In deciding what to have for tea
I let a few choices overwhelm me.
It started with Curiosity,
a subtle blend mixed with righteousness,
a little guilt, a pinch of sadness, and
perhaps most important desire.
The aroma filled my head,
as the tin lid slid to the counter.
But before it made its way into my cup,
I spied my jar of Anger.
As tempting as the frightening,
confusing, and fiery blend was;
I needed something a touch more satisfying.
So I pondered and wondered.
Glanced at Shame in its blue jar.
Regret crossed my mind,
a bitter brew indeed.
I heard a cough and turned to see
my apparent madness looking at me.
He made a face, wondrously bored
“I’ll take the mint melody.”
Prompted from a thought about how emotions can't be controlled like in the SyFy movie Alice. What would it be like to pick and choose your emotions like we do tea?