do penalty time.

The same can be said about the telling of lies
that are deceptive which most people despise.
Because no one really likes to know they've been deceived
especially after being told something false that is believed.

This raises those related issues of virtue and vice
or conduct of what is or isn't regarded to be nice.
The laws of the state are to be followed as a guide
by all the people who are by them otherwise tried.

If found to have transgressed in a particular way
that did not conform to a specific law of the day.
There's usually someone about who sounds the alarm
when a member of society is suspected of doing harm.

And when the offender is apprehended and brought to trial
they have to plead their case before a judge without a smile.
If the evidence against them is too strong to acquit them of the charge
they'll have to pay the penalty imposed or forfeit their freedom at large.

This may be a fine to be paid or period spent confined behind bars
where the person convicted is placed and from society kept afar.
But if they're acquitted of the charge in court and allowed to go free
they'll be satisfied with the justice system which tried and let them be.

This is sometimes the situation regardless of the suspect being really guilty or innocent
and doesn't praise or say much of the law when the verdict handed down is too lenient.
That is why when worldly human justice falls short or doesn’t rightly prevail
what's known as Divine justice will eventually step in and recompense entail.
Origimaly written in 2010
 Jan 2016 Sundas
Even if the side falls
Stand tall
Even if you feel ill
Still stand tall
In order to succeed

If there is a need
For you to open a door
Without a floor
I know you will
Even if you feel ill

Start form the ground
So, when rise up you'll feel proud
I've walked lonely rows
Without words

As the world gets cold
We get old
But all you have to do is hold
On to hope

You shaded tears
Because you feel your fears
But what you have to know is you're near
All you have to do is stand, stay, strong
This was the very first poem that I wrote and thanks to this poem it inspired me to write poems
 Jan 2016 Sundas
A Floral Heart
 Jan 2016 Sundas
twelve months ago you gave me flowers
I kept them in a vase while their color brightened the room
crisp scent of promise and reassurance
they stood proudly and confident
I changed the water from time to time when it became a faint brown
I could tell the flowers were tired
no longer holding the eyes of passing strangers, they were languishing and dismal
growing distant
I no longer felt the safety of a stem and the consolation of the petals
I could feel my love grasping at the edges to hold on to the once lively animation I once possessed
I was shown the cruel effects of time and how it can taint and corrupt something so beautiful
the flowers were soon tucked away as a faint memory while waiting to be replaced
held on to simply because the idea of material possession was a misinterpretation of passion and the belief it could be brought back to life
some things slip through our finger tips and the concept of love is too abstract to be understood
similar to the beauty of a flower
you promised me our love would last til the last flower dies but I now realize talk is cheap and your flaccid words are not worthy
twelve months ago our love brightened my life like a rose
and today I remembered you never really liked flowers
 Jan 2016 Sundas
Sarthak Agarwal
It cant stay fixated,
It travels the whole world.
It thinks of the lush green trees out in the fields,
Or of the running water,
And the fishes so free.
The lion king who has no strings,
The monkey who can run and climb whenever he feels.
He wants to be free,
Like the birds around him,
Chirp and sing like there's no tomorrow,
And fly without any worries.
The mountains so white,
So huge and high.
"Oh what a pleasure could be", he thought,
"if I could climb".

No one can guess,
What he really wants to be.
Not like everyone else,
He is definitely unique.
He hardly thinks about studies,
Wanderlust is always on his mind.
Hoping for only his wishes to come true,
He is yet,
Only a wanderer,
In the lands of his mind.
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