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 Sep 2016 SteffyWeffy
Ma Cherie
Today my  heart
      well it  is saddened
            it sits low
            in the Stillness now
            my precious voice
           I so long to find her
             taken weary
               by a wanton Thief

                     I wish
                    for to ask you
             sweet sound
          that you  own too
       inspired chords
        oh I wish to hear you
          bringing tears
           in a thorny crown

            as you  steal
         my aching heartbeat
         in longing pangs
            of envy wild
             jealous lust
            is steering spirits
         if a willing voice
       souls lost in  time

           do not take
        that Midnight train ride
          consumed by feined
               affections lost
               sing my heart
              releasing chest pain
               forming blood
           in an endless tide

        as I lay bleeding
       morning offers
       a chance for peace
      in  moonsoaked clouds
        the trees
          I can hear them
            softly whisper
             gently near
           wounded wings
        were just repaired

      I pray for rain
     and to show us how to
      be better as
        we drain this ink
            telluric beds
          already laid in
         the laying long
           let go of sin

          like the voice
           that I
           can't hear now
          it's not you
       that I'm afraid
       it is the sound
       of  endless Silence
         Paining ears
          in a deafening pound

            I hear
         it  calling
          a battle
                   a tragic end
                    voices silenced
                 war of ages
             left to die
           a hefty cost.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
I've never written something like this before I'm not going to say a lot about it..
It came out like a flood something that hasn't quite happened this way in a while as some of you might remember. So this beautiful gift that came to me feels like it's in Jeopardy of being stolen and I don't understand why. I wish people could learn to love one another and really just relax trying to force everything in life and just share enjoy the moment I wanted to write something angry but I rest my spirit with this. Thank you for all who have helped me find this beautiful sound
and hopefully this is just a passing visitor.
X - Cherie
 Sep 2016 SteffyWeffy
Melissa S
I am tired of always
go, going, going
and do, doing, doing
There needs to be Less Doing
and More Being

I move from one task to the next
to save up some small allotted time
For What?
More Tasks?
Not anymore
   Being Present
Being Loved
These are things that matter!!
I have started to learn that the most valuable
thing we as human's have is TIME
  I will be ****** if I will be spending
my time doing these stupid tasks.  
I will be spending my time
with the most important people to me
My son, My family and My friends
Time spent with them is all that matters
Who really cares if there are dishes in the sink
or if the front porch needs sweeping
Not me
Not now
Less Doing
More Being

That will be me from now on!!!
Eyelids protect us from the unknown , blocking evil aimed in our direction
Closed in the stormy night , saving our minds from unbridled possession
Turning our backs on what we refuse to understand
Safe in a familiar , sealed room yet curious about the other side
Abstract shape and color leading thought to temporary rest
Opening doors carved into our walls , praying for the best*.....
Copyright August 30 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Sep 2016 SteffyWeffy
Ramin Ara
In my room
There is a  sweet melody  
Of my fingers

I'm standing here

       In this doorway

   Halfway between where I have been
And where I will go

     *And I can't help but cry tears of joy.
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